The ones who are left


Super Moderator Emeritus
You're taking it way too seriously, hrdboild. He didn't "stick it" to you any more than he does anyone else. That's just part of S£im's charm...

No need to get your hackles up.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Yeah I just don't see what I did to deserve the ridicule. Basically I've read a lot of three different things: 'let's get Artest cause Indy doesn't want him' or 'let's get KG cause he's the man and Minny is tired of him' or 'Petrie is God, he'll do something brilliant'. Those are valid opinions, but they don't really require any effort or creativity. I guess I was just looking for some kind of recognition for actually doing a little research and coming up with a reasonable solution (maybe unrealistic, but certainly less so than Artest or KG).

Whatever. Next time I'll just keep it to myself.
(Oooh, I can't wait for the biting come back on this one.)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
hrdboild said:
Look, you disagree with me that's one thing. I just don't see why you need to 'stick it to me' as well. I'm just giving my opinion and responding to other people's criticism.

You think we need a superstar to win a championship. Fine. We should tank the season and hope for a lucky draft pick then.

I saw this team destroy Detroit not that long ago. Why? Because five guys passing and cutting and hitting open shots can't be defended. If you can stop the pick and role and defend the fast break, you can stop Phoenix. As for San Antonio, look at the guys on the team who are actually playing. I don't care about the rookies sitting at the end of their bench. Bowen and Barry are 34. They have three star players surrounded by role players. What do you know, exactly what we have. They win because they know how to play together. That's all. It's the same reason the USA Olympic team lost. I think if you get the right personnel together, they can win. Phoenix was terrible last year. They brought in Quentin Richardson and Steve Nash and suddenly they've got the best record in the league. We don't have to build from the ground up, you just have to find the right guys to complement what we already have. That's what I think anyway.
Our three main remaining players are soft and unathletic. A combo that has NEVER won in the NBA, and never will. They aren't even as good as Washington's trio, let alone the Spurs or Suns. We are deluding ourselves if we think our softy 2nd/3rd/4th options are anything but a shadow of the team we once were. The guys who made it all happen are all gone now. What we're left with is just a bunch of glorified roleplayers, limited to playing within our system and without even a single player amongst the league's elite.
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Mr. S£im Citrus said:
. For example, if we'd started last season with the roster we ended the season with, and Golden State had started the season with the roster that they ended the season with, then they would have been then only team from California to qualify for the playoffs. The Warriors, Jazz and Timberwolves are probably all one key acquisition/reasonably injury-free run from bumping us and the Grizzlies both out of the playoffs. The Kings are going to have to make way more than one key move to keep us in the thick of things.
If you're giving the Warriors, Jazz, and the Timberwolves one key acquisition/injury free run, then the Kings would have to be looked at the same way, especially the injury free part. And with that, I can't see them missing out on the playoffs.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Peja Stojakovic isn't amongst the league's elite? He was an MVP candidate last year. The second leading scorer. Ask people who the five best shooters in the world are and they'll always mention Stojakovic. Brad Miller is widely considered to be a top 5 center which is pretty elite. Mike Bibby has one of the best outside shots in the league at the PG position. He's a number two overall pick and a proven playoff force in years past. If you insist on calling the glass half empty, that's your business. But I think there's just as much reason for seeing it half full. It just depends which angle you look from.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
hrdboild said:
Look, you disagree with me that's one thing. I just don't see why you need to 'stick it to me' as well...
Look, I didn't "stick it to you." If anyone "stuck it" to you, it was Mad D; what I did was nothing more than give him a little affirmation.

hrdboild said:
... You think we need a superstar to win a championship. Fine. We should tank the season and hope for a lucky draft pick then...
Uhm, actually, you essentially said that the Heat were overrated because all they had were Wade, O'Neal and a bunch of roleplayers. I did not say that we needed a superstar to win a championship; I did not even speak as to whether or not that formula applies to the Kings. All I said was basically that the argument that you used against the Heat has not been historically proven in actual fact.

hrdboild said:
... I saw this team destroy Detroit not that long ago...
You saw who do what when?

hrdboild said:
... If you can stop the pick and role and defend the fast break, you can stop Phoenix...
The last time I checked, there are a whole two teams that can do that; and Sacramento is not one of them.

hrdboild said:
... As for San Antonio, look at the guys on the team who are actually playing. I don't care about the rookies sitting at the end of their bench. Bowen and Barry are 34.
Saying that the players that I named are sitting at the end of the bench implies that they haven't played in every playoff game this post-season; it's not like San Antonio's been blowing teams out, and they only get to play in garbage time. These guys have been playing, and they will get more playing time as they progress. Remember, if Devin Brown hadn't been injured, he'd be getting Brent Barry's minutes, and not the other way around.

