SVG & Kings verbal agreement, with wiggle room...

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I understand you want to interview a few guys to have options but generally you know what a guy can do based on his prior experience. SVG is the most qualified for this job. A verbal agreement if it was even done is worthless, if the Kings really want SVG they need to offer a contract and make it public. They better do it today or tomorrow as well because if they don't the Magic will...count on it.
I hate to respond to one of my own posts but I have to make a point. I know that we weren't shown what was going on behind the scenes and that we like to keep things quiet around here but it seems the Magic had no problems with making their offer public...because that's how things get done, they showed that they were serious.

It just sucks, I remember talking with my dad the day after SVG "left" Miami and we said how it would be a dream if he would someday be the Kings coach, half joking because we figured there was no chance whatsoever of that happening. Well, it was days or even hours away from happening and we let one get away. He will be great in Orlando and the Kings will be sorry that they didn't make him an offer (or real offer), mark my words.

Anyway, that's the last rant about this you'll hear from me. It's time to focus on Rambis and Porter, I seriously doubt Brooks has a shot. I would probably go Rambis because of his short but successful head coaching experience and even more because of his extensive assistant coaching experience. For some reason I just don't feel Porter will ever be more than a 1-2 year stopgap for a few teams.
I'm in a rather unique vantage point here -- lifelong Kings fan, going back 30+ years.

But I actually played for SVG one year, in college, a long time ago and then had the rare opportunity to cover his teams in the NBA, as a media guy, from time to time.

I'd love to see him go to Sacramento because he would be ideal for "growing and nuturing" the Kings back into a force with the Western Conference. He did it in Miami when Riley left at 0-7 a few years back. SVG willed the Heat back to .500.
And I hope the Kings get back to the days of 55 wins real soon!
Agreed, I couldn't say it better and welcome to Kingsfans, even though you've been a Kings fan longer than I've been alive :), and if you really did play for SVG that is awesome too.
So we might have to compensate the Heat with a draft pick!? Screw that. If Van Gundy is cool with being 2nd choice with the Magic then cool by me, I still believe there is more to this Kings coaching search and don't by that verbal agreement crap. Very un-Petrie like if that's what went down.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So we might have to compensate the Heat with a draft pick!? Screw that. If Van Gundy is cool with being 2nd choice with the Magic then cool by me, I still believe there is more to this Kings coaching search and don't by that verbal agreement crap. Very un-Petrie like if that's what went down.

Petrie isn't making the final call on the coach. Just presenting the Maloofs with the top prescreened candidates.

And I don't think Sacramento would have to provide any draft picks -- Riley had said that Stan could go out and interview wiht whoever he wanted to, he was alsmost hired in Indiana etc., and there was never a peep about any of that until the Orlando job came up. So I am thinking that the whole draft pick thing was brought up only when it looked like he might go to the instate rival. Still pretty bush league -- hell we were rumored to be interviewing both Brian Shaw and Kurt Rambis off the Lakers without anything of that sort involved. But potentially a GOOD thing for us, might be our best shot at him if Miami tries to chase Orlando away and leaves him for us.
So we might have to compensate the Heat with a draft pick!?
No, what the press were reporting is that was what Miami wanted if SVG was going to play for a competitor in their division. Nothing about what (if anything) they'd want to let him play for us.

If anything, it seems like Miami is helping us out.
No, what the press were reporting is that was what Miami wanted if SVG was going to play for a competitor in their division. Nothing about what (if anything) they'd want to let him play for us.

If anything, it seems like Miami is helping us out.
It's our last hope really, although I would guess Orlando would be willing to part with a second rounder for him, I believe they have a couple extra picks. If Miami demands a first rounder Orlando probably won't do it. The situation kinda sucks for SVG but I'm a Kings fan first and if that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
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The rumors are flying and the thread is interesting. In all the years we have been fans, we have never known about ANY deal between Petrie and anyone else until after the fact and that doesn't seem to be changing. I like it this way and can't wait until tomorrow when, hopefully, we will know where SVG will be coaching! Annie.


