The Salt Mine

Feel we need this fam.

95.7 The Game is one of the most productive Salt Mines currently active. Load up your trucks.

ITT we also post salt from around the interwebz.


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Warriors fans are the biggest cry babies I have ever come across. They really forgot where they came from. They feel like everything is a conspiracy to end their precious dynasty.
Emotional fragility = cope. It's the theme of their entire team. We are so much tougher than them. People instinctively recoil from displays of weakness in sports. The fact that this rot has been allowed to fester in their culture is an indicator of their impending demise - and frankly that's on the coaches. Kerr seems to have lost the plot. So glad we have Downtown Commons Mike Brown.
I think the officiating has been pretty even. Lots of bad calls on both sides. Refs letting Curry and Poole spaz their way to the FT line more often than they should for sure but the Kings have had some iffy calls go their way as well.

One thing I respect about Klay is he doesn't play that way. He doesn't fall down after every 3 pointer and he doesn't just run around jumping into people to trick the refs.
I'm so tired of this at this point. I've watched this stupid play a million times. Maybe I'm a homer, but people are acting like Sabonis intentionally dove onto the floor to undercut green, held onto his leg with a death grip, and gave him one good punch up into his nuts for good measure. My god....there were body's flying everywhere. EVEN if you say Sabonis grabbed his leg with intent (which I would dispute, but whatever...) it only impacted Green's lift of his leg for a literal split second. Give Sabonis a tech? Fine, he got a tech but even that personally seemed a bit much to me (maybe that's my purple tinted glasses).

Now we are moving into some narrative that the Kings are some big bad physical team that's getting away with a mugging that the refs aren't calling. Get the **** out of here.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Everyone knows the league would absolutely hate having a Steph versus Lebron playoff series. Everyone!
League is dumb AF if they even try to get one last hurrah out of that. Silver has a ready made ratings bonanza for the next half of the decade if he lets the beam shine.

That's why I think he's such a bad president besides all the questionable business dealings and trying to pander to social justice movements while being laser focused on the almighty dollar, he just isn't pushing enough new stars. Stern was trying to sell us that Harold freakin Miner was Baby Jordan and that guys like Steve Francis and Steph Marbury were the future of the league. Eventually he did get KG, Kobe, AI, McGrady, Dirk, etc. but there were so many guys pumped up as saviors that were halfway decent and given a chance to shine but ultimately weren't the real deal and they weren't exclusively in LA, NY or Miami.

Makes you wonder if Golden State would have been allowed to achieve major market status under his watch since they were basically the Oakland losers until Lacob took over.
I think the officiating has been pretty even. Lots of bad calls on both sides. Refs letting Curry and Poole spaz their way to the FT line more often than they should for sure but the Kings have had some iffy calls go their way as well.

One thing I respect about Klay is he doesn't play that way. He doesn't fall down after every 3 pointer and he doesn't just run around jumping into people to trick the refs.
Klay has always been the Warrior that I’ve liked during this last decade or so. Really cool guy off the court and not a douchebag on it.
I'm so tired of this at this point. I've watched this stupid play a million times. Maybe I'm a homer, but people are acting like Sabonis intentionally dove onto the floor to undercut green, held onto his leg with a death grip, and gave him one good punch up into his nuts for good measure. My god....there were body's flying everywhere. EVEN if you say Sabonis grabbed his leg with intent (which I would dispute, but whatever...) it only impacted Green's lift of his leg for a literal split second. Give Sabonis a tech? Fine, he got a tech but even that personally seemed a bit much to me (maybe that's my purple tinted glasses).

Now we are moving into some narrative that the Kings are some big bad physical team that's getting away with a mugging that the refs aren't calling. Get the **** out of here.
The narrative shift adjust for the new reality they are facing is giving me whiplash.

Really? You can't remember what you were saying literally a week ago? They will literally say anything to justify their position. I get being a passionate sports fan - but man these W fans are making me really really dislike them. Not quite to Lakers level - but approaching fast.