Should we trade Peja Poll.

Should Petrie try to trade Peja before the deadline?

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Hall of Famer
As of this moment I am riding the Peja/Bobby for Odom bandwagon.

Sure we may be giving up a little to much, but this helps us.
-Peja doesn't want to be here.
-Bobby is an aging, injury plauged point guard who want to be a starter before his career is up.

-Odom is a good rebounder, a good defender, a low post presence, and with him our offense would be better, IMO. Now we have Bibby and Cat on the outside. Miller going midrange, Webber going middle/inside, and Odom banging around down low. Maybe not "better" but more spread out. And I like that idea.


I'm down with that.
SLAB said:

I'm down with that.
I think everything sounds decent with the proposed trade except for House as backup. It is true that he has played better than expected, but there is no question that the Kings suffer when he is on the court and Bibby is on the bench. I'm still one of those people still holding out hope that B-Jax will make a miraculous recovery and play well in the playoffs. Call me a dreamer but its a helluva lot better than relying on House in crunch time.
83 votes in and pretty interesting results. Even though a lot of you want Peja to be traded I'm pleasantly surprised at his support #'s too. I don't think anybody's right or wrong in their opinion at this point, the last part of the season and the playoffs will decide that. I'm not sure why some people were so scared of this poll, it was just a guage to see if people thought Peja needed to be dealt for the Kings to make a run. Many people have said absolutely yes to this question and many people have said absolutely no, I just put it to a vote. Again my point (as I described in the first post) was not whether Petrie should make a deal for Peja if a good one comes along, but whether he should "actively" seek to deal him before the deadline.(as opposed to after the season). I'm not sure why some people couldn't get the question or took offense to it, but oh well... a few more days and the speculation will be over... Thank God!!!
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Here you go. I'll weigh in.

The devil's in the details (nuance is everything, and only a few guys can help enought to make it worth it), but the problem is pretty clear.
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Bricklayer said:
Here you go. I'll weigh in.

The devil's in the details, but the problem is pretty clear.
Ooh Brick...I landed the Big Fish. At least you let your opinion be known, like I said both sides have some validity IMO. The results for this season have yet to be seen, but one way or another, I think they will be...
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
As an aside, public polls are inaccurate -- they gernerally aren't legit polls at all, but attempts to pressure one consistency or the other. Too contrarian for that -- hell, I've turned down sex because I felt I was being pressured into it.
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Bricklayer said:
As an aside, public polls are inaccurate -- they gernerally aren't legit polls at all, too contrarian for that -- hell, I've turned down sex because I felt I was being pressured into it.
Whats funny is I've been told the same thing by others(Mods even) about private polls too. They said it makes people less accountable if it's private and you'll get a lot of trolls. But hey you can definately see some intelligent long standing members on both sides of this one. I also thought making it public would get less responses but its counting up faster than my Webber one from a few weeks ago (which was private). I'm not even going to comment on the turning down sex take.
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6th said:
Ha! I have not voted in either poll...and I'm not gonna. :p
No opinion huh
? Just kidding, not voting is actually a pretty admirable stance considering some of the posts I've seen the last few weeks.
Bricklayer said:
As an aside, public polls are inaccurate -- they gernerally aren't legit polls at all, but attempts to pressure one consistency or the other. Too contrarian for that -- hell, I've turned down sex because I felt I was being pressured into it.
No, you didn't, but this being a public forum you feel like that is a righ tthing to say. ;)
I'm not big on peja but i wouldn't trade him based on his performance of the last few weeks. He's been dealing with severe(sp) pain and trying to play through it(something he should be applauded for). I'd feel hypocritical saying trade peja for that, when I felt people were being unfair for doing that to webber last year(who's been having a great year considering the surgery he had).
100 votes in. Hmm... Talk about a polorizing issue. Poll's split pretty much right down the middle. Very interesting results so far.


