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Padrino said:
better a coach that was an assistant on a bad team, an nba player, a defensive stalwart, a clutch shooter, and an nba champion, than somebody who has never even had a whiff of the nba experience.
So if we are just suppose to look at credentials - why even hold interviews?

Why do so many people distrust the Maloofs and Petrie so much? I mean, how do a small group idiots manage to turn-around a losing frnachise?
The jury is still out on the artest move, He still has the ingredients to becoming a Big problem, also adelman had alot to do with the artest situation running the way it did.


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kupman said:
So if we are just suppose to look at credentials - why even hold interviews?

Why do so many people distrust the Maloofs and Petrie so much? I mean, how do a small group idiots manage to turn-around a losing frnachise?

1. They didn't hire Geoff Petrie.

2. They didn't hire Rick Adelman.
I can't shake off the feeling that the Maloofs are really no more than a couple of zealous fans who happen to be rich enough to own an NBA team. :) And fans are the types that come up with great ideas like Doug Christie for head coach.

In reality, despite their jolly exterior, I figure the Maloofs are good businessmen and good judges of character. And I assume they lean heavily on Geoff for his opinion as well in these matters.... I hope anyways!
kupman said:
So if we are just suppose to look at credentials - why even hold interviews?

Why do so many people distrust the Maloofs and Petrie so much? I mean, how do a small group idiots manage to turn-around a losing frnachise?
no, you're missing the point. you look at the credentials and make a couple of phone calls to get your short list. in my honest and humble opinion, whisenant does not even belong on the sacramento kings short list for the head coaching position. based on credentials, the maloofs should be getting permission to talk to and holding interviews with:

mario elie
eric mussleman
pj carlesimo
stan van gundy
don nelson (i'd take nelson over whisenant in a heartbeat)

that, ladies and gentlemen, is your short list. these five are the most qualified to hold the position. they are the guys you interview, and you make your decision based both on their qualifications and what they say in said interviews. you do not bother to interview somebody who is not qualified, and john whisenant is not qualified, considering the competition. rather, he shouldn't be. the maloofs seem to have their "qualifications" screwed up. if 700+ wins is not a credential worth having, but being a personable friend of the family is, then we have a serious problem.
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but being a personable friend of the family is, then we have a serious problem.
That's a big part of it too... I've worked for companies where decisions about who to put in managerial positions were made based _largely_ on things like this (friendship, butt kissing, etc). In the end it almost always backfired.

Obviously someone _could_ conceivably be close to the Maloofs and a very very good coach capable of leading the Kings to a title, but at the same time it doesn't sit that well with me. :)
I agree and like Rome said if anything he should start out as an assistant not a head coach...I want Elie myself but I think he is in the conversation because he is a good friend of the Maloofs above all else.


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Padrino said:
no, you're missing the point. you look at the credentials and make a couple of phone calls to get your short list. in my honest and humble opinion, whisenant does not even belong on the sacramento kings short list for the head coaching position. based on credentials, the maloofs should be getting permission to talk to and holding interviews with:

mario elie
eric mussleman
pj carlesimo
stan van gundy
don nelson (i'd take nelson over whisenant in a heartbeat)

that, ladies and gentlemen, is your short list. these five are the most qualified to hold the position. they are the guys you interview, and you make your decision based both on their qualifications and what they say in said interviews. you do not bother to interview somebody who is not qualified, and john whisenant is not qualified, considering the competition. rather, he shouldn't be. the maloofs seem to have their "qualifications" screwed up. if 700+ wins is not a credential worth having, but being a personable friend of the family is, then we have a serious problem.
So if he had the exact same qualifications but had spent a year or two on a bench as an assistant coach you'd be OK with him? I guess I am having difficulty with the "he isn't qualified" discussion by a bunch of fans on a message board when one of the best GMs in the business and what are generally accepted as some of the best owners in the league are interviewing several candidates, one of which is personally known and respected for his talents and abilities by both. I'm sure that we know better than them if a candidate is qualified or suited to the job, right?

Now if Petrie resigns and says the coach is not up to snuff but was hired over his head, I'll agree. Until then, I believe that GP and the Maloofs want what is best for the team and would not make this choice lightly.

I still say that they know a lot more about the situation and process than we ever will. Let's trust their judgement. This isn't New York, after all. They have made generally good choices so far.
I think the problem many are having is that it seems that it wasn't a Petrie move, but a Maloof motivated move... Plus, yeah alot of people would be happier if he had SOME sort of NBA experience. Especially when you got a guy that

1.Has a relationship with the best player, a player that needs to have a good relationship with the coach.

2.NBA experience as a player

3.NBA Championship experience

4.Shown vocal leadership

5.2 years assistant coach in the nba!

