Indeed -- I can recall Kevin going for a lot of 30+ 5+ 5+ 5+ games before in his career.
And which of course is only argued in homerland. Wasn't even the point. Every good player is going to have great games occasionally. Kevin will have great games in the future. The point wasn't that he would NEVER do this again, but quite reaonably wondering whether he could do it EVERY night.
You can continue to try to take the air out of balloons whenever you want; I'll continue to be happy about the occasional good things I see.
When I read the comments last night, my impression was that it was being said that Kevin's performance was unusual and not likely to be repeated. This to me is akin to all the comments about Kevin when he first joined the team -
"He'll never be a real starter."
"He'll never make much of a difference."
"He may not even last long enough to see a second contract."
If being positive about this young man and his talent qualifies me for "homerland," so be it. I'm PROUD to be a resident. You could easily have rebutted my comments or pointed out my "errors" without the sarcasm.