Reasons why Arco needs to be replaced

Thanx, all.

With the current ARCO, there are:

1) Physical repair issues (new roof and possibly other major physcial plant fixes)

2) Safety issues (lower concourse width [concession lines also block concourse], upper "walkway" width, including next to nothing at corners)

3) Flexibility issues (to allow major events in a row: arena conversion for hockey or other major events, speed of conversion)

4) Patron comfort issues (concourse width, seat comfort, seat spacing, number of bathroom fixtures, concession options, arena visuals - like scoreboards, limited content, sight lines)

5) Event participant comfort issues (locker rooms, plumbing)

6) Age issues (some ancient equipment moved over from Arco I and still in use, plywood construction of bleachers [limited life], potential increase of O&M costs to run the facility)

7) Operational issues (very small kitchen space, limited concession areas, poor sound system [I can't even hear the post-game interviews from my lower level seat])

8) Profitability issues (for making money owning an NBA franchise: insufficient number of suites/no club seats, diversity and number of concession areas)

9) NBA issues (the arena is not up to league standards and having a solid arena facility is that organization's mandate for a team's participation)

10) Insufficient facility to host super-events (Arco is not equipped to handle the NBA all star game and other super-events)

11) Major fix impossible (consultant report stated clearly that retrofitting to address the issues is not possible)

12) New downtown location better economically for the region (triple the economic impact/job creation of the current location)

13) Arco is operating (because it has to for now) but it's days are numbered. The Arena will almost certainly be leveled in a few years anyway (regardless of the outcome of the election)

All of these problems have led experts to declare that Arco has reached economic obsolescence.

Now THAT's a pretty good list, and that was the goal here. ;)

How can this not convince County voters of the NEED to do something now, irrespective of the whole situation with the Kings?


Super Moderator Emeritus
NOTE: This post has been copied into a new thread, because the information is really pretty important for those who are trying to answer the question of "Why does Arco need to be replaced?"
More as mentioned in a Bee article that make holding some big events difficult.impossible:

Not enough loading docks; not enough "marshalling" space. Technically Arco is considered to be a one concourse arena (very narrow). Newer arenas have at least two and you can exit to the outside from these, is my understanding.
I didn't think ARCO needed to be replaced until I went on an all-access tour last Decemeber, and they took us through the part underneath the lower deck of the arena and I saw how crappy it actually is...the only time I thought the arena was actually nice looking was when we were walking on court and the 17,317 empty seats surrounded us. Other than that blissful experience, I thought the arena was really in need of a replacement! When it does get torn down though, I want to buy a seat and bolt it to my floor and watch my Kings games from it! Long live the Kings!
I didn't think ARCO needed to be replaced until I went on an all-access tour last Decemeber, and they took us through the part underneath the lower deck of the arena and I saw how crappy it actually is...the only time I thought the arena was actually nice looking was when we were walking on court and the 17,317 empty seats surrounded us. Other than that blissful experience, I thought the arena was really in need of a replacement! When it does get torn down though, I want to buy a seat and bolt it to my floor and watch my Kings games from it! Long live the Kings!
That's a great idea. Lemme know if you find a way to get ahold of a chair.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I went to the Monster truck event and was very disappointed.

There was no room for the trucks to really do anything. I thought the lower seats would have been retractable or something. Nope. Looked like Koi trying to swim around in a 5-gallon bucket.

Now this is probably more of a "they picked the wrong venue to hold this" problem than an "arena" problem, but it still was pretty bad.
That's not what I meant; I did not, in fact, watch the game myself. I was poking fun at those sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY monster truck commercials.
I know what you're talking about, Slim. The ones that have the guy with the unnaturally deep voice ranting on about "the biggest monster truck show ever".

I actually would expect you to like monster truck commercials, if not the show itself. I guess I'm lumping you in because you like "professional" wrestling. ;)
Went to my first kings game last week vs. hornets...boy was i disappointed. The kings need a new arena. I live in LA and go to school in sac (hate fakers) but compared to staples that place looks like a HS gym!
Went to my first kings game last week vs. hornets...boy was i disappointed. The kings need a new arena. I live in LA and go to school in sac (hate fakers) but compared to staples that place looks like a HS gym!

Unfortunately, the percentage of Sacramento citizens that understand this difference is very low. I cannot even begin to count the number of time that I have heard "there is nothing wrong with Arco." That, my friends, is just an ignorant statement.

Many say that they Maloofs are just being greedy. In my estimation, they have been exceedingly patient.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Well, a pro sports facility at the State Fair Grounds is an insult to pro sports fans and the City of Sacramento. Unfortunately, the City of Sacramento fuels only a portion of the fans to Kings games the rest coming from Placer, El Dorado and Yolo counties (heck I had season tickets 7 years when I lived in Nevada County!!).

ALL the new and successful arenas are downtown. The rail yards are the ideal solution: easy access for everyone: light rail, bus, even Amtrak; the venue dresses an eyesore, it revitalizes downtown and adds venues to visit 360 days a year. But Cal Expo? Arrgghhh. There is only one main road in/out, Capitol Expressway, wouldn't revitalize anything, has only the Fair and has no other attraction to go there for evenings the rest of the year. Benefits no one but is cheap. Right! the way to revitalize a city........... because the solution is cheap!!