Why pass that up?
Warhawk said:
So if he had the exact same qualifications but had spent a year or two on a bench as an assistant coach you'd be OK with him? I guess I am having difficulty with the "he isn't qualified" discussion by a bunch of fans on a message board when one of the best GMs in the business and what are generally accepted as some of the best owners in the league are interviewing several candidates, one of which is personally known and respected for his talents and abilities by both. I'm sure that we know better than them if a candidate is qualified or suited to the job, right?
Dude, you express my opinions better than I express them myself.
Warhawk said:
So if he had the exact same qualifications but had spent a year or two on a bench as an assistant coach you'd be OK with him? I guess I am having difficulty with the "he isn't qualified" discussion by a bunch of fans on a message board when one of the best GMs in the business and what are generally accepted as some of the best owners in the league are interviewing several candidates, one of which is personally known and respected for his talents and abilities by both. I'm sure that we know better than them if a candidate is qualified or suited to the job, right?

Now if Petrie resigns and says the coach is not up to snuff but was hired over his head, I'll agree. Until then, I believe that GP and the Maloofs want what is best for the team and would not make this choice lightly.

I still say that they know a lot more about the situation and process than we ever will. Let's trust their judgement. This isn't New York, after all. They have made generally good choices so far.
a couple of years as an assistant? i might be more inclined, but hardly sold. the reason i lean towards mario elie is because he spent 11 years as a player in the nba, bouncing around but contributing on championship teams along the way. he's familiar with the nba style of play, the trends of the league across the last decade, and the current mold of the nba and its players, not to mention he's had a prior relationship with ron artest, and is familiar with him as a person and player. if the nba weren't vastly different from the AAU, the IBA, the CBA, the NCAA, the NBDL, the WNBA, and every other league across time and space that you can dream up, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

however, the nba is much different then all of those leagues, several of which Whisenant has coached in. so whisenant got the monarchs to play a little defense and they won a title. that doesn't scream "qualified nba coach" to me. the wnba plays less than half the amount of games played in the nba. the style of play is different. the pace is different. the egos are different. the salaries are different. the politics are different. the wnba is still in its infant stages, having been established just 10 years ago, whereas the nba has been around--in some form or another--for about 60 years. having never been a part of the nba experience, john whisenant has a tremendously long ways to go to even scratch the surface of the qualification of, say, rick adelman. that said, i'd take mario elie's relative inexperience as an nba coach over john whisenant's absolute inexperience as an nba coach anyday.
Padrino said:
a couple of years as an assistant? i might be more inclined, but hardly sold. the reason i lean towards mario elie is because he spent 11 years as a player in the nba, bouncing around but contributing on championship teams along the way. he's familiar with the nba style of play, the trends of the league across the last decade, and the current mold of the nba and its players, not to mention he's had a prior relationship with ron artest, and is familiar with him as a person and player. if the nba weren't vastly different from the AAU, the IBA, the CBA, the NCAA, the NBDL, the WNBA, and every other league across time and space that you can dream up, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

however, the nba is much different then all of those leagues, several of which Whisenant has coached in. so whisenant got the monarchs to play a little defense and they won a title. that doesn't scream "qualified nba coach" to me. the wnba plays less than half the amount of games played in the nba. the style of play is different. the pace is different. the egos are different. the salaries are different. the politics are different. the wnba is still in its infant stages, having been established just 10 years ago, whereas the nba has been around--in some form or another--for about 60 years. having never been a part of the nba experience, john whisenant has a tremendously long ways to go to even scratch the surface of the qualification of, say, rick adelman. that said, i'd take mario elie's relative inexperience as an nba coach over john whisenant's absolute inexperience as an nba coach anyday.
Word up
Just because they're the owners of a basketball team and there has been good moves in the past doesn't mean anything. The Knicks WERE a great franchise, the Celtics WERE a great franchise. It only takes a couple of boneheaded moves to send these Kings back to a decade ago... Isiah Thomas is a GM, does that make him smarter than us? (obviously not) How about Danny Ainge? He's made a ton of questionable moves that made the fans cringe, and in the end they had good reason to. Just because they have a title does NOT mean that they know so much more. Usually when the masses feel something is a bad move, it ends up being a bad move.
SacKings384 said:
Just because they're the owners of a basketball team and there has been good moves in the past doesn't mean anything. The Knicks WERE a great franchise, the Celtics WERE a great franchise. It only takes a couple of boneheaded moves to send these Kings back to a decade ago... Isiah Thomas is a GM, does that make him smarter than us? (obviously not) How about Danny Ainge? He's made a ton of questionable moves that made the fans cringe, and in the end they had good reason to. Just because they have a title does NOT mean that they know so much more. Usually when the masses feel something is a bad move, it ends up being a bad move.
word up
SacKings384 said:
Just because they're the owners of a basketball team and there has been good moves in the past doesn't mean anything. The Knicks WERE a great franchise, the Celtics WERE a great franchise. It only takes a couple of boneheaded moves to send these Kings back to a decade ago... Isiah Thomas is a GM, does that make him smarter than us? (obviously not) How about Danny Ainge? He's made a ton of questionable moves that made the fans cringe, and in the end they had good reason to. Just because they have a title does NOT mean that they know so much more. Usually when the masses feel something is a bad move, it ends up being a bad move.
Maybe they should make personnel decisions based on Kingsfans polls. :D I'm only nine-tenths joking.
6th said:
I have a bad feeling too. Lately, where the Maloofs are concerned, we have seen some boneheaded moves.

