Not every player became Bonds, because not very many can. Lots of players who could never have made it did because of steroids, and still had ho-hum careers that no one would notice. A huge concern is that steroids are so rampant in the minors, and lots of players who are tweeners, almost major league but not quite, will turn to drugs to push them over the top. They are then nobodies in the MLB, but happy for the huge guaranteed pay raise. Then there are other players, players who would have been nobodies but with the help of drugs would become midlevel players, who have some note but certainly will never come close to the all-star game. Think Alex Sanchez, Jamal Strong or Ryan Franklin. Guys who would never get any attention if they weren't getting busted. Somehow, I get the feeling Strong isn't going to make a big dent on the record books. There's also guys like Juan Rincon, good solid players, not the best in the league, but probably would fall into the category of "Hey, look! A good guy who isn't juiced!" All of these guys have normal sized heads, too. Then you have another category, of the guys who do do big things. Canseco, to start with, then McGwire, Sosa, Palmiero, Giambi, Sheffield and yes, Bonds. The thing is, steroids run deep. It's not just the top tier players. Out of the suspensions so far, 2 have been real big name players-Palmeiro and Rincon, and Rincon is a stretch. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of guys who were and are clean, but you will never, ever, in a thousand years, be able to go through the records and figure out who is clean and who isn't. So that is why picking on Bonds is just stupid. If you want to say it's his fault, make the bad man go away and stick your head back into the sand, that's fine. But I want no part of it. The last 2 decades are tainted, so I'll just understand that and live with it. Bonds did not introduce steroids. He didn't start telling people about this new crazy way to get better. Steroids came to him, and he made the wrong choice. But so did half of baseball. So give me one thing that Bonds has done wrong, more wrong than anyone else in baseball, besides having amazing talent, and then pick on him. Otherwise, know that it is the system that failed and produced cheaters, not Barry Bonds.