hrdboild said:
They have three star players surrounded by role players. What do you know, exactly what we have. They win because they know how to play together.
Uhh... no. They have one superstar and two stars. Duncan + Ginobili + Parker =/= Bibby + Stojakovic + Miller, and if you think otherwise, you are misinformed.

hrdboild said:
... That's all. It's the same reason the USA Olympic team lost...
Are you saying that you think that the USA Men's Basketball team because they had too many roleplayers?
hrdboild said:
Peja Stojakovic isn't amongst the league's elite? He was an MVP candidate last year. The second leading scorer.
One of the best shooters, yes. One year as a canidate doesn't makes you elite.

hrdboild said:
Brad Miller is widely considered to be a top 5 center which is pretty elite.
How many good centers do we have in the league today?


Mr. S£im Citrus said:

Uhh... no. They have one superstar and two stars. Duncan + Ginobili + Parker =/= Bibby + Stojakovic + Miller, and if you think otherwise, you are misinformed.
That would be a fun three on three game.


if we're talking about elite three point shooters than yes, no other part of his game is elite.

well, maybe his ball handling skills. i saw him and "hotsauce" doing a little one on one battle the other night on the mixtape tour.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Look, I didn't "stick it to you." If anyone "stuck it" to you, it was Mad D; what I did was nothing more than give him a little affirmation.


Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Uhm, actually, you essentially said that the Heat were overrated because all they had were Wade, O'Neal and a bunch of roleplayers. I did not say that we needed a superstar to win a championship; I did not even speak as to whether or not that formula applies to the Kings. All I said was basically that the argument that you used against the Heat has not been historically proven in actual fact.
I didn't say overrated, I said beatable. By a team with 9 very good players who play as a team.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
You saw who do what when?
Here's the boxscore. I don't get to watch many Kings games anymore because I live in LA now, but I saw this one because it was on national television. Apparently you don't watch Kings basketball.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
The last time I checked, there are a whole two teams that can do that; and Sacramento is not one of them.
And never can be for the end of all time because they 'suck' too much right?
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Saying that the players that I named are sitting at the end of the bench implies that they haven't played in every playoff game this post-season; it's not like San Antonio's been blowing teams out, and they only get to play in garbage time. These guys have been playing, and they will get more playing time as they progress. Remember, if Devin Brown hadn't been injured, he'd be getting Brent Barry's minutes, and not the other way around.

Well they still don't have anyone averaging more than 10 points for them who isn't Duncan, Parker, Ginobli, or an over the hill role-player. And of the guys you mentioned, only Devin Brown averaged more than 15 minutes a game for them.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Uhh... no. They have one superstar and two stars. Duncan + Ginobili + Parker =/= Bibby + Stojakovic + Miller, and if you think otherwise, you are misinformed.
I'm not sure what exactly =/= is supposed to mean, but assuming it means greater than, I don't see that as an accepted fact. Duncan is a superstar, granted. But Parker is not better than Bibby. And Ginobli is not better than Stojakovic. Maybe if you add them all up San Antonio comes out ahead due to the talent of Duncan but I don't think it's as hugely one-sided as you imply it to be.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Are you saying that you think that the USA Men's Basketball team [lost] because they had too many roleplayers? --[my addition]

I'm saying they lost to teams with a lot less individual talent because those other teams knew how to play together. And by extension, I'm saying the same can happen in the NBA if you collect a group of players who enhance each other's abilities and cover up each other's weaknesses.
Mad D said:
One of the best shooters, yes. One year as a canidate doesn't makes you elite.
It doesn't make you elite perhaps, but if you are an elite shooter (top 5 in the world is pretty much the definition of elite) and furthermore you've spent a full NBA season as the number two scorer in the league and the leading scorer on a team with one of the two best records in the league (which was true until the Webber return and the Miller injury), well then I think in that case you at least deserve consideration as an elite player. It's arguable yes, but not unheard of.
Mad D said:
How many good centers do we have in the league today?
Not very many. They're rare - like gold. Or platinum. And we have one of them.
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hrdboild said:

Here's the boxscore. I don't get to watch many Kings games anymore because I live in LA now, but I saw this one because it was on national television. Apparently you don't watch Kings basketball.
League Pass. I'm in Long Beach, no excuses.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wasn't making an excuse. I was saying I live in LA (and I don't even have cable by the way so I'm not paying some ridiculous sum for league pass) and still I was able to witness this miraculous trouncing of the league champs which Slim apparently doesn't believe ever happened. And without Miller no less!
Brads good. Mikes good. Pejas good. None of them is Elite, I'd say all three are gold but not platinum. This thread is getting out of control.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
hrdboild said:
I wasn't making an excuse. I was saying I live in LA (and I don't even have cable by the way so I'm not paying some ridiculous sum for league pass) and still I was able to witness this miraculous trouncing of the league champs which Slim apparently doesn't believe ever happened. And without Miller no less!
yes, and I suspose you happened to miss the rematch where they trounced us in return?

