Peja needs to go

Dalembert is almost untouchable right now and we'd have to give him a big old contract in the offseason. That's the Major problem. Do you really want to pay a great young talent alot of money off your bench when we want to resign Mobley. That's what I'd be worried about, basically giving up Peja for Kenny T. Dally is set to make around 6 or 7 or even 8 next year to a team.
Whether Peja stays or goes is debatable with regards to his value to the current team and his open market value in the league. There is almost noone in the league that can be considered of even value for Peja. With that said, the Kings presumably would be looking for someone from the eastern conference, who does what Peja lacks, and that doesn't have a bad contract they would have to eat. I've browsed through many of the trade ideas that involve unaquireable players(Carmelo, KG, AK-47, etc...) and the list of has-beens(Rose, Marshal, etc...), but I haven't noticed a couple names that could make sense.

How about Peja to Atlanta for Al Harrington and Kevin Willis? At 10-40 their season is done and picking up Peja would give them the outside shooting that they lack. Harrington is suffering from knee tendinitis right now but will return following the all star break. His athleticism and rebounding would help Chris and Brad around the boards. Willis would add the veteran minutes that are necessary in the playoffs when the kings bigs get into their inevitable foul trouble.
How about a Peja for VC trade?
Indeed, Kidd really wants to play with KG and if Kidd leaves I don't see carter stayin. Still it's an assumption but I don't see where it wouldn't work.

VC would mostly bring boards to our team, and hed be too hard to stop with all the players around.
Bricklayer said:
Another injury prone weenie who openly admits to having dogged it for his last team? Think I'll pass.
Do you remember the last team carter was on? The Raptors. I don't see any similarities between Kings and Raptors, do you?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
gangdogu said:
Do you remember the last team carter was on? The Raptors. I don't see any similarities between Kings and Raptors, do you?
I really don't care what team he was on -- he committed the ultimate competitive sin and INTENTIONALLY let down his teammates, fans and franchise.

Furthermore, to the degree that Peja's time in Sacto may be coming to a close, its because he's soft. For some an aggravating factor is that he MAY (or may not) be not giving his best. So our solution would be to go out and get another player universally acknowledged as soft who we KNOW can quit on his team? A much smaller player with giant injury red flags hovering over his head?

Sorry, but I can't see moving Peja for a more athletic clone. The whole point of trading him would be to get stronger, tougher, more defensive and rebounding minded. Vince represents none of those things, and has displayed prima donna syndrome as well. I just don't see how he fills any of our needs beyond being athletic, which he unfortunately mostly just uses to score (we need it more on defense and the glass).
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slugking50 said:
Sorry, I won't let it!!!!!

Anyway, I think something needs to be done. Ostertag is not playing and needs to go to get a more athletic player in the paint to back up Webb and Miller to match up with teams like Phoenix, SA, Seattle and Dallas. I think Philly could be a good trading partner and I would love to get Dalembert.
this team misses peja ... it aint the same without him out there on the court

come back Peja ... healthyyyyyyy ... and please ... average around 6-7 boards per game ...
Ideal trade to help out Peja:

L.A. Lakers trades: C Vlade Divac(0.8 ppg, 1.1 rpg, 0.5 apg in 4.6 minutes) L.A. Lakers receives: SG Kevin Martin(3.0 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 0.6 apg in 10.9 minutes) C Greg Ostertag(1.6 ppg, 2.7 rpg, 0.5 apg in 9.8 minutes) Change in team outlook: +3.8 ppg, +3.2 rpg, and +0.6 apg.
Sacramento trades: SG Kevin Martin(3.0 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 0.6 apg in 10.9 minutes) C Greg Ostertag(1.6 ppg, 2.7 rpg, 0.5 apg in 9.8 minutes) Sacramento receives: C Vlade Divac(0.8 ppg, 1.1 rpg, 0.5 apg in 4.6 minutes) Change in team outlook: -3.8 ppg, -3.2 rpg, and -0.6 apg.