If it is Coach Whis, I will back him as the Kings coach, but I will not be happy about it. To derail the Monarchs when they are the World Champs, makes them look like step-children instead of giving them the credit they deserve as champs. They would lose not only their coach, but their GM as well.

What bo0nehead moves are you talking about? I haven't seen any as of yet as far as player movement is concerned.
Amanjoy said:
What bo0nehead moves are you talking about? I haven't seen any as of yet as far as player movement is concerned.
Ron artest wasn't a move that worked just because of the Maloofs, It worked because of the type of Coach adelman is, There aren't many mega coaches to your liking that could have meshed the players togther on the fly as well as Rick did when they acquired Artest. The maloofs are not all responsible for the artest trade working out Good. The other half must go to the coach and coaching staff making the situation fit together in the short time they had to create the right chemistry.
The maloofs are believing their own little personal hype. They won a WNBA title with their homie as Coach and they suffer from delusions of Grandeuer that they turned the Season around by making the artest Trade. Therefore the feel all these things were orchestrated by their Great basketball minds and now they should continue to use their Great basketball knowledge to hire whom they feel is the most qualified.
They Really think that Ron artest move working out so smooth was all because they intiated the Trade. They fail to look at the system in place created by the GM and the coaching staff that executed the details of this system to work correctly.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Amanjoy said:
What bo0nehead moves are you talking about? I haven't seen any as of yet as far as player movement is concerned.
I deliberately did not say that "boneheaded" had anything to do with any one specific thing. I think I was thinking more about the lying; the spinning things unnecessarily, i.e. taking matters into their own hands and then spinning untruths.

Examples include something VF21 said in another post:

Whisenant ISN'T the best candidate. If he's the one they want, fine. Why not just say that? The apparent need by the Maloofs to continually spin things is getting more than a little ridiculous.

Webber was traded because he wasn't going to be able to play at a top level any more.

Peja was going to be given a max deal.

Rick Adelman's dismissal was a "mutual decision."


There's a pattern emerging there. And I don't think it's a very good one, especially for owners who are trying to get the public to buy into a massive arena project.
Amanjoy said:
What bo0nehead moves are you talking about? I haven't seen any as of yet as far as player movement is concerned.
Um the Webber trade comes to mind... and deciding to watch sallery when JJ and Boby's contracts were up seems familiar as well.
shaka zulu said:
Ron artest wasn't a move that worked just because of the Maloofs, It worked because of the type of Coach adelman is, There aren't many mega coaches to your liking that could have meshed the players togther on the fly as well as Rick did when they acquired Artest. The maloofs are not all responsible for the artest trade working out Good. The other half must go to the coach and coaching staff making the situation fit together in the short time they had to create the right chemistry.
My comment had nothing to do with Adelman. It was targeted at the Maloofs who have never really made a bonehead move in their time here in my opinion, and I hope they don't start now.

I'll give Adelman credit for incorporating Artest into the mix, but I also blame the guy for us not winning a championship. I understand that the Maloofs don't do the coaching and all that...but them along with PEtrie have almost always brought in players that have helped the team. But, as I've said before...Adelman's playoff history speaks for itself. A lot of getting there but not finishing! The Kings need a guy that will not only get them there, but will also finish the job! Whisenant did it in the WNBA, but needless to say, he did do it. We'll just ahve to wait and see if he can bring it the same way in the rela NBA. I refuse to pass jusdgement until I've seen the product at work, and I was never one ot question Rick Adelman until this year when I realized that his high-post Princeton-cut offense wasn't working, and he was consistently being outcoached by opposing coaches. There needed to be a change in the coaching staff that catered to the style of the Kings team we have now.

I know the players do the playing, and hopfully these guys will come out to play for Whisenant!
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HndsmCelt said:
Um the Webber trade comes to mind... and deciding to watch sallery when JJ and Boby's contracts were up seems familiar as well.
I gurantee you that deep down you're thankful the Maloofs and Petrie decided to let Bobby go after what Bonzi did in the playoffs. And I don't think that Bonzi is going to walk either!
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