Pistons @ Kings Game Thread

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On a side note - I LOVE Jon Barry! I can almost stomach Walton if it means I get to laugh at Jon!!:D
I know it's too funny...

Walton: Rasheed is not even looking for his shot tonight.

Jon: Ummmm... He's 0-8 (sarcastic)

That comment sent Walton reeling with a series of Umm... Ahhh... Ummm...
Wow! Corliss is playing amazing!

Not just that - I hope SAR stays benched the rest of the game. Someone needs to ignite him. He looks lethargic.
Quote of the night brought to you by Bill the great Walton:
"Without Corliss, without Ronnie Price, without Kevin Martin, without Kenny Thomas, the Kings would have zero chance to win."
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