Ostertag and Martin don't play anyway, so how could it hurt. This would make Peja feel warm and fuzzy....Then it would be time to turn on the sprinklers in Arco.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Crackerman said:
Ideal trade to help out Peja:

L.A. Lakers trades: C Vlade Divac(0.8 ppg, 1.1 rpg, 0.5 apg in 4.6 minutes) L.A. Lakers receives: SG Kevin Martin(3.0 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 0.6 apg in 10.9 minutes) C Greg Ostertag(1.6 ppg, 2.7 rpg, 0.5 apg in 9.8 minutes) Change in team outlook: +3.8 ppg, +3.2 rpg, and +0.6 apg.
Sacramento trades: SG Kevin Martin(3.0 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 0.6 apg in 10.9 minutes) C Greg Ostertag(1.6 ppg, 2.7 rpg, 0.5 apg in 9.8 minutes) Sacramento receives: C Vlade Divac(0.8 ppg, 1.1 rpg, 0.5 apg in 4.6 minutes) Change in team outlook: -3.8 ppg, -3.2 rpg, and -0.6 apg.


Ostertag and Martin don't play anyway, so how could it hurt. This would make Peja feel warm and fuzzy....Then it would be time to turn on the sprinklers in Arco.

Oh good lord.

If that's the issue why don't we go out and buy him a safety blankie while we're at it? :rolleyes:

And in any case, I think people are missing the larger point that if Peja gets traded now its not only because of what he is this year, its because of what he's ALWAYS been, with Vlade or not, and the changing needs of the team.
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I honestly don't see how the Kings can keep Peja around. After next season Peja has a player option for a little more than 8.2 mil. and assuming that he's still a King after next season he is not going to exercise that option. He's going to go out on the open market and look to get a max or near max deal starting somewhere around 10-11 mill at least per yer and the Kings will not be able to afford him assuming that Bibby, Brad and Webb are still on the team. For this reason the Kings have to and I'm sure have seriously thought about dealing him either now or after the season. The problem is that now days in the NBA you don't so much trade player for player but salary for salary. Right now Peja makes less than 7 mil and there is nobody out there, with the exception of Artest that makes roughly the same as Peja that is at or above his talent level. Simply put, the Kings will never be able to afford Peja when his contract is up so they better get something for him while they can. Now, if Webb was shipped out then sure they could afford him, but who in their right mind is going to assume Webb's contract when he is on the books until after the '07-'08 season when he will make 22.3 mill.


Hall of Famer
Diabeticwonder said:
but who in their right mind is going to assume Webb's contract when he is on the books until after the '07-'08 season when he will make 22.3 mill.

makes Vlade's 12 mil from last season look like a pocket change
In Petrie's defense: When Webb inked that deal he was a top 5 player in the league and if it had not been for that fateful injury in game 2 against Dallas two years ago then who knows, but 22.8 mill is a lot of money for anyone.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yes, truly sloppy of Geoff not to predict a catastropic knee injury.

But in any case, since he's back playing at a very high level, its far from the worst contract out there at this point. Just a question of whether he can maintain. We'll see. He is already the poster child as the NBA player who has recovered better than any other from this surgery. Most of the guys who have it might as well have just retired.


Hall of Famer
Diabeticwonder said:
In Petrie's defense: When Webb inked that deal he was a top 5 player in the league and if it had not been for that fateful injury in game 2 against Dallas two years ago then who knows, but 22.8 mill is a lot of money for anyone.
In 07-08 he will be almost as old as Vlade minus one leg plus same ego.

22.8 mills is a robery.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Yes, truly sloppy of Geoff not to predict a catastropic knee injury.

But in any case, since he's back playing at a very high level, its far from the worst contract out there at this point. Just a question of whether he can maintain. We'll see. He is already the poster child as the NBA player who has recovered better than any other from this surgery. Most of the guys who have it might as well have just retired.
and we all know that it can change today, tomorow, in a month, year


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
In 07-08 he will be almost as old as Vlade minus one leg plus same ego.

22.8 mills is a robery.
That's just the way it works. Nobody signs a 34yr old player to a $23 milion dollar contract. That is not the point. You give the player that $23 million so that he will sign with you can be a force when he's 30. Every single longterm contract ending when a player is 34+ is always going to be bad in its last year. That was never the point. It buys you the guy when he's young + you hope the deterioration isn't too bad by the end.

Vlade wasn't worth anywhere near $12 mil last year, but his contract was worth every penny for what he contributed over the course of the deal. next year, it will Peja's turn, whether hear or elsewhere. We'll have to see about the new CBA, but if ntohin changes he'll sign a contract taking him up to age 35 or so,a nd there is no way in those last few years he'll be worth the $18mil or whatever. But if you try to jip him the extra year or two at the end, he'll jsut go sign with somebody else who won't. Just the way it works.