Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

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funsc said:
RA should let Evans be on the court. Mobley was awful today! 8-24
Was disappointed that RA didnt play him much. He brings what the team needs, hustle, defense, rebounding. IF he could just work on his jump shot this summer, he'll be good to go.
mazzystar said:
Was disappointed that RA didnt play him much. He brings what the team needs, hustle, defense, rebounding. IF he could just work on his jump shot this summer, he'll be good to go.
Adelman usually plays his starters out there more than the bench when it comes to clutch situation. So it's no surprise that Mo wasn't playing. But I do agree that Mo should have played more mins. It seem like Adelman wanted more offense though. (The Kings were down.)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Decent announcer if you don't need to know who committed a foul, who came in on rotation, etc.

I was having a very difficult time trying to keep up with the game for the PBP. They just didn't seem to feel things like fouls and substitutions were worth announcing.
VF21 said:
Decent announcer if you don't need to know who committed a foul, who came in on rotation, etc.

I was having a very difficult time trying to keep up with the game for the PBP. They just didn't seem to feel things like fouls and substitutions were worth announcing.
I guess I was looking for different things, I just noticed the amount of stupid statements to be much less then normal. Well, then Walton piped in with the..."This is the best week in Rockets history".. line
Blaming this loss on Skinner is LUDICROUS. Skinner was the reason why we stayed in this game, i loved his effort and hustle. It's a shame that RA didn't give miutes ;). We shouldn't blame this loss on a single player...although i'm tempted to point the finger at this one guy who likes to disappear a lot and his name starts with a P.

It was a team loss, we didn't rebound the ball and the Rox shot lights out... We will be fine...although i don't see us hanging to the 5th spot for much longer. We ill most likely take the 7th.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Heuge said:
I guess I was looking for different things, I just noticed the amount of stupid statements to be much less then normal. Well, then Walton piped in with the..."This is the best week in Rockets history".. line
Don't get me wrong. I love Brown's analysis because it's pretty informative. The problem is that Michaels just sits there and doesn't do the play-by-play. I think he's star-struck or something.

Skinner is definetly not the reason we lost, everyone just didnt play well and it showed. i love skinner and blaming him is not fair. plus wasnt skinner the one actually trying to REBOUND the ball? the TEAM didnt play well and thats why we lost. we just had an off night, it happens.
did anybody watch the Minny vs Mavs game who was calling that game with kinda sounded like Dr. Jack Ramsey...but I didn't have enough time to stick around to see for myself
iheartBrad said:
did anybody watch the Minny vs Mavs game who was calling that game with kinda sounded like Dr. Jack Ramsey...but I didn't have enough time to stick around to see for myself
Yup it was him. Dr. Jack is pretty good too, although he homers a little for SA and LA


Hall of Famer
iheartBrad said:
did anybody watch the Minny vs Mavs game who was calling that game with kinda sounded like Dr. Jack Ramsey...but I didn't have enough time to stick around to see for myself
It was him
ooo i was right it was Jack

i only watched about 3-5 mins it was hard for me to judge him...he seemed okay...a little boring though...but then again maybe it was cuz i really couldn't give a rats patootie about either of the teams who were playing and the game seemed kind of boring

and BK you are definitely right about Al he really is the biggest Laker homer announcer ever...i specifically remember NOT being able to listen to him last year in the POs..ugh


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
ooo i was right it was Jack

i only watched about 3-5 mins it was hard for me to judge him...he seemed okay...a little boring though...but then again maybe it was cuz i really couldn't give a rats patootie about either of the teams who were playing and the game seemed kind of boring

and BK you are definitely right about Al he really is the biggest Laker homer announcer ever...i specifically remember NOT being able to listen to him last year in the POs..ugh
While I will agree that Michaels is an LA homer, he is absolutely not the biggest Laker homer announcer ever. I vote that distinction to "He who shall not be named." Michaels usually only gushes over the Lakers while he is announcing a Laker game. BW gushes over "his son's team" no matter whose game he is announcing. The Lakers do not even have to be playing that day and "He who shall not be named" will talk about them instead of about the 2 teams he is supposed to be watching.
^yeah but i like BW...i think he's funny as all hell

Al Michaels IMO should stick to Monday nights...i do not like him announing basketball at all...though over the past two weeks he hasn't really pissed me off...perhaps its having Hubie there i dunno...but last year with Doc Rivers...oh god i wanted to go through the TV


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
^yeah but i like BW...i think he's funny as all hell

Al Michaels IMO should stick to Monday nights...i do not like him announing basketball at all...though over the past two weeks he hasn't really pissed me off...perhaps its having Hubie there i dunno...but last year with Doc Rivers...oh god i wanted to go through the TV
LOL.......yes, but your liking him does not negate the fact that he is a bigger Laker homer than Michaels. ;) :p
iheartBrad said:
Al Michaels IMO should stick to Monday nights...i do not like him announing basketball at all...
Me too...he sometimes don't even know who the players are and mistakes them. Or is slow at naming them and it seem like he have to read it off a paper first to make sure. I know he don't do NBA games... but it's like, if you're going to be a commenator, at least know who the players are. LOL. :D This year, he's doing much better though so a little credit for him there. But then again, it could be like what VF said, Hubie talks too much and Al don't say much. Probably why he haven't got any mistakes?:D
well OFCOURSE piksi

i was just saying from their stand point they needed a win bad...if they had lost one more game and to the NYK of all teams....their fans would be jumping out of windows and the media would be talking about a collapse (though thats what it would be)

but too bad the NYK couldn't pull through....
I like Hubie but he HAS to be able to say (SON GUY LA) not (SON GUY YA)!!!!!

Its driving me nutz. Youd think an announcer might take there job seriously!! AHHHH!

I was pretty darn impressed with Houston. They kicked our butts royally. THey are really looking good. We absolutely need to be healthy to beat that club. They just might be a force in the PO's.

Mobley............. : sighs :
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