NOOOOO! Kings looking at Walker?!?!


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Kings talk to Walker's agent about sign-trade

By Martin McNeal -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PDT Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Kings apparently have decided to try to upgrade their power-forward position and have discussed a sign-and-trade deal with free-agent forward Antoine Walker's agent.

Walker, who will turn 29 on Aug. 12, played for the Atlanta Hawks and Boston Celtics last season , averaging 19.1 points and nine rebounds. Walker has career averages of 19.8 points and 8.7 rebounds and is a versatile player also capable of passing the ball and fitting into the Kings' offense.

Agent Mark Bartelstein called the 6-foot-10 Walker one of the league's top 20 players. That's arguable, but Boston improved dramatically in the season's second half after reacquiring Walker.

"I spoke with (Kings president of basketball operations) Geoff (Petrie) and explored some sign-and-trade possibilities," said the Chicago-based Bartelstein, who played a role in the sign-and-trade, three-team deal that brought Brad Miller to the Kings in July 2003. "I'll throw out a couple of ideas and try to get the teams talking. I did that in the Miller deal."

It's not known whom the Kings would send to Boston. Walker has been criticized for a quick trigger on three-pointers, but he would bring a sorely needed ability to score in the low post and rebound defensively.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Its stories like these that continue to undermine my faith in the acumen of our bball people. Now, if you read carefully it COULD be read as the agent contacting Geoff and making suggestions, not as Geoff expressing interest himself. But I'm not so sure anymore.

There was a moment last season, after the Doug trade, when Geoff made some remark about making the move because he wanted to be like Phoenix. It sounded off at the time, but minor. But subsequent events and rumors have made me begin to fear it was more than that -- that it was a sign of an offensive minded GM and two attention loving owners sharing a desperation for more and more and more scoring and running up and down the court, with the sober, unglamorous hardwork and grit that make a champion being downgraded to a secondary priority at most. That the show must go on, even if we don't win.
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Sorry guys, Antoinie Walker would be too ugly a move for me to endure the abuse from my LA brethren and remain a King fan. His attitude sucks, his game is not a King game (then again neither was Mobley's but he is periodically nails under pressure). Walker? Ewwww. Say it ain't so.

On a brighter note, LA Times reports Clips intent on a sign and trade with Kings. I'd give Mobley and Stojakovic for Brand - because he is exactly what our squad needs. I doubt they'll call for my advice though.
I was pretty mad when the Kings signed Ostertag last season. I was really mad when Corliss was being used at center in the series against Seattle. If Antoine Walker is going to be a King, I will absolutely boil over. I gave Ostertag a chance, I'll give damn-near any player a chance to prove he can play the game. Maybe even Ruben Patterson or Darius Miles. Antoine Walker will not get a chance to win me over. I'll go pick a team in the Eastern Conference and root for them temporarily.

Honestly, Petrie getting in contact with this guy is very disturbing. GM-ing isn't something that you're born with and can never lose. Is this a sign Petrie has Lost It?
LA King Fan II said:
On a brighter note, LA Times reports Clips intent on a sign and trade with Kings. I'd give Mobley and Stojakovic for Brand - because he is exactly what our squad needs. I doubt they'll call for my advice though.
Well its not as crazy as you may think. Stojakovic and Mobley would immediately replace bobby simmons and fill that #2 guard void.

In addition, the Clippers have a pretty good future if they use Wilcox at the PF, they just have to let him play more( could be a Jermaine O'neal scenario when he was in POR.

Brand would definitely fill the toughness and rebounding void immediately for us.
Call me crazy but I wouldn't mind a Peja&Cat for Brand deal...

Peja is a softy and a half and Cuttino never really fit into our system.... i cant possibly picture us winning a ring with either one of them. so why not get a sick PF in return?
Come on guys and girls, Walker is not that bad. His shot selection is poor(and Adelmans coaching won't help that) but the guy is a really good low post scorer and can rebound the hell out of the basketball. If I told you we were getting a player that averaged 19 points, 9 boards and about 3.5 assists but didn't tell you his name would you be happy???

I'm not totally excited about this but he is a real good passer and rebounder.
Ryle said:
Come on guys and girls, Walker is not that bad. His shot selection is poor(and Adelmans coaching won't help that) but the guy is a really good low post scorer and can rebound the hell out of the basketball. If I told you we were getting a player that averaged 19 points, 9 boards and about 3.5 assists but didn't tell you his name would you be happy???
Yeah, that sounds good. Just as long as you don't mention that he shoots 41% from the floor, takes 5 three pointers a game, hits on only 32% of those and turns it over almost as often as he assists.

And then there's the attitude, the no defense, the perpetual state of chