Say What???


Kings' fan fervor cool on eve of playoffs

By Clint Swett -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 4:54 pm PDT Friday, April 22, 2005

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As the Sacramento Kings launch their seventh consecutive trip to the NBA playoffs Saturday in Seattle against the Supersonics, fan fervor - normally at a high boil - is only now going beyond tepid.

Fans and other observers blame a variety of factors: injuries to key performers, inconsistent results, the departure of iconic players identified with the team’s rise to glory and a sense that just making the playoffs is no longer enough.

Even the reported feud last season between Peja Stojokovic and former star Chris Webber, as well as the ongoing uncertainty about a new arena, may play a role.

"This is the first time in the last 20 seasons when Kings fans don't have high expectations," said Ken Vander, a season ticket holder for the past nine years.

"For the past five or seven years, we've always had hope of getting to the next level," he said. "But now we haven't gotten any better and other teams have."

Sonja Brown, a spokeswoman for Maloof Sports & Entertainment, said the Kings haven't seen any slackening of support, and she expects the few available playoff tickets to be snapped up as soon as they go on sale Saturday morning.

She noted the team has had 293 consecutive sell-outs and pointed to a recent USA Today survey of NBA arenas in which the writer called the Sacramento crowd, "the best sixth man in the league."

Sales at Kings specialty store Sac Fever in Arden Fair Mall are down 50 percent this year, said store manager Tim Cowan. Sales of jerseys, T-shirts, mugs and other Kings paraphernalia - normally red-hot items on the eve of the playoffs - are down four-fold over last year.

Demand for playoff tickets also isn't quite as heated, said Greg Cullen of the Sacramento ticket brokerage Preferred Seating, though it picked up a bit after Jackson's return Wednesday. Until then, he said, demand was about 30 percent lower than last year.

There's enough demand, however, that he is still able to charge about double the face value - a profit he splits with the ticket seller.

For more details, see Saturday's Bee.

I'm definitely anxious, but I can't speak for everyone else outside of this board. I really haven't felt the vibes that I usually get from everyone around this time of year.

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Well, my expectations are certainly down, and I admit that dampens a bit of the enthusiasm. Then again, I don't consider myself quite as passionate as some of you guys--but I'm still excited!
So. . . let's prove them wrong!! Not much I can do to affect the atmosphere in Sac, but all my students, co-workers, and friends around me here in Louisiana and my family back in South Carolina know that I am all geared up for the playoffs. I have even rescheduled meetings around game time!! Let's show our support and spirit even more!
I'm actually thiking of buying Kings gear right now. I do not have any atm. I was going around trying to figure things out. Even if we don't have as many fans in the past few years, Arco still rockin night in and night out!
this year i am going to my first playoff game. i am so siked i can hardly wait. just b/c we changed our players doesnt lessen the excitement i feel around this time of year.
They mentioned this on News10. They said the sights around town aren't the same, like all the ''Go Kings'' banner aren't being put up like they used to.

I remember they usually put those huge banners up on the wheather tower, on Arden Mall, and other various buildings in Down Town Sac.
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Mad D, your avatar may have a lot to do with it. Well, not that avatar specifically but...ah you know what I mean. I think the city is just a little somber because they aren't cheering on the same beloved guys that they've been loving for years. Until people become accustomed and grow to like the new guys, then the excitement won't be completely there.
Yea, I have to admit, not too many fans are really into it. I mean alot of people here are, but when I talk with people at work or other places, I can tell there's not a lot of excitement. Since I won't be able to attend the first home playoff game next Friday because I will be working that night, I really thought I was going to have a hard time selling my tickets...but I sold it within minutes. With as fast as I sold my tickets, maybe some fans are starting to get excited.
It is a different feeling this year, but I'm still excited! To have had a core group of guys play together so long and have such chemistry together....that's pretty rare. So no, I'm not attached as much as I was. That doesn't mean I won't ever be that attached again. It also doesn't mean I'm not excited as a fan. A lot of people where I work are talking about it every day! And I've got enough Kings stuff for now.

I'm so excited for the start, I can hardly think about anything else. I could hardly get anything done at work today. It's the PLAYOFFS!!!!!