It's our last hope really, although I would guess Orlando would be willing to part with a second rounder for him, I believe they have a couple extra picks. If Miami demands a first rounder Orlando probably won't do it. The situation kinds sucks for SVG but I'm a Kings fan first and if that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
would it would be nice to have a good young team already along wit a couple of draft picks
Riley will let SVG go to us for nothing. If Orlando wants him it will cost a first round pick, they are in the same division and Miami won't let him go to a rival for nothing.
Stan Van Gundy gave us his word to coach, plus Orlando wanted him as a second option, hopefully he chooses pride over Orlando
You know, I'd love to think he'd want to pick us, but if me and my family already lived in Florida and I had Dwight Howard staring at me from the roster sheet, I'd be hard pressed not to pick Orlando.
You know, I'd love to think he'd want to pick us, but if me and my family already lived in Florida and I had Dwight Howard staring at me from the roster sheet, I'd be hard pressed not to pick Orlando.
Very big points. But that compensation could be deadly from the Heat. And he's technically a "local" to the area here as well, and something tells me the Maloof's might be prepared to match anything he could get from ORL, no matter how desperate they may be to cover this thing up and move on....
Unfortunately as usual for the Kings there is another wrinkle in the whole compensation plan from the Heat. I doubt Orlando would part with a first round pick, but a second rounder should be no problem especially considering they have three of them this year and none of them are all that good anyway. So unless the Heat ask for a future first rounder the Magic should have no problem accommodating them.
Some people prefer a challenge, rather than having it all together and just putting the finishing touches on it. Imagine if he wins with us. He could have the sense of pride knowing he took us from crap to gold. Of course I would like Howard, cap space, and sunny Florida as well. When Barry Switzer won in Dallas, the presumed thought was he won with Jimmy Johnson's players. Jimmy had crap and turned it into gold.
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We're screwed...SVG aint coming here. My money is now on freaking Kurt Rambis...who ISNT my choice for coach...but what the hell do I know, I'm just a member of this forum board who's never been a GM of a basketball team.
And thank you for the welcome.

Agreed, I couldn't say it better and welcome to Kingsfans, even though you've been a Kings fan longer than I've been alive :), and if you really did play for SVG that is awesome too.
I've lurked, reading the posts every so often, but finally felt compelled to register after watching SVG's crazy day today.

That's so weak what Miami is doing. Looks like Orlando will be the place for SVG. I can't speak for many of you out there but I've been in situations where I've not always been the first choice for a job. Sometimes, the "first choice" is under contract with a competitor for too long or makes too much money. Even if you're the second choice, you take the job and show them why you belong. I think, in the NBA, it doesn't matter if you were the first or second choice. If you've got the job in the NBA...then your record speaks for itself, whether you go 24-58 or 55-27. You are what your record says -- it's the beauty of sports.

Like I said earlier, SVG is a good man who understands the craziness of the business. And, Brinzotti, I did play for a year under him -- I was non-scholarship, scout-team small-forward (appeared in 2 whole games, no points but I landed the "weak-side defensive rebound of my life"!). Yet through the endless "suicide drills" (we usually missed a lot of free throws at the end of practice), I was able to endure his methods. Great teacher.

I'll continue to lurk and, hopefully, the Kings will land a stellar coach. Too late to call up Gary St. Jean? :) Wait a second, the Jazz overachieved. Now that Gregg Lukenbill has had his paws off the franchise for years, maybe Phil Johnson will come back for a fourth stint with the Kings' franchise!
Hardly. None of this classic Kings fans "he doesn't love us so he can go to hell" pouting stuff. Of course he doesn't love us. Nobody loves us, or should, in our current state. We just happen to have one of the few spots open out there for guys looking to be an NBA coach. Just so happens this particular guy has options. But there's a reason for that -- he has the best resume. And you don't drop kick that because you are feeling rejected. If he ends up here, no matter how it works, he will coach his *** off ot amke the best of it. All that matters.
I never said "If he's not with us then go to hell," I just meant that if we're not a 1st consideration let's just move on. If he takes the Orlando job then good for him. I won't feel rejected if he doesn't come here. He's a good candidate, but I'm not sold on him as some coaching savior. The actual team makes no sense, so I'm hoping that any coach who does come in can rally all of these mis-matched pieces.


i will admit, as immature as it may sound. the only reason I wanted Stan the Man Gundy to coach the Kings is because of two things. He's white, and He's fat. this has nothing to do with race, or weight for that matter. just looking back at some of the most successful coaches who were fat and white, i.e Rick Adelman, Gregg Popovich, Don Nelson, now look at someone who is white, but not fat. I.e Eric Musselman. I insist someone do a study on this topic.
i will admit, as immature as it may sound. the only reason I wanted Stan the Man Gundy to coach the Kings is because of two things. He's white, and He's fat. this has nothing to do with race, or weight for that matter. just looking back at some of the most successful coaches who were fat and white, i.e Rick Adelman, Gregg Popovich, Don Nelson, now look at someone who is white, but not fat. I.e Eric Musselman. I insist someone do a study on this topic.
Ummm, I get your point, but I'll do the study right now:

Jerry Sloan
Pat Riley
Jack Ramsay
Phil Jackson
Kevin Loughery
Rudy Tomjanovich

All thin white guys that won.

