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Amanjoy said:
In an ideal world...that's what would happen!
just think about it...why would they screw the monarchs like that? they have a chance to win back to back championships and now they're just gonna swoop in and steal their coach? i dont think that makes a whole lotta sense:confused:
thesanityannex said:
It is their team, they will do as they please. We as fans may not agree, but we also have the choice to root for a different team.
Haven't you ever seen Eddie? When Wild Bill is going to sell the Knicks to St. Louis. Then at the end Eddie goes "You may own the team, but you don't own the KNICKS, you don't own the fans, you don't own the history."

Yes they own the team, but they don't own the Kings in a sense, they can't just do whatever they feel like doing with them. We as fans have a right to choose another team, but the Kings ARE Sacramento. They don't own what this team means to some people, they don't own the thousands of fans that come to see the team play, they don't own the thousands of people that


SacKings384 said:
Haven't you ever seen Eddie? When Wild Bill is going to sell the Knicks to St. Louis. Then at the end Eddie goes "You may own the team, but you don't own the KNICKS, you don't own the fans, you don't own the history."

Yes they own the team, but they don't own the Kings in a sense, they can't just do whatever they feel like doing with them. We as fans have a right to choose another team, but the Kings ARE Sacramento. They don't own what this team means to some people, they don't own the thousands of fans that come to see the team play, they don't own the thousands of people that
Of course they don't own the fans. But they own the team we are all a fan of. I get what you are saying, but, they can just do whatever they feel like doing with them. They payed for the team, they do what they please.
I think it's funny that on sportsline they are getting people's opinions on Coach Whis the last 2 days. A guy tried to call them on this being a bit staged for the Maloofs to get input. I don't neccessarily agree with that, but they said they hadn't spoke with the Maloofs since they came on the air about the Marty Mac article. I think they have some of this inside info themselves. Majority of the people are against it that have called about it.
Well, above and beyond the whole no NBA experience thing (which could be somewhat shielded/overcome by surrounding him with enough NBA experienced assistants) I think the move sucks from the level of showing exactly ZERO respect for that 'other' team they happen to own or their fan base, many of whom also happen to be Kings fans. They sure didn't mind whooping it up when they won the Title, nor do they appear to mind sporting that ring. I know that doesn't bother some of you because, after all, they are 'just women', but I think it's a move that could sour many on the Maloofs.
And I think it sucks because they lied.....again.
The kings are going Backwards,This isn't going to work at all,maybe in few years the Transition will start to make sense,But basically this move signals rebuilding from my perspective.
How long will it take the players to get aquainted with wiz,I mean we are talking about winning championships. How long will the chemistry take to build,Whiz has never been in any real Wars,Big time playoff basketball, up against mega coaches who have the mega mind games,Big egos,special treatment cases,You need baby bottles psychologically,82 game season,Real game preperation on a 110mph level.

Mike bibby doesn't play defense on a girl level like his WNBA guards. Brad miller doesn't post up and this is why the high post princeton sets favored his game. Ron wants to be the feature player, how will his feature mind state effect ball movement and team play. What about Bonzi,how will whiz deal with all the turnovers that bonzi may makes Will he stay with bonzi.Will he know what moves to make in dealing with this type of personality. How will whiz deal with bias officials who make obviuos bad calls and there is nothing you can do about it.

There are a million things to note.
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Kingsgurl said:
Well, above and beyond the whole no NBA experience thing (which could be somewhat shielded/overcome by surrounding him with enough NBA experienced assistants) I think the move sucks from the level of showing exactly ZERO respect for that 'other' team they happen to own or their fan base, many of whom also happen to be Kings fans. They sure didn't mind whooping it up when they won the Title, nor do they appear to mind sporting that ring. I know that doesn't bother some of you because, after all, they are 'just women', but I think it's a move that could sour many on the Maloofs.
And I think it sucks because they lied.....again.
I completely agree...
No offense to Monarch's fans (or WNBA fans in general), but the Maloofs are taking this WNBA championship thing WAY too seriously...there is a difference between the NBA and every other kind of basketball, whether it be WNBA, NCAA or "And1".
Just plain confused.....