(What's really bad is I have to go to a memorial service tomorrow afternoon and all I'm thinking about is whether I can drive back in time for tip-off. Now that's a bad playoff jones!:eek: )


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm just kicking back for this playoff season. No real expectations, but there are some interesting storylines to follow. Probably a pretty common feeling. If nothing else though maybe we'll have fewer suicide watches when we are eliminated this year. :)
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Hearing this makes me sad. I was VERY unhappy when we lost Vlade, Doug, and Chris, but I still feel as strongly about this team. I'll admit, that I am not as attached to the INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS because they are new and may not stay long, but I am still 100% behind this TEAM and excited about the playoffs! There are not as many or as high of expectations, but that kind of makes it more exciting because who knows what is going to happen!! I hope the excitement catches on again and grows!!!
Heres what i think....

Kings can win it all if everyones healthy.

1st round: they can beat Sonics in 6. (thats what everyone says)

2nd round: Duncan is injured, Spurs cant go NO WHERE if their star is struggling. Thats whats unique about the Kings, they WIN even with their stars out. If Duncans ankle gets any worse, Kings can beat them.

3rd round: whoever we face... win or lose, at least we got this far.
N.U.F.A.N. said:
Heres what i think....

Kings can win it all if everyones healthy.

1st round: they can beat Sonics in 6. (thats what everyone says)

2nd round: Duncan is injured, Spurs cant go NO WHERE if their star is struggling. Thats whats unique about the Kings, they WIN even with their stars out. If Duncans ankle gets any worse, Kings can beat them.

3rd round: whoever we face... win or lose, at least we got this far.
Let's go one round at a time...let's not think ahead.


Hall of Famer
The term Wild Card gets kicked arround alot but this is one of those moments where it really has meaning. Givne the changes to the Kings line up, recent injuries, return of those players, the teams play off experience and over all ablity make the Kings EXTREEMLY volitile, capble of wining (and loseing) every single game.

As a long term Kings fan I will sit back and watch what I KNOW will be a wild show and take wat comes one game at a time.
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Sad, but true.

You can just feel it in the air throughout Sacramento. Usually during these times (in the past couple of years at least) its as if the city has been cast under a spell and you couldn't go anywhere without seeing, hearing or feeling the Kings playoff fever. This year, it simply is not there.

This morning the tickets for game 3 go on sale, one of the local news stations sent out a crew to Arco to document what is usually a line rivaling those seen at Disney Land on a perfect summmer afternoon, full of Kings fans hoping for a chance to get some tickets.

They just did an update: No one was there so they sent the crew back to the station.
I wish I was at the ARCO line for playoff tickets. The only reason I don't go is because I don't have the money! Even though there weren't more fans in line, it's still going to be sold out, I'm sure.

I'm very excited...honestly, more excited than last year. Expectation isn't high and that's another reason why I'm more excited.

GOO KINGS!!!! I'm with you guys all the way!!!!
HndsmCelt said:
The term Wild Card gets kicked arround alot but this is one of those moments where it really has meaning. Givne the changes to the Kings line up, recent injuries, return of those players, the teams play off experience and over all ablity make the Kings EXTREEMLY volitile, capble of wining (and loseing) every single game.

As a long term Kings fan I will sit back and watch what I KNOW will be a wild show and take wat comes one game at a time.
I like the term "Dark Horse" in this case. A dark horse has sidled up to the starting gate that few basketball fans know much about. I think that horse is a ringer.

I am starting to believe my wishfull hallucinations!
Well, I managed to get my KINGS card from McDonalds today...what came in the newspaper for the last few years you now have to go to McDs to buy a Sacramento Bee to get the card........gee, could this be part of the problem??


Super Moderator Emeritus
A big part of the "problem" is all the band-wagon fans have, for the most part, fallen off the wagon. It's not as "IN" to be a Kings fan right now. They aren't the media darlings, etc. and there hasn't been any controversy to stir things up since Webber got traded.

I, for one, couldn't possibly care less if the banners aren't up around town, etc. As others have mentioned, the pressure is pretty much off the team. They don't have to worry about trying to meet everyone else's expectations. They can just go out there and play their game.

I also want to toss some nuggets of blame at the feet of some of the local media. They have not been supportive for a majority of the season. They had to find a way to sell papers so they continued to focus on negative aspects and that, quite frankly, drove some people away.

