Peja Stojakovic

Here is a question for you guys when was the last time you seen Pedja with 5 PF? That is another indication of aggressive he was tonght. Now I want to see no excuses from Pedja and fans when Pedja is not aggressive next time because we all know it is in him. He can be aggressive when he wants too.
LjuboDaMan said:
by averaging 37 points per game ? hehe dont think so

all i want is effort from him ... and the team-work from all the others and him to

we gonna be fine
No, not by averaging 37 points. How can I expect that when nobody in the league is averaging 37 points? By shooting well and playing hard.

All I wanted to do was give Peja credit for one good game. I have been all over him in the past for his dissapearance in the playoffs.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Čarolija said:
Hehe. Good point.

A couple of days ago people wanted him gone. Now everyone loves him. If he has a stinker on saturday, everyone wants him gone again. Funny how opinions change :p
No, everyone didn't want him gone. They wanted him BACK but if that wasn't going to happen, we wanted someone who could fill the gap.

Can't you just let us all enjoy the resurrection of a player we haven't seen in a long time without getting so smug about it?

Those of us who have been on this board a long time, US and Serbian alike, know what each of us is talking about.
I actually think Pedja's being playing well since he came back from his injuried. There were a few off games for him. But of course, this is THE BEST game so far this season for Pedja. I'm glad he showed up when we need him too. That's what MVPs do! ;)
Čarolija said:
A couple of days ago people wanted him gone. Now everyone loves him. If he has a stinker on saturday, everyone wants him gone again. Funny how opinions change :p
I know...happens in every sport. ;)
Twix said:
I actually think Pedja's being playing well since he came back from his injuried. There were a few off games for him. But of course, this is THE BEST game so far this season for Pedja. I'm glad he showed up when we need him too. That's what MVPs do! ;)
me was gonna take some time to get back into the swing of things..i do honestly believe last Sunday night against the GSWs he was tired as all hell...but has been solid since...and i believe the old Peja has broken through that wall that he was hiding behind and i believe that he back....woohoo! GO PEJA!
What blew my mind was that he got upset with Skinner for missing a pass underneath. Since when does Peja get upset about crappy b-ball?!!! I'll eat my words all day long if I continue to see this kind of passion for the kings on his part!!!! Maybe he wants to stay in Sac afterall!!! I'll love to have him if he's willing!!! We all know there's an all star underneath that hood!!!!
Now this is what I was talking about in that other (Peja) thread! I remember saying that I haven't quite given up on him yet and that despite the disappointment for much of the season, there's hope for him and that good things are bound to happen. I'm so glad that it happened tonight and I got to see it as it did. I missed that Peja and I'm extremely glad he was back tonight. Hopefully he can at least sustain that kind of intensity and effort.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Folsom Al said:
Peja's #'s vs Dallas

38 points
2 asst's
8 rebounds
9-13 fg's
14-14 ft's
5 pf's
1 st
3 to's

Excellent night for Peja - 'bout freakin' time ('xcuse my French - keeping with the Int'l theme)

Let's do it again vs Denver !!!
38 pts on 13 shots?!?!?!? HOLY COW!

That has got to be the most efficient stat line I've seen in a while - means he got his while leaving plenty of touches for Mobley, Bibby, etc.

Awesome game from him tonight! I was wondering when he'd finally forget about the hammy and back and just go ballin like he did last year. I think his injuries were more limiting than anyone let on....

Good to see this kind of game from him. :)
We all know Peja can score points, but what really impressed me tonight about his game was the aggressive defense (5PF's used, for the most part, wisely, and yes, I was hoping he'd do a hard foul on Nowitzski after Dirk FF'ed Thomas), rebounding ( his board against Daniels intentional miss with enough time left for the Mavs to catch us was pivotal) and intensity (barking at teammates lapses) was a welcome sight to these tired eyes who know he can do this more if he sets his mind to it.Excellence means doing it night in and night out but tonight, for a tantalizingly full game, we saw the Peja of last year and, if we're lucky, the rest of this one.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Absolutely no complaints possible over this performance.

My overall opinion has not changed however -- it wasn't formed by one game, and its not changed by one game. He's been soft for 7 years, and likely a lifetime before that, and he's got to do this on a semi-consistent basis before I stop invoking the blind squirrel theory. But it is definitely the roadmap to what he might be, perhaps could be. He's not always going to shoot like this, and top defenders will probably still cause him to struggle, but he damn well could always bust his *** out there. Even if he had shot poorly, tonight he still would have mattered on effort alone. That's what he needs to do -- he needs to matter even when his shot isn't falling. He can't be just a shooter, or he's just a roleplayer. Now if we could just bottle this game...
Bricklayer said:
Absolutely no complaints possible over this performance.

Even if he had shot poorly, tonight he still would have mattered on effort alone. That's what he needs to do -- he needs to matter even when his shot isn't falling.
Totally agree. This line sums up my take as well: "He needs to matter even when his shot isn't falling." Couldn't have said it better. :)
lets not forget his delay of game warning he got for throwing the ball back at Devin Harris (<--he out of all the Mavs i like the just can't not like the kid ya know...::shrugs:: )
I waited and waited,then a couple of games ago gave up on him,but tonight i finally get to start eating that crow...uummm tastes good,hope i get to eat more in the next month or so...:D

aweeesome game Peja...
iheartBrad said:
lets not forget his delay of game warning he got for throwing the ball back at Devin Harris (<--he out of all the Mavs i like the just can't not like the kid ya know...::shrugs:: )
Yeah, Pedja was pissed off. I was happy...haven't seen him with that attitude in forever. :D
Bricklayer said:
Absolutely no complaints possible over this performance.

My overall opinion has not changed however -- it wasn't formed by one game, and its not changed by one game. He's been soft for 7 years, and likely a lifetime before that, and he's got to do this on a semi-consistent basis before I stop invoking the blind squirrel theory. But it is definitely the roadmap to what he might be, perhaps could be. He's not always going to shoot like this, and top defenders will probably still cause him to struggle, but he damn well could always bust his *** out there. Even if he had shot poorly, tonight he still would have mattered on effort alone. That's what he needs to do -- he needs to matter even when his shot isn't falling. He can't be just a shooter, or he's just a roleplayer. Now if we could just bottle this game...
Bricklayer - you are on a mission

It must kill you to say something positive about this team. You always find the negative in everything positive.
Watching a game with you must be a blast


Super Moderator Emeritus
Gtronic said:
It must kill you to say something positive about this team. You always find the negative in everything positive.
Watching a game with you must be a blast
Whoa. That's not right.

Bricklayer is a huge fan of this team. He's also a realist and that's why his grades are so very popular. He sets high standards for his Kings, and most of the people around here have no problem with that because we all should set high standards. This is an elite team, not the Kings of yesteryear.

He doesn't sugar-coat his impressions. There's a big difference between honest criticism and negativity.
Gtronic said:
Bricklayer - you are on a mission

It must kill you to say something positive about this team. You always find the negative in everything positive.
Watching a game with you must be a blast
Yeah, Brick, quit being such a Negative Nelly.

Bricklayer said:
Absolutely no complaints possible over this performance.