Detroit was clearly exhuasted in that first game. Didn't even look like themselves. It was a good win, but its symptomatic of what we do around here that we pick a game here and a game ther and say "look, we're great" without stopping to consider that the occasional good game is every bit a part of the normal curve as the occasional loss to New Orleans is. The truth of the matter, the peak of the curve, is as a middling borderline playoff team full of soft, undersized, unathletic players who would kick *** in a game of horse but fare far worse when matched up with actual world class athletes.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wasn't using that to prove we're better than Detroit. I was just saying that five players passing the ball well can beat anyone. And I know that's true because I've seen it happen. So that's why I think you can build a championship team around the guys we have now by adding guys who can pass and shoot and play defense. You guys seem hellbent on taking the pessimistic view about everything. Do you even believe it's possible for the Kings to field a competitive team next year? Because based on your comments it seems like you've already given them up for the lotto.


hrdboild said:
. So that's why I think you can build a championship team around the guys we have now by adding guys who can pass and shoot and play defense.
Most people will agree with you that the game of basketball is about passing, shooting, and playing defense.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
hrdboild said:
I didn't say overrated, I said beatable. By a team with 9 very good players who play as a team.
You say that as if there are a lot of those hanging around.

hrdboild said:
... Here's the boxscore. I don't get to watch many Kings games anymore because I live in LA now, but I saw this one because it was on national television. Apparently you don't watch Kings basketball...
Apparently I've been deployed to the Gulf since January. I watched all eighty-two games last season, and the first twenty-five games this season. I probably watch more basketball in general, and more Kings basketball in particular, than most people... when I'm actually on land.

hrdboild said:
... And never can be for the end of all time because they 'suck' too much right?
I'm sure that it'll happen some time between now and the "end of all time," but without a major personnel overhaul, it won't be happening any time soon.

hrdboild said:
... Well they still don't have anyone averaging more than 10 points for them who isn't Duncan, Parker, Ginobli, or an over the hill role-player. And of the guys you mentioned, only Devin Brown averaged more than 15 minutes a game for them...
The point, as I stated before, is that the Spurs aren't built around their older players; there are literally dozens of players in the league that can do what their old guys do, and when they are no longer able to contribute, the Spurs will go out and acquire them; and they'll be just as good as they are now.

hrdboild said:
... I'm not sure what exactly =/= is supposed to mean...
As I stated in another thread, =/= is the closest that I can approximate the mathematical symbol which means "is not equal to."

hrdboild said:
... but assuming it means greater than, I don't see that as an accepted fact.
That's your prerogative... but it is. In fact, not only is Duncan + Ginobili + Parker > Bibby + Stojakovic + Miller, but Duncan is better than any two of those three by himself.


Hall of Famer
i have came to the conclusion that one of our "CORE" players will not be with us next season. I doubt it will be Bibby but Peja and Miller i feel are up for grabs. Peja has the best market valus being as his contract isn't that big. I look for Peja to be grouped with at least 1 of the newcomers maybe 2 to bring in some nice talent. Maybe Peja, Kt, and Corlis for KG.
Look I thought the idea was to "re-build" around Bibby, Peja, and Miller??? Losing Songaila, Mobley, Webber, etc. seems to fit with this idea. Nothing that has happened already is something Petrie wasn't already prepared for I do believe.
VF21 said:
I so do NOT want to suck again. Being a fan of a team that sucks... well, sucks.
How true! It would hurt even more knowing how the Kings were one of the main teams that really helped the entire game of basketball recover after that last lockout with their exciting play.

I have been a fan of the Warriors for that last couple of years knowing that the only fun times came when they would upset someone like the Lakers. I don't want the Kings to turn into that kind of franchise.

To be honest though. I may have more confidence in Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic, and Brad Miller than others, but with those three coming back healthy, (if they aren't moved) I don't think this team will suck. Those are the kind of peices to build around.


Hall of Famer
SacTownKid said:
Look I thought the idea was to "re-build" around Bibby, Peja, and Miller??? Losing Songaila, Mobley, Webber, etc. seems to fit with this idea. Nothing that has happened already is something Petrie wasn't already prepared for I do believe.
I love those 3 guys but rebuilding around them is a bad idea they are all good #2 option guys on any team. But all 3 have great weaknesses we have to get that #1 guy in here even if it means giving up 1 or 2 of those 3.
Entity said:
I love those 3 guys but rebuilding around them is a bad idea they are all good #2 option guys on any team. But all 3 have great weaknesses we have to get that #1 guy in here even if it means giving up 1 or 2 of those 3.
Exactly what he said. Our so called "core" is not the core of a championship or even a good team, just a mediocre one. Drastic changes are gonna have to be made; we all love these guys(kinda), but winning in the near future, IMO, means saying bye-bye to at least 2 of them.
Wow. I have to say I disagree totally. I at least think Peja, Bibby, and Miller should be given the chance to get it done. I think the Sacramento Kings next season are going to surprise a lot of people, most of whom are Kings fans.