Hall of Famer
I was all for shaking up the roster a little because some of us hate to admit it we weren't headed in the right direction. So the Christie/Mobley trade came about and i thought that would be enough. It seems we still have to address our rebounding. We have already raised the bar on offense with Mobley so we can afford to lose 8 to 10 points if need be. But we have to get rebounding. Peja is basically not hardcore enough to battle for rebounds, He has his moments but we need consistancy. before the season started i was looking at Artest, AK, Odom, and Pierce. Yes it was in that order. The first would have been awesom and certainly a favorite for a championship but it didn't happen and Now i don't know if anybody wants Artest but me. AK is a stat machine. He may get 9 blocks and 8 steals with 14 rebounds and 12 points. Or he may get 20 points 10 rebounds with 4 or 5 assist and still have 2 or 3 steals and blocks. Odom can score more that AK and has better rebounding abilites but not the defense. Pierce eh.

Face it KingsFans some major sould seraching has to go on for us to win a championshipt with this team right now. We just don't have the toughness right now. I hope it comes with this unit but, If a trade is what is needed i am all for it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Entity - WHAT good would it do to trade for Artest now when he cannot play until next year?

If you're talking about breaking up the team after the year is over, then it might be worth revisiting the Artest subject although it makes me want to scream. If you're talking about getting someone NOW to get us to that next level BEFORE the playoffs, then you cannot be talking about Artest.

What people aren't realizing IMHO is that it takes a while for a team to adjust to a new starting player. Cuttino had only one practice with this team since his arrival and NONE with ALL of the other starters. That's huge. Peja is able to get rebounds. I've seen him do it. Hopefully, if he's healed physically he'll go after more of them. Yes, we do have some areas we definitely need to focus on but I do not think we're out of the picture quite yet.

Having said all that, I still trust Geoff Petrie to make the right decisions. It's in his hands.

62 hours, 52 minutes and counting...
VF21 said:
66 hours 30 minutes ... and counting.
Just think, VF, if they come out and slap the Hawks around a bit tomorrow night (which, I believe they will 'cause they've never lost when I was at a game), the trade talks may slow down before the deadline even gets here.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
GoGoGadget said:
Just think, VF, if they come out and slap the Hawks around a bit tomorrow night (which, I believe they will 'cause they've never lost when I was at a game), the trade talks may slow down before the deadline even gets here.

Nothing like slapping around a 10-41 team to prove your championship mettle, eh? ;)
GoGoGadget said:
Just think, VF, if they come out and slap the Hawks around a bit tomorrow night (which, I believe they will 'cause they've never lost when I was at a game), the trade talks may slow down before the deadline even gets here.

Dont jinx yourself there, because if they lose tomorrow night, i dont think this board have the bandwidth to support the aftermath
Bricklayer said:
Nothing like slapping around a 10-41 team to prove your championship mettle, eh? ;)
Nothing like getting a much needed blowout either to boost your confidence going into the second half of the season, even if it is the lowly Hawks. :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
KingKong said:
Nothing like getting a much needed blowout either to boost your confidence going into the second half of the season, even if it is the lowly Hawks. :)
Ah yes, I certainly agree there -- we obviously need this one in the worst way no matter what does or does not happen otherwise.

Now as far as changing any trade scenarios...well... ;)
Bricklayer said:
Now as far as changing any trade scenarios...well... ;)
I'm just trying to be positive.

I realize that the trade rumors will probably continue even after the trade deadline. However, I'd like to think that they can stop.

Its getting dangerous to come in here.

Some of the inane ramblings that I've seen here the last few days have almost driven me to repeatedly bang my head on the desk -- both out of frustration and a belief that I would understand them better if I dislodged a few IQ points.
Abraham Lincoln said:
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
I believe that the right thing to do is let GP decide who should be traded or not and me, personally, I will support any player that wears the Kings uniform as long as they wear it. We should not trade anyone an try to win it all with who we got (unless GP decides otherwise). Any Kings player is a Kings player and has my support 100%.


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
...have almost driven me to repeatedly bang my head on the desk -- both out of frustration and a belief that I would understand them better if I dislodged a few IQ points.
You'd have to dislodge quite a few IQ points, and you'd probably pass out with a major concussion first.


Kind of hard to say. The main reason why he's not doing good this year aside from injuries is that Webber is getting the ball a lot more. We've seen what he can do with his near MVP performance last season.

The only problem is, who do you give him to? Jazz? Him and Kirilenko will be lethal. Pacers? We'd be giving them an ideal replacement for Miller.