Thank you, Mike Bibby!!!

Of all your teammates that got traded from that wonderful team, I think that you leave playing better ball than any of them. Too bad your remaining years won't be with us. Thank you for everything that you've given Kings Fans. I salute you!


Even though I knew it was time, it still hurts. All of them....gone. What a great time it was, though! Bibby's clutch shot in Game 5, will always be remembered by me as one of the most deliriously happy and exciting moments I've ever had as a sports fan. Thank you, thank you and thank you again, Mike Bibby! :D

All good things do come to an end, if only to make way for new dreams. I hope you find new dreams in your future, Mike. The best to you and your family. :)
I hope you are directed to this site so you can truly see how much you meant to so many people. On behalf of myself, and my family (and our dog [Bibbs]), you will be missed... GOOD LUCK!!!
thank you MIKE BIBBY!!!!

I will never forget all the moments you've come through in the clutch for the kings and us fans.... ='(

and thank you for making the kings fun to watch during the period we were on too.

I'll miss you.... we all will....
Oh man,I was kind of hoping they will trade Ron,not Mike.So sad to see that the last guy from that great generation went out.
Thank you Mike, for everything. You will continue to be one of my favourite players, and my favourite outside of Sacramento. Although I think the timing of a trade is right, I'm extremely disappointed to see you leave. And not just because you were part of that team, but because you gave everything for this team while you were here and enjoyed every minute of it. You deserve a championship and I hope you get it. You'll be a great mentor to an exciting young team and I hope you enjoy your time there. I'll never forget all the memories. Mike, I really will miss you. Best of luck, all the way from Ireland!
Thanks Mike. The memories of the great Kings teams of the early 2000's will stay with me forever.
But so will the thoughts of you being an *** at Natomas Youth Baseball games withyour cell phone planted in your ear, wearing your Kings shorts, standing alone down the foulline with team dime "protecting" you from all those young players that just wanted you to be a little more cool and accessable.
Best of luck to you Mike will always be a KING in our hearts.
The memories & the excietment you brought on game day gave SacTown fans something to beleive in....I will miss you energy & your Heart!
Thanks and good luck Mike. The Glory Years were great and thanks for those memories.

Before you leave, you really need to shave your hair. The hair is stopping you from being the Mike we knew. Shave it off cause you’re better without it.
I have mixed feelings over Mike leaving. On one hand I am glad that he is going because his salary was too much for this team to have much of a future. Mike was not part of the future, as clutch as he is. He is part of our history and a big part of the best of our history. For that I will always be grateful. I am glad that he is going to an up and coming team that the future is now. His leadership and clutch shooting ability will help a young team. A new start will help him. His leaving will help us rebuild and regain our rightful place among the elite teams. I also wanted to say that I had come into contact with Mike in the last several months on a pretty regular basis and he has always been nothing but nice, polite and friendly to myself. I wish him nothing but the best for him and his family. Good luck Mike. You will always be a King.
I don't know of any other fanbase that gets as attached to players as Kings fans. When Bobby and Peja come to town, they get cheers. When Hedo and Gerald show up, they get some noise. Now, Mike will be back next week with the Hawks as they come into ARCO, so if you are at the game, please cheer. It's sad to see Mike go, even know I know it was best for the future of the team, but Mike leaves with all of his past accomplishments with him. He was the last player from the WCF team in 02, and when he goes, they go. Fans still want to hang on to those memories, so here's hoping Martin and co. can create new good ones for the fans next season.
It's like when CWebb was traded all over feelings that is....

What i want to say, VF21 captured with her opening post....

Thanks Mike Bibby.... To Me YOU will ALWAYS be a Sacramento KING!
Even though there were changes that had to be made, it's sad to see that I wont ever see Mike Bibby in a Kings uniform again. He has done so much for this franchise and is easily one of the most clutch Kings in franchise history. Thank you Mike, you had me at Game 6.
thanks bibby for the memories and all the clutch shots.i kept thinking that they were going to trade artest instead. it is sad to see him go
i am going to miss his funny walk he would do.well good luck in atlanta
Wow..never thought it would happen. My son is your biggest fan, last year he had to bury his hamster guessed it "Mike Bibby" ;) Now this. He has 4 different jersey's, joined your fan club and always talks about how great you are "which is tough being we're in SoCal" We are Kings fans first..but I have already gotten the request from my devoted 6th grade Bibby fan for an Atlanta jersey to show respect. lol....I wish we could be there Wed...we will be watching on TV somewhere. Thanks Mike for everything.. especially the below pictures. That was the greatest night of his young life. Flew up to Sac to see the Kings vs Orlando. Kings win, season career high 42 pts (at the time) AND stopped to sign as we waited in the freezing cold (as Peja and many others drove right by the 3 kids standing waiting for their idols) He will never forget that. I really believe folks will be surprised at how much you actually have left with some good talent around you. Don't sleep...Atlanta WILL make the playoffs with MB now!
Good luck!

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Oh man my computer was broken and I actually found out about this on ESPN but I have been wanting to come on here and say bye to Bibby. He was always one of my favorite Kings players(after Webber) and I definitely appreciate his contributions to the franchise. He did a lot of things for the Kings like hit clutch shots, play through injuries, be cool with the fans(like the story above), and he was the heart and soul of the team back when we were a contender IMO(Chris was the best player but Mike was the clutch guy and the heart of the team IMO). It sucks to see him go even though it sort of had to be done. I really appreciate what he's done for this team, I'm glad I was able to see him play in person, and I wish him nothing but the best in Atlanta. I hope he's playing in the playoffs this year though, atleast 1 of my favorite Kings will be in the playoffs this year.

Good luck to Mike and thanks for everything you've done.


Hall of Famer
I'm gonna hit up youtube for Bibby highlight vids and cry.

Good luck Bibby! Thanks for everything!

...And so the rebuild finally begins in earnest
My fav King since Chris Webber left it in 05! damn so many memories arise, he was the only player left from that marvelous Glory Team! now that's all gone, that's sad but anyway I wish him only best of luck in ATL, I'll be watching the hawks more from now

Thanks for all the fun! You have given me some of my all-time favorite Kings memories. You were always fun to watch play live and on TV.

Good luck with the rest of your career; may success follow you.
Thanks for all the memries

Thank you for all the wonderfull highlights the end of the final five starters that i have enjoyed for along time Thank you Mike
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