On one hand I'm hearing that they've already decided to hire Whisenant, yet the other has it that he hasn't even talked to the Maloofs about the job especially with matters such as this going on...

Whisenant has concerns far more vital than the Kings' opening, as his 85-year-old mother is in intensive care in Muskogee, Okla.
Whisenant -- who said he spent the day discussing with his sisters whether to put his mother on life support -- has a plane reservation today to join her and will decide this morning whether to go.

Something is not quite right in this equation, either the Maloofs have officially lost all sense of rationality and have let the fan in them overrule what's best for the team or we're running with a bogus story. Either way I'm reserving judgement until something actually happens.
shaka zulu said:
How long will it take the players to get aquainted with wiz,I mean we are talking about winning championships. How long will the chemistry take to build,Whiz has never been in any real Wars,Big time playoff basketball, up against mega coaches who have the mega mind games,Big egos,special treatment cases,You need baby bottles psychologically,82 game season,Real game preperation on a 110mph level.

Mike bibby doesn't play defense on a girl level like his WNBA guards. Brad miller doesn't post up and this why the high post princeton sets favored his game. Ron wants to be the feature player, how will his feature mind state effect ball movement and team play. What about Bonzi,how will whiz deal with all the turnovers that bonzi may makes Will he stay with bonzi.Will he know what moves to make in dealing with this type of personality. How will whiz deal with bias officials who make obviuos bad calls and there is nothing you can do about it.

There are a million things to note.
Trust me, there are biased/incompetant officials in WNBA basketball too. And if Mike doesn't want to play defense, he will sit. Whiz WILL do that. He will also sit your behind if he thinks you aren't giving maximum effort. How the prima donnas react to it is another story entirely.
PixelPusher said:
No offense to Monarch's fans (or WNBA fans in general), but the Maloofs are taking this WNBA championship thing WAY too seriously...there is a difference between the NBA and every other kind of basketball, whether it be WNBA, NCAA or "And1".
No, they aren't. They obviously aren't taking a chance to repeat it seriously at all.
A WNBA championship is pretty serious business. They were the best in the league that they were in, World Champions, and both they and the city of Sacramento deserve to celebrate as much as they damn well want to...

If you live life not celebrating what you can because it isn't "good enough" you're going to have missed a great deal of parties.

/derail aside, I still don't like Whiz as the Kings' coach. Also, as I've said before, it's disrespectful to the Monarchs.
To clarify my point a little better, it seem the Maloofs are thinking "He won an WNBA championship, that means he can win an NBA championship for us too!"

...and that the faulty leap of logic that bothers me. Ask the Celtics how well hiring NCAA champ Rick Patino as their coach worked out. The NBA is a different game, thats why most NBA coaches are predominantly NBA guys (former NBA player or assisstant coaches).
PixelPusher said:
To clarify my point a little better, it seem the Maloofs are thinking "He won an WNBA championship, that means he can win an NBA championship for us too!"

...and that the faulty leap of logic that bothers me. Ask the Celtics how well hiring NCAA champ Rick Patino as their coach worked out. The NBA is a different game, thats why most NBA coaches are predominantly NBA guys (former NBA player or assisstant coaches).
That I agree with.
I think the Maloofs picked the wrong guy. The WNBA is nothing like the NBA and i think the Maloofs could be feeling good about themselves with how the trade for Artest worked out and now they are gambling on a coach with ZERO NBA experience. this is not what the Kings need.


Homer Fan Since 1985
If this happens like some sources are indicating then, if I were a Monarchs player, I'd be pissed off as hell.....especially if I were Yolanda Griffith. She has indicated that this will be her last year before retiring. She finally gets a WNBA championship to add to her many accolades of a storied and hard fought career. She is all about winning. To have her coach and GM yanked away as they begin their defense of a title....well, that just sucks.
Mike Montgomery may be on his way out after a 2 year stint with the Warriors. Reason? The players (particularly Baron Davis) lost respect for him and now Montgomery is scrambling to figure out the NBA culture.

