This is really sad, I'm not saying it's you Stojakavic, but is this what it's come too? Kings fans hoping that Peja or Chris will have a bad game so they can make their points? This is what is wrong with a lot of King fans lately. Chris and Peja are both All-stars, and are our two best players. If Peja goes 5 for 16 I'll stand by him, if Chris goes 6 for 22 I'll stand by him. I'm a Kings fan which makes me a fan of every player on this team. If you find yourself almost hoping at times Chris will miss a jumpshot or Peja won't get that hustle rebound(even if it's in your head), I got news for you, you are not a good fan. This isn't directed at you Stojakovic, just something I've been seeing more and more of, and I had to Vent.