**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)

My grandfather is having a tumor removed from his lung on Thursday. They aren't worried about the tumor so much as his heart being strong enough to withstand the surgery. Those of you who pray, please do so, those of you who don't, please send good energy or whatever else you may do. Thanks.


Homer Fan Since 1985
My knees hurt...a lot. The only thing worse are my feet...they hurt even more. I really appreciate this job. It got me back to Sacramento. It gives me a little income while I search for full time work.

Please pray for the "right" job to come along...and soon. I don't know how much longer my feet and knees can handle this. :(
You'll find it 6th. You made it home, the rest just takes patience. I know how it is when your legs and feet hurt but you get used to it after a while. Give it time my friend, good things come to those who wait.
My uncle came from Canada to visit us and after a couple days he started having pain on the right side of his chest. That usually means a heart attack. The doctors said he had a heart attack. He had to undergo a surgery and it was succesful. After he got out of the hospital he had to pack his things and leave to a hospital nearby in Canada because he didn't have insurance here. The doctors say it definitely wasn't good news. He is now at a hospital in Canada and he is undergoing more surgeries. Please keep him in your prayers, thank you.
My thoughts and prayers are for your uncle KingsChick.

6th, I'm a believer in fate (although i think we have opportunities to influence a course of events. You are back in Sac where you can be happiest. The pieces will fall into place.

Iknow it can be frustrating, but try not to get too frustrated, we never know who we will meet or what path lies just around the corner. Regardless of how hard it is to keep applying and looking for a role you think you would enjoy i would encourage you not to lose heart. :)


Homer Fan Since 1985
Thanks, LK and loopy. Oh, trust me, I am being patient. It is just that the pain is getting such that I can hardly walk by the time I get home. I was up a lot last night with my feet and calves just aching. The arthritis in my knees is only getting worse.

I only pray that something comes soon...before I am incapable of doing the job I have now.

KingsChick, my prayers are with your uncle.
Thanks 6th and LondonKing. 6th, as Loopy said, Good things come to people who wait, and good things come to good people like you 6th, everyone here at KingsFans appreciates you so much. When the right job comes along you will be appreciated and everyone at your job will be grateful you work there. The time will come.:)
6th said:
. It is just that the pain is getting such that I can hardly walk by the time I get home. I was up a lot last night with my feet and calves just aching. The arthritis in my knees is only getting worse.

6th, this isnt good (obviously). I had no idea of the degree of physical discomfort you are in with your current job. Your health is the most important thing. If this current part time job is damaging that (and clearly it is) then i would urge you to change roles as soon as possible, even if it means NOT doing exactly what you would like to do.
I know money is always a consideration, but if you could identify a job where you were sitting down most of the time then surely that would be a start. I'm sure you are giving proper thought to this and i hope and pray that you find an answer. Please dont stay doing sometihng that will cripple you.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Prayers for my sister, Jeanne, as her divorce became final today. It was a very difficult thing for her to do (but necessary) after 30 years of marriage.
Thoughts and prayers are with your sister Jeanne. It's hard to imagine what an emotional strain going through that is, after such a long time. Hopefully you can be of some comfort 6th.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Londonking said:
Thoughts and prayers are with your sister Jeanne. It's hard to imagine what an emotional strain going through that is, after such a long time. Hopefully you can be of some comfort 6th.
Thanks, LK. I will give as much support as I can...even though we are over 2,000 miles apart.
^^^ Some of those divorces can be very nasty and after 30 years it's going to be hard for her to adjust but you can help her through this. You're not a goodwill ambassador for nothing.
I just wanted to let everybody know that my uncle got out of the hospital and all is well. He just has to be careful about working too hard and those kind of things. Thank you all so very much for your prayers.
That' s very good news! :)

An update on my uncle also: The test for cancer came in and it came out negative!!!! =) He's getting a second opinion, but it is most likely that it will be negative also. Thank you all for your prayers!
6th said:
Prayers for my sister, Jeanne, as her divorce became final today. It was a very difficult thing for her to do (but necessary) after 30 years of marriage.
30 years? Wow. Prayers for her and your family as she goes through this rough time.
The Freak said:
That' s very good news! :)

An update on my uncle also: The test for cancer came in and it came out negative!!!! =) He's getting a second opinion, but it is most likely that it will be negative also. Thank you all for your prayers!

Glad to hear it, Freak, great news!:)
Amen and praise God Freak and KingsChick!! :)

Prayers for your sis 6th - can't even imagine all the emotions that go along with that. Remind her that she is wonderfully made! :)

Update on my friend with the cyst - went to the doctor today who told her the cyst has not shrunk; they will try to put her on lupron again, but they're telling her to freeze her eggs b/c they'll have to do surgery on the other ovary. :( Please keep her in your continued prayers.