Seriously? Celtics @ Kings

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Just tune in at the beginning of the 2nd half and seriously??

Please guys show just a tiny but of effort...

Brad lays a huge illegal screen on ray allen, KG sends a message back and Brad doesn't know why, get's T'd up. WOW.

The Celtics are great. We suck. The whole world knows. BUT --->>>This is just embarassing.:eek:
You know when it is really bad when the home crowd cheers for the road team.....damn we suck. I want my money back from league pass!!!
It's garbage time and Mikki Moore isn't in the game? Dang.. Wonder why... Oh yah, Natt thinks he's a key to the teams success.. I hate you Kenny Natt :rolleyes:


Homer Fan Since 1985
Per Mr. Slim...

"Pruitt and O'Bryant are the thirteenth and fourteenth men in a ten-man rotation. They get so little playing time, they spend most games in a glass case: In case of beatdown, break open glass."

Now there's a quote for ya. :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
This team makes my eyes bleed. Something has to be done this is just awful!!!!!
You crack me up - and I don't just mean you specifically. I'm only using your comment as an example.


You guys all wanted to rebuild. You were fine with us stinking up the joint on a regular basis as long as it went towards a good draft pick. Remember "lins" and "wosses"?

You got what you wished for. We honestly and truly suck. But hey, we're gonna get that good draft pick!

It's rebuilding. It ain't pretty and it's gonna get worse before it gets better. I've said it numerous times - it's not for the faint of heart. Think about how the Celtics fans felt just a couple of years ago before Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen came to town...

You (and I'm speaking in general terms) can rant and rave and pound your chests about how horrible the organization is, but it's not going to change anything. The Sacramento Kings of 2008-2009 are on track to have the worst record in the history of the franchise. If you accept that, you might be able to sleep at night. We'll get through it and, hopefully, you'll look back on this season and laugh about how silly it was to let it bother you so much.

Losing sucks. Rebuilding sucks. Those are irrefutable and undeniable facts of NBA life.
If we had started the kids from the start and lost by this much I'd be a lot happier than us playing Mikki retired Moore the whole 2nd quarter to be down 25 at the half.
People wanted Bibby gone, hes gone.

People wanted Artest gone, hes gone.

This is what happens when you lose players of that calibur, if we lose Salmons and Miller like most want its only going to get worse, simple as that.

Tonight sucked, it was hard to watch, it made me kind of sick, we dont have to be this bad, but crappy trades and bad coaching have hit us hard, so now we wait...


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Well some good news for the night I saw a laptop at the local best buy that costs around 1800$ for 950$ and snagged it immedietly...

There goes my textbook money..

Hopefully that makes you all feel better about this atrocious display of handball
VF your points are valid, BUT......

Wouldn't you rather watch the youngsters get beat by 40 and at least trying than have a bunch of half assed veterans out there that are playing like the do not want to be here? Why Natt wants the veterans out there showing us fans boring basketball is beyond me. Keep the youngans in and let them learn.
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