IMHO if you're a true fan you support your team through thick and thin. That doesn't mean always thinking they're going to win the championship. It means always rooting for them - whether it's the "in" thing to do or not.


Media nay-sayers - Bite me!
VF21 said:
IMHO if you're a true fan you support your team through thick and thin. That doesn't mean always thinking they're going to win the championship. It means always rooting for them - whether it's the "in" thing to do or not.


I totally agree!! This is the time when REAL fans will show up and cheer and the bandwagoneers will find another wagon. To them I say, "buh-bye," as I keep on cheering WITH the REAL FANS!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
chelle said:
VF21 said:
IMHO if you're a true fan you support your team through thick and thin. That doesn't mean always thinking they're going to win the championship. It means always rooting for them - whether it's the "in" thing to do or not.


I totally agree!! This is the time when REAL fans will show up and cheer and the bandwagoneers will find another wagon. To them I say, "buh-bye," as I keep on cheering WITH the REAL FANS!
Its also a time when a lot of thoughtful fans who keep their feet on the ground take a look, size things up, and settle back in to watch a good but not great team without going into rabid "we're going to take it all" mode. There are people who have been following this team for 20 years who are less excited this playoff season than they have been in the last few. You can call a lifelong fan "fairweather" or "bandwagon" for failing to believe that every Kings team is going to win the championship every year no matter what the objective evidence if you'd like -- I choose to call them realistic.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
chelle said:
Its also a time when a lot of thoughtful fans who keep their feet on the ground take a look, size things up, and settle back in to watch a good but not great team without going into rabid "we're going to take it all" mode. There are people who have been following this team for 20 years who are less excited this playoff season than they have been in the last few. You can call a lifelong fan "fairweather" or "bandwagon" for failing to believe that every Kings team is going to win the championship every year no matter what the objective evidence if you'd like -- I choose to call them realistic.
I'm less optimistic about this playoff season than I've been in the past, but I seem to be just as excited about the game coming up as I've been about past game 1 playoff games.

I don't think anyone was calling lifelong fans anything, Brickie. In my post, I was referring to those fans who showed up right about the time the team started winning and seemed to disappear right about March when the team went 8-8.
Fans will come and go, its just the ebb and flow of a basketball franchise's battle for supremacy.

I have 0 expectations as far as the Kings making any noise in these playoffs, that doesn't mean I am going to stop rooting for them. I don't think it makes me any more or less of a fan.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think this may be heading off in the wrong direction and I hope I wasn't to blame if it is...

My points seem to be misunderstood. What I was trying to say was in response to all the media saying there's less hoopla, etc.

The same media drew "fans" in with all their hype while the Kings were playing good ball, winning, etc. Then, when things started getting contentious, I think that same media molded some of those new "fan" feelings away from the team and towards other "more exciting" teams.

The fans that post on this board are, for the most part, a pretty loyal bunch. Sure, all of us would absolutely love to see the Kings win, but I think most of us are just really glad that after everything that's happened that our Kings are still in the picture at all.

My main beef is with the media. They made absolutely no mention of the hard-core fans who still love and support this team and will root for them no matter what. You don't need a banner hanging on a building downtown to be a fan.

I hope that made it clearer - and not MORE confusing!

Bottom line? I still don't give a rat's patoot what the media - local or national - has to say about our Kings. Those of us here aren't going to change our mind because of what an article in the local paper says, "fan fervor" or no "fan fervor."


I quit listening to what the media says a few seasons ago. If I believed everything they said, I would not watch any games. Besides, what they say changes game to game, sometimes quarter by quarter.

As for the fans - You CAN be excited and hopeful while having your feet firmly on the ground. I am VERY excited about the playoffs because ANYTHING is possible. I know that in reality we have very little chance of winning it all. That does not make me less of a fan. It also does not mean that I cannot believe in and hope for a miracle!

If we win 0, 1, 2, or all the rounds, I will still be a just as much of a fan as I am now. No more - no less. I think that is what a real fan does.

Of course, I want them to win it all, but I am not going to be devasted if they do not because my head tells me that the fact that we made it this far in this crazy season is an accomplishment!

Cheer with your heart and use your head to put it in the proper perspective! Otherwise, YOU WILL DRIVE YOURSELF CRAZY!!