You and I are on the same page. This is what we wanted, for the Maloofs to be willing to sell. At this point, the Maloofs are going to try and get the best deal possible, and to be honest, I can't blame them for that. Now is the time for Johnson and the buyers he susposedly has lined up, to step to the plate and engage in the negotiations. A local buyer has more financial leverage than a buyer in Seattle. He doesn't have to immediately pay off the arena loan. He doesn't have to pay a relocation fee. Whatever payment plan the Kings have with the league, will probably remain in place, and most importantly, he doesn't have to build an arena, as long as the arena deal is still in place.
Is Hansen going to pay the Maloofs $500 billion, pay the relocation fee, pay the 70 million owed to the city of sacramento, pay the susposed $100 mil owed to the league, and not ask the Maloofs to absorb any of that debt in the sale? If so, by the time he also pays for an arena, the total cost would approach 1 billion dollars. Thats a chunk of change even for a billionaire. If he is asking the Maloofs to take care of both loans, then a local buyer could actually offer less overall, with the Maloofs walking away with more out of the deal than the deal with Hansen, because both loans could be rolled over to the new owner. All the Maloofs have been paying on the city loan is the interest, which is why the principle hasn't gone down. Hell, the city could even renogiate a new loan to make it more palatable.