Should we trade Peja Poll.

Should Petrie try to trade Peja before the deadline?

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This isn't really a thread for discussion, there are a lot of those already. Its a simple yes or no question. Should Geoff Petrie "Pursue" a deal to trade Peja to another team? Polls public so put your money(err.. your vote) where your mouth is(err... has been the past few weeks).
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It isn't so much of a yes or no, black or white answer.I'd trade anyone if it meant the team getting better. Plus, I don't like putting my name next to such a general, borderline absolute statement. So, long story short, can there be a "Depends on who" option


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, I can't answer this.

The topic shouldn't be, IMHO, should we trade Pedja.

If anything, it should be "Should Geoff Petrie do any more trades before the deadline?"

To me, ANY player on the Kings is tradeable IF the trade clearly makes us better. Should we trade ANY player? ONLY if the trade clearly makes us better. If Petrie finds a way to make the Kings better and it involves Pedja, so be it. If Petrie thinks the team WITH Pedja can get the job done and just needs more tweaking, a healthy Bobby Jackson, etc. that has my full support too.

Quite frankly, KP, I see this whole poll becoming another point of contention around here. As the first comment shows, the perception of people outside of Sacramento seems to be that Pedja doesn't even want to be here and that is simply not substantiated by any current information.
I really don't want Peja to be traded. He's just in a slump that he'll get out of eventually. I have too many good memories of the awesome stuff Peja does and I would hate to see him go.

I hope there are no major trades this year. Maybe something small in our bench or something.
I would do it, but it depends on the goods we get in return. The team seriously lacks rebounding and some offensive penetration moves. Last year I remember Peja wanting to penetrate and did so more often, this year it seems like he won't do it as much. Injury? Doesnt want to play here? Lazy? who knows.
ReinadelosReys said:
It isn't so much of a yes or no, black or white answer. You know, sometimes things are gray with pink pink poka-dots! :). I'd trade anyone if it meant the team getting better. Plus, I don't like putting my name next to such a general, borderline absolute statement. So, long story short, can there be a "Depends on who" option
lol, no! I see what you mean though, there is only a few days left and the question is really can we make a run with Peja or not? I think we all agree that none of us will be happy unless the Kings do some serious damage or win it all in the playoffs. So that being said is Peja so much of a problem that he should be singled out to be dealt before that postseason run? I'm not talking about the usual kind of trade thats just to good to pass up involving anybody, I'm saying is it a problem that needs to be addressed right now.
VF21 said:
Sorry, I can't answer this.

The topic shouldn't be, IMHO, should we trade Pedja.

If anything, it should be "Should Geoff Petrie do any more trades before the deadline?"

To me, ANY player on the Kings is tradeable IF the trade clearly makes us better. Should we trade ANY player? ONLY if the trade clearly makes us better. If Petrie finds a way to make the Kings better and it involves Pedja, so be it. If Petrie thinks the team WITH Pedja can get the job done and just needs more tweaking, a healthy Bobby Jackson, etc. that has my full support too.

Quite frankly, KP, I see this whole poll becoming another point of contention around here. As the first comment shows, the perception of people outside of Sacramento seems to be that Pedja doesn't even want to be here and that is simply not substantiated by any current information.
Ther has been plenty of "absolute" black and white talk on this board, and in the media these past few weeks. The poll addresses those comments.


Super Moderator Emeritus
KP - Mark my words. This is going to get contentious and the moment it does it will be closed.

Is Peja so much of a problem that he should be singled out to be dealt? I'm sorry but that is just not fair to Peja, to the team, to the fans, etc. AND it's not what you posted as the question for the poll. And, for the record, your poll doesn't address anything that hasn't already been talked about, speculated upon, etc. nearly to the point of blows at times.
i say no. we got cuttino, he's much better offensively than christie; meaning that other teams cant just focus on peja anymore. and cuttino has good defense as well. we'll need peja's shooting in the playoffs, he plays better when he's not the go to guy, he just plays off of webber bibby and now cuttino. what we really need is better interior movement on the defensive rebounding. theo ratliff or anyone that can get in there and block some shots. i love brad and chris, but they can barely get off the floor. brad has the vertical leap of a high school point gaurd.
Yes trade him!!!

Think about it, when has peja ever stepped up in the playoffs when it counts for this team. The year we lost to the lakers he was mia since game two vs. the mavericks and showed up lame duck in the final game vs. the lakers. The next year he had his chance to shine when webber went out, and if he was the star everyone talks about, how come he didn't shine? Last year when we went out vs the t-wolves his scoring average went down 10 points from the regular season in the playoffs. So all you people who keep wanting to send webber out of town, just think about how much he has done for us in the playoffs vs. your softy peja. C-Webb will always be the scapegoat, but atleast one thing is true, you can't say he doesn't give his all especially in the playoffs.
VF21 said:
KP - Mark my words. This is going to get contentious and the moment it does it will be closed.

