The Kings and Freeagency:

Wow. Grant Napier is being incredibly annoying but dropping some heavy stuff.

Big name, non all-star. Could come this weekend .. 50-50 chance it happens.

Based on the 'this weekend' call .. makes me think it is by trade or amnesty. If it was a Free Agent what would the hold up be?

Yep, I'm thinking we owe whoever called RJ as a possibility a beer.
he doesn't really give any indication that someone is being shipped off in return (based on what you guys are reporting). That tells me no trade but free agent/someone just cut. someone we would like eliminates Arenas. Rip Hamilton? that doesn't really fit...
he doesn't really give any indication that someone is being shipped off in return (based on what you guys are reporting). That tells me no trade but free agent/someone just cut. someone we would like eliminates Arenas. Rip Hamilton? that doesn't really fit...
I don't think he'd let that cat out of the hat either, I still think its a trade...or perhaps he is a FA we sign, leading to a trade or two.
The roster would be too crowded if we didn't get rid of a couple/few people.


Hall of Famer
This doesn't rule out Samuel Dalembert, does it?
No, it doesn't but I am betting on a trade. The players involved should not be mentioned as it could create some very bad feelings with our players involved if the deal doesn't go through.


Hall of Famer
Grant just said he expects Reke to be the point this year, and split time there with Jimmer. Doubt he'd say that if we're bringing in a point tomorrow. Doubt it's Barea/Billups/Arenas.
Hmm, Grant's getting the fan base all lathered up...right before the head of VP Ticket Sales & Services is due to come on air to give out season tix info. Just the inner conspiracy theorist in me.


Hall of Famer
I swear Grant just hinted at it being a big guy. Said we're in talks with a player, who we wouldn't be afraid to offer good money too. Marc Gasol?


Hall of Famer
Grant just said Hayes is a bench player. Looking for clues here. Me thinks we're bringing in a big. has said Reke is the point, Hayes is a role player off the bench. Grant just said explicitly, it's not a pg.
Grant just said the mystery player isn't a guard... basically said it is a forward. "If you can get a player who is better than the one you have, why not do it?". So its either a SF or PF and that player is apparently better than John Salmons or Jason Thompson.....


Hall of Famer
Grant just said the mystery player isn't a guard... basically said it is a forward. "If you can get a player who is better than the one you have, why not do it?". So its either a SF or PF and that player is apparently better than John Salmons or Jason Thompson.....
and Hayes. he referred to Hayes as a bench/role player.

I'm getting excited again.
if he's hinting at it being a free agent, I really am beginning to wonder about AK47

That would be best case scenario and would make my week, but I wouldn't trust the FO to have that much foresight. He's the perfect fit here, and he'd be extra valuable with Dalembert leaving. I'm going to prepare for Turiaf so I'm not as pissed if it happens.