Not moving forward on a solution that benefits a wide range of fans, people, businesses and generating tax revenue is nearly a guarantee to push the Maloofs out of Sacramento all together. The're not greedy, gads look at what they have done for the community so far. They are smart business people and if there are no smart business people on the other side of the table looking out the best interests of Sacramento, then the City gets what it deserves. It will have been a nice ride, and don't forget, it was the Maloofs (11 missed free throws not-with-standing) who got us to the brink of an NBA championship in 2002.
i would like the kings to get a new arena as much as anyone, but really, i don't think people go to the games enough for there even to be a true need for a new arena. The maloofs know that the amount of fan support is waning, and that is because the team isn't winning. I don't think that getting a new arena would bring the attendance levels back up and im positive that it wouldn't get the team to play better. Its going to take a few years for the kings to get back to a true competive and winning level, and i don't think the Kings organization wants to wait that long. The best move for them would be to move the kings. Even though we would all be terribly dissapointed, it would be the best for the team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Did you read the OP in this thread?

The Maloofs aren't asking for a new arena to improve attendance. They're asking for a new arena for all the reasons listed, including the fact it's old, it was built on the cheap and is literally starting to fall apart, and the state-of-the-art for arenas has advanced exponentially since Arco was built on the cheap.

And it's still not just about the Kings. There are, as has been pointed out many times, a lot of different events that happen at Arco that have nothing to do with basketball. And there would be more if the facilities were up-to-date. Some ice shows, for example, cannot come to Sacramento at certain times of the year because there's a three-day turnaround from floor to ice and back to floor. That won't work. In Staples, for example, they can have an ice show in the evening, and a game the next day - or vice versa.

The main problem with this whole arena situation is that the media made it all about the Kings. The Sacramento Bee especially made it seem as though this was just the Maloofs wanting a fancy new house for their teams. And that's as wrong today as it has been all along.
But the kings thing is basically the main point of all of this, at least on this forum, thats why its discussed so indepth on here. Im really sure everybody wants a new arena so they can watch The Little Mermaid on ice or the American Idol tour. Im not arguing that we don't need a new arena, im just saying that the kings, public opinion of the kings, but more importantly, money, are the big issues for people not wanting a new arena. You know that if the kings had one a title, the city and the people would have no problem giving them a new arena.
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
But the kings thing is basically the main point of all of this, at least on this forum, thats why its discussed so indepth on here. Im really sure everybody wants a new arena so they can watch The Little Mermaid on ice or the American Idol tour. Im not arguing that we don't need a new arena, im just saying that the kings, public opinion of the kings, but more importantly, money, are the big issues for people not wanting a new arena. You know that if the kings had one a title, the city and the people would have no problem giving them a new arena.
Actually, over the years we have probably been to as many non-Kings events as Kings games. My family has gone to the Ringling Bros circus, Monster Truck show, The Wiggles, and numerous concerts, so saying it is just about the Kings for us here is completely false. The facility is used for about 50 Kings games a year, so about 3/4 of the events it holds is not Kings related (given the 180+ events I think it has per year). A new arena could push that over 200, IIRC.


Super Moderator Emeritus
But the kings thing is basically the main point of all of this, at least on this forum, thats why its discussed so indepth on here. Im really sure everybody wants a new arena so they can watch The Little Mermaid on ice or the American Idol tour. Im not arguing that we don't need a new arena, im just saying that the kings, public opinion of the kings, but more importantly, money, are the big issues for people not wanting a new arena. You know that if the kings had one a title, the city and the people would have no problem giving them a new arena.
We're a Kings message board so of course we're going to focus on the piece of the picture that impacts our favorite team. BUT the issue of a new state-of-the-art facility for the Sacramento area is much bigger than the Kings or the Maloofs. It was, as I've said before, the Sacramento Bee - and especially a couple of their writers - who went overboard in their coverage of the issue from only the Maloofs part of it and it's a shame.
My family has gone to the Ringling Bros circus, Monster Truck show, The Wiggles, and numerous concerts, so saying it is just about the Kings for us here is completely false.
I said that the reason that it is such a big issue on this site is because it involves the kings. I never said it was the only reason like you are inferring.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We're starting to go in circles here. Your initial post made it sound as though you did, in fact, think it was about the Kings.

RIP miyagi said:
i would like the kings to get a new arena as much as anyone, but really, i don't think people go to the games enough for there even to be a true need for a new arena. The maloofs know that the amount of fan support is waning, and that is because the team isn't winning. I don't think that getting a new arena would bring the attendance levels back up and im positive that it wouldn't get the team to play better. Its going to take a few years for the kings to get back to a true competive and winning level, and i don't think the Kings organization wants to wait that long. The best move for them would be to move the kings. Even though we would all be terribly dissapointed, it would be the best for the team.
That's why both Warhawk and I made the comments we did.
Wha? my first post was about why i said i think the kings should be moved, but the second post was about why this is being discussed on this board.
i would like the kings to get a new arena as much as anyone, but really, i don't think people go to the games enough for there even to be a true need for a new arena.
Then I misunderstood your first post, too. The response to your very first sentence from Warhawk, VF and now me, is that how many people do or don't go to Kings games isn't the reaon for building a new arena. The team leaves, Arco is torn down and Sacramento no longer has a venue for the majority of events that currently come to Arco. Some events already have to skip Arco, because of it's inadequacy. Sure I want the Kings to stay and that means a new arena. However, even if the Kings left tomorrow, I'd still want a new arena-type venue in Sacramento.