Is Peja so much of a problem that he should be singled out to be dealt? I'm sorry but that is just not fair to Peja, to the team, to the fans, etc. AND it's not what you posted as the question for the poll.
This wasn't supposed to be a thread for discussion just a vote yes or no. There are plenty of people that believe Peja is slumping due to injury and that he will be fine. There are also plenty of people that think Peja is soft/doesn't want to be here and he should be traded. Just a few years ago even seeking to trade Peja would have been a ridicoulus notion. I'm not saying either side is right but pretending there are not people that want to let Peja be dealt for just about anything(bad eastern conference scrubs) at this point is kinda naive. By the way I predict if this thread does get closed it won't be the last in the next few days.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You cannot stop people from commenting in a thread. If you have any doubts as to what I was afraid would happen, please see post #11. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
VF21 said:
You cannot stop people from commenting in a thread. If you have any doubts as to what I was afraid would happen, please see post #11. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Ahh, just a Troll no Biggie. Anyway this discussion is interesting at least to me.
We all know the members who have been here awhile. Again the question is should he "pursue" or "try" to trade Peja nothing more... Not whether he should pull the trigger if a good deal comes along but whether or not he should be proactive not in making the move.
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True I may be a newbie to your board, but have been a kings fan all my life. I grew up in sacramento and have been watching them since 85 when I was ten. I currently am a teacher and reside in LA. The past 5 years have been difficult with the kings being so close, especially having to deal with it living out here. So I apologize if I did not follow the proper etquette of your thread. My emotions got the better of me and I still feel the same way. Simply put, yes trade him.
I myself, will not vote for this poll because it depends.

If we trade Peja and a scrappy player for Lamr Odom, I say go for it. BUT, if we get like Tim Thomas or somebody like that, dont do it. It all depends.

I dont know if we should trade him or not. Like VF21 said, if it makes the team better, go for it.
Bballkingsrock said:
I myself, will not vote for this poll because it depends.

If we trade Peja and a scrappy player for Lamr Odom, I say go for it. BUT, if we get like Tim Thomas or somebody like that, dont do it. It all depends.

I dont know if we should trade him or not. Like VF21 said, if it makes the team better, go for it.
Should we "pursue" a trade, you don't have to vote thats fine too.
Insomniacal Fan said:
Well, pursuing a trade before the deadline would be preferrable to pursuing a trade after the deadline.
But would it be preferable to pursuing one at all? Some people don't think we should persue a trade for Peja before the deadline (about 35 of them so far).
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IMO if hes not going to be happy in Sac anymore and have his heart in every single minute of a game then he needs to leave. There are a lot of people who would like to play for us and help us if he doesnt want to.
According to SacBee there is a strong sentiment within the Kings organization to trade Webber and not Peja. Dont know if this has already been posted, so my bad if it has.
Bibby_10 said:
According to SacBee there is a strong sentiment within the Kings organization to trade Webber and not Peja. Dont know if this has already been posted, so my bad if it has.
Yeah I read that to, the key to the statement being, "according to the sacramento bee."


Hall of Famer
Bibby_10 said:
According to SacBee there is a strong sentiment within the Kings organization to trade Webber and not Peja. Dont know if this has already been posted, so my bad if it has.
AV - nedd I say more.

Assuming that there is a chance for it to be remotelly true- GP would have to be magician just to make it look like is is not a give away. Salary & Injuries make it almost impossible. Also You would have to find another GM - dumb enough to risk it.
All this trade crap in the middle of the season doesn't make any sense to me. If you wanna make a big trade, do it in the offseason or the beginning of the new season. Taking apart a team and rebuilding in the middle of the season is ridiculous. A team needs time to gel with each other. Maybe if we kept a team together for a bit we'd have something going for us. The team we have now needs time to get into their flow, we just made the trade for Cuttino! Give them a chance before a wrong decision is made. This Peja and Bobby Jackson for Lamar Odom trade is CRAZY to me. I know Lamar Odom is a good player and all but we're talking about for PEJA AND BOBBY JACKSON? Are you kidding me??..I know Bobbys hurt and all right now but he's gonna heal and get better. Bobby has always been instant offense when he's out there. And how would Lamar Odom make us any better?..minus Peja and Bobby. That's sickening!
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
All this trade crap in the middle of the season doesn't make any sense to me. If you wanna make a big trade, do it in the offseason or the beginning of the new season. Taking apart a team and rebuilding in the middle of the season is ridiculous. A team needs time to gel with each other. Maybe if we kept a team together for a bit we'd have something going for us. The team we have now needs time to get into their flow, we just made the trade for Cuttino! Give them a chance before a wrong decision is made. This Peja and Bobby Jackson for Lamar Odom trade is CRAZY to me. I know Lamar Odom is a good player and all but we're talking about for PEJA AND BOBBY JACKSON? Are you kidding me??..I know Bobbys hurt and all right now but he's gonna heal and get better. Bobby has always been instant offense when he's out there. And how would Lamar Odom make us any better?..minus Peja and Bobby. That's sickening!
So you vote no?