Chuck Daly
Red Auerbach
Rick Adelman
Tom Heinsohn
Don Nelson
Gregg Popovich

All slightly overweight white guys that won.

The verdict?

It doesn't make a flippin' bit of difference. But a nice distraction from what may be a depressing thread in the morning, though :D
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
As I understand many on-air explanations of the SVG situation (ESPN mostly), SVG merely has indicated verbally his interest in the Kings coaching position. The Kings have not offered the job to him, only that he has said to them he is interested. A verbal commitment from SVG is his personal input to the Kings. But no one has said anything has been offered to him much less commited to him.

Thats what I see and hear. Nothing more. Yet..........
Funny how all the buzz about Reggie Theus as potential NBA coach appears to have died on the vine rather quickly. The Bobcats interviewed him and then Petrie had him in for one face-to-face. I saw a few TV sound bites with Theus after his Kings interview which I think was down in LA. He was all about himself instead of the Kings with lines like, "it would be great to coach in the NBA, always my ultimate goal, I know I could do it by relating to the players as former player," etc. Basically, it was all about Reggie and nothing I heard about why he should have the job instead of anyone else.

My group of candidates for Kings head coach now seems terribly small but I only have three on my list - yikes!

1. Stan Van Gundy
2. Terry Porter
3. Scott Brooks
Funny how all the buzz about Reggie Theus as potential NBA coach appears to have died on the vine rather quickly. The Bobcats interviewed him and then Petrie had him in for one face-to-face. I saw a few TV sound bites with Theus after his Kings interview which I think was down in LA. He was all about himself instead of the Kings with lines like, "it would be great to coach in the NBA, always my ultimate goal, I know I could do it by relating to the players as former player," etc. Basically, it was all about Reggie and nothing I heard about why he should have the job instead of anyone else.

My group of candidates for Kings head coach now seems terribly small but I only have three on my list - yikes!

1. Stan Van Gundy
2. Terry Porter
3. Scott Brooks
I am in complete agreement of that list, and think that may be the order held by some in the front office as well....and frankly, I would have no problem with any of those three.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
My group of candidates for Kings head coach now seems terribly small but I only have three on my list - yikes!

1. Stan Van Gundy
2. Terry Porter
3. Scott Brooks
No need for the list to be so short. After you get past the first two, Brooks is at the same, or even a lesser level, as a guy like Rambis or Shaw. All just assistants looking for that break.

I would asume that Elston had no real shot from the beginning because of the tiff with the Maloofs, and he has apparently, and not surprisingly, been offered a chance to rejoin Rick down in Houston.

Porter has actually seemingly been acting a bit like Whiz, been politicking for a looksee for years now, but for whatever reason seems to be getting the cold shoulder. Do have to say if we were NOT interested in him, then this long stupidly drawn out process has actually been just that: stupid. And unecessary. You've had two months. No reason for it to take that long unless you've been dragging your feet waiting for guys to free up.

I'm not sure is Thibadeua or Person ever got a first interview. Sounds like not.

Not sure Iavaroni ever gave us a chance. Seemed to jump at the Memphis job...why one would jump at that job I have no idea.
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No need for the list to be so short. After you get past the first two, Brooks is at the same, or even a lesser level, as a guy like Rambis or Shaw. All just assistants looking for that break.

I would asume that Elston had no shot form the beginnign because of the tiff wiht the Maloofs, and he has apparently, adn not surprisingly, been offered a chacne to rejoin Rick down in Houston.

Porter has actually seemingly been acting a bit like Whiz, been politivcking for a looksee for years now, but for whatever reason seems to be getting the cold shoulder. Do have to say if we were NOT interested in him, then this long stupidly drawn out process has actually been just that: stupid. And unecessary. You've had two months. No reason for it to take that long unless you've been dragging your feet waiting for guys to free up.

I'm not sure is Thibadeua or Person ever got a first interview. Sounds like not.

Not sure Iavaroni ever gave us a chance. Seemed to jump at the Memphis job...why one would jump at that job I have no idea.
Thibodeau definitely got an interview, and Iavaroni never was considered due to what many felt was a close ideological similarity to EMuss.

And I don't blame the Kings for waiting a while. This sort of thing with SVG and Donovan is a black swan- an aberration no one could ever expect. We picked 8 candidates to interview, proceeded with two, and offered the job (allegedly) to one. That seems to be par for the business and working world, and we waited for the best candidates to become available. Had we jumped the gun, Cartwright, possibly Shaw and Rambis, and Thibodeau would not have been able to interview due to playoff delays. I, for one, am glad we considered all options and did our due dilligence here. Last time, I wish we would have interviewed a much higher number of people- this time, we may have it (hopefully) right.
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