If the Kings go out and get some quality role players that will help in the areas this team needs help in I think they will contend.

Bottom line is I think we will know by the mid-season trade deadline what the future of the Kings will be. If the Kings are blowing it big time, I expect most everyone to be gone for expiring deals.


T[MaC] said:
Our so called "core" is not the core of a championship or even a good team, just a mediocre one. .

whoa.............what did you just say. just a mediocre one. please, show me the "good" cores. im not saying they are a "championship" core, but mediocre. please.
Mike, Peja and Brad

are experienced, skillful players who make a great core to build around. If we just tanked up on athletic 7 foot rookies and speedy energetic SG's, we could win 50 games with this core.

And if just one of the rookies surprised people, ten so would the Kings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
patrick204 said:
are experienced, skillful players who make a great core to build around. If we just tanked up on athletic 7 foot rookies and speedy energetic SG's, we could win 50 games with this core.

And if just one of the rookies surprised people, ten so would the Kings.
You're right, we could win 50 with this "core". And that's it. And whoopee. The only way we win MORE than 50 is by making these guys NOT the core -- by bringing in players as good or better than they are in different areas of the game. They are all second fiddles. Not really a core at all in some ways, but rather they THEMSELVES were already the players you SURROUNDED the old core with. Merely watching the old core bleed away doesn't suddenly make our peripheral players a "core". They are what they have always been. Limited system players made effective by the old true core. They basically excel at one thing -- shooting. Now you somehow find a way to rebuild the true core, these guys are a very good supporting cast (indeed limited shooters are classic supporting cast players). But they're not remotely an elite core in and of themselves.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SacTownKid said:
Wow. I have to say I disagree totally. I at least think Peja, Bibby, and Miller should be given the chance to get it done. I think the Sacramento Kings next season are going to surprise a lot of people, most of whom are Kings fans.

If the Kings go out and get some quality role players that will help in the areas this team needs help in I think they will contend.

Bottom line is I think we will know by the mid-season trade deadline what the future of the Kings will be. If the Kings are blowing it big time, I expect most everyone to be gone for expiring deals.
If Petrie has to make mid-season trades again, we are doomed. With the rare exception of a Rasheed Wallace type-trade, most deals go down well before the deadline. A cohesive team from the beginning is the best way to win a championship.

If the Kings are blowing it big time by mid-season next year, it means Petrie ISN'T the miracle worker we've thought he was. I don't necessarily expect a return to elite status in 2005-2006, but I certainly expect to see some of the key issues of this team resolved by the time they take the court in November.
Bricklayer said:
You're right, we could win 50 with this "core". And that's it. And whoopee. The only way we win MORE than 50 is by making these guys NOT the core -- by bringing in players as good or better than they are in different areas of the game. They are all second fiddles. Not really a core at all in some ways, but rather they THEMSELVES were already the players you SURROUNDED the old core with. Merely watching the old core bleed away doesn't suddenly make our peripheral players a "core". They are what they have always been. Limited system players made effective by the old true core. They basically excel at one thing -- shooting. Now you somehow find a way to rebuild the true core, these guys are a very good supporting cast (indeed limited shooters are classic supporting cast players). But they're not remotely an elite core in and of themselves.
I agree, but with some reservations. I think Bibby in 2002 and 2003 (our best years) was definitely part of the "core" as much as Divac and Christie. Peja arguably to a lesser degree as well, but Bibby's role in propelling us through the 2002 playoffs cannot be denied. Of course, most of this is moot since we lost superstar Webber in game 2 against Dallas in 2003. But I still think saying that Webber/Christie/Divac was our core that you're leaving a little bit out.

I think your reasoning is this:

Webber is the superstar.
Divac is the team sentimental leader and assist-maker, set up guy.
Christie the defensive stopper and set up guy.

But in the spring of 2002, all I remember hearing is that Bibby was THE MAN.

Now, you're right, we don't have a superstar, and don't have the defensive stopper, leader, or great passers. Bibby/Peja/Miller are shooters to begin with. I think Bibby could, if the system were set up to do so, become the man again. Miller could provide some hustle, as well as passing.

That leaves us with Peja, the pure shooter, who logically must net us the superstar/sentimental leader. I'm all for Paul Pierce.

Here's hoping that GP isn't blind to that.