**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)


Homer Fan Since 1985
tbear03 said:
Amen and praise God Freak and KingsChick!! :)

Prayers for your sis 6th - can't even imagine all the emotions that go along with that. Remind her that she is wonderfully made! :)

Update on my friend with the cyst - went to the doctor today who told her the cyst has not shrunk; they will try to put her on lupron again, but they're telling her to freeze her eggs b/c they'll have to do surgery on the other ovary. :( Please keep her in your continued prayers.
Prayers for your friend continue.
I just found out that my friend's father was killed in a car accident Sunday evening. My friend's birthday was that day, and she, her father, and us friends had gone out to celebrate at a restaurant earlier that afternoon. I can't believe how life can be so short sometimes. They are all deeply religious (he was a retired pastor), so they do have a lot of heavenly comfort right now at least. Please keep them in your prayers.
Condolences to you and your friend's family RD.

I just found out today that a co-worker of mine who had recently retired died this morning. It was 1 year to the day that a co-worker committed suicide last June 28th. It's been a rough year at work. We are all close as family...so it's hard.


I'm praying for a safe flight and return for everyone who's going with me (mom, dad, brother, girlfriend) on my trip to the Mayan Riviera.


Homer Fan Since 1985
6th said:
Prayers for my sister, Jeanne, as her divorce became final today. It was a very difficult thing for her to do (but necessary) after 30 years of marriage.
Thanks to those who have been praying for my sister as she goes through this tremendous (and difficult) change. I got an email today and Jeanne said that she found a house. It is only 6 blocks away from my 76 yr old mother (which is wonderful). Anyway, her bid was accepted. I pray that it goes through smoothly.
Received a call from a friend in SoCal this evening to let me know that an old friend of ours, and her husband, were killed in a car accident last night. Her mother is having a hard time...prayers would be appreciated. Thanks.

Please, everyone, be careful this weekend.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Prayers of peace for your friend and her husband. And prayers of comfort to everyone touched by them, especially her mother.

I also add my prayers for safety this holiday weekend.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My prayers to all of those who are trying to cope with the loss of a loved one...and my prayers are added for everyone's safety this holiday weekend.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I got an email request for a federal gov't job to fax them my college transcript. They would not make that request unless they are interested. I have 20 years with the federal gov't and I really want to return (even though it is a different dept). Prayers that I get an interview (AND THIS JOB)!
Our good friend, Loopymitch has had to go into hospital and needs our thoughts and prayers to help her recover.

I dont have much in way of detail, but i believe she has a heart related problem, and she's having to stay in, so i know she will be missing her home as well as posting on her favourite basketball site.

Loopy; I do so hope and pray for you to get well very, very soon. The Kingsfans site isnt the same without you and your 'insightful little comments!' :p Please dont be away too long....and may god speed your recovery.

Londonking said:
Our good friend, Loopymitch has had to go into hospital and needs our thoughts and prayers to help her recover.

I dont have much in way of detail, but i believe she has a heart related problem, and she's having to stay in, so i know she will be missing her home as well as posting on her favourite basketball site.

Loopy; I do so hope and pray for you to get well very, very soon. The Kingsfans site isnt the same without you and your 'insightful little comments!' :p Please dont be away too long....and may god speed your recovery.

OMG - I know just how scary heart-related issues are. I'm not one for prayer, but I will send my strongest wishes of strength until she comes home!


Super Moderator Emeritus
My thoughts and prayers are definitely with LoopyMitch and her family.

LondonKing, if you get a chance to talk to her or get a message to her, please relay our sincere hopes and prayers for a speedy recovery!