Rick Pitino and John Calipari had constant run-ins with their players during their tenure in the NBA...only to return to the college level to coach. They couldn't handle all that baggage...

Lesson: You just can't bring someone at another level to the NBA...cuz the NBA is a totally different BEAST. RESPECT is everything. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it...take heed Joe and Gavin.

I may be wrong but it's hard pressed (at this moment) to imagine Wiz barking at Mike to guard Brent Barry against the corner 3 and hug him like a hawk. If Mike is not going to listen to Adelman with his 700+ wins, how is he going to listen to a coach with no NBA experience?
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Kings Fan said:
Lesson: You just can't bring someone at another level to the NBA...cuz the NBA is a totally different BEAST. RESPECT is everything.
just because the owners respect him doesnt automatically mean the players will. a coach like elie who has three rings will get there respect right off the bat because he's BEEN there, a guy who hasnt coached or played in the nba will have a VERY hard time gaining it...
I am still of the belief that it's not " who you know " but rather "what you know " that cut's the mustard. Whiz is a who you know type of coach i.e connections to Maloof's, connections to New Mexico, friend of the family etc. Ain't nothing wrong with networking and promoting yourself. But he is all about connections to the Maloof's. Comparing the WNBA to the NBA is a quantum leap type of jump imho.

But Mario Elle and all the other potential coaches are to me more of a " What you know" type of coach. They has been there and done that. They can add more to the mix and chemistry of a NBA team than someone who got there based on connections only.

Yes, I agree with the above about slapping the Monarchs in the face but hiring someone just because their your me is a bad business making decision.

Kingsgurl said:
Trust me, there are biased/incompetant officials in WNBA basketball too. And if Mike doesn't want to play defense, he will sit. Whiz WILL do that. He will also sit your behind if he thinks you aren't giving maximum effort. How the prima donnas react to it is another story entirely.
Sit him down and show mike he means business,show mike in his 8th season how it's done in the NBA. Mike is little prima donna himself,I really don't think they will take whis serious.Do we really think now the kings are more motivated at winning a championship than they were with adelman,Whiz all of sudden will command the respect from the players and push the Team to the NBA title next season. What about the opponents, what are they going to think coming into Arco arena with the kings being led by the WNBA coach.
If Whis is the coach, I'll give him a chance. I reserve judgement until I see the product on the floor. Call me a queens fan, I don't give a ****. He is either the right guy for the job, or not.

Disagree or not, I don't know if I can say he is more qualified or less qualified than anyone else or if they would be better or not. . If he's here I will welcome him, I would hope other Kings fans would as well.
I think if Coach Whiz can get Artest on board the other players will fall in line. Whiz won't have a problem with the X's and O's it will be with respect. If he can win over a couple of players and maybe just Artest I think he'll be fine.
Wow...I'm just wondering what kind of ride we can expect the rest of the summer with our team?? New Coach...Draft Day...Free Agency(July 1)...and what all this means to the Kings...?? Wow....just wow.....


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
zeke04 said:
I think if Coach Whiz can get Artest on board the other players will fall in line. Whiz won't have a problem with the X's and O's it will be with respect. If he can win over a couple of players and maybe just Artest I think he'll be fine.

Until the very first bump in the road, then he loses the team.

Unfortunately as *** kisser #1 to the Maloofs that may not exactly coincide with him losing his job. Be real nifty to see us tear apart the team to save face for the unqualified old man at the helm. Oh yeah -- forgot about that: John Whisenhart graduated college in 1966, which should make him roughly 62 or so. 4 years older than Rick. A mere three years younger than a "fossil" like Larry Brown. Difference is that those guys have been spending their dotage hammering around deep into the NBA playoffs while Whiz has been coaching his son's AAU team -- and being deluded enough to think that belongs on his resume.

Anybody who thinks that John Wisenhart, without a scrap of NBA experience, likely without ever having coached one NBA caliber player in his entire life (Arizona Western? AAU?? IBL??? WNBA????), is going to waltz into the NBA here and realize the championship dream over coaches that have won at far higher levels and know the league inside and out, is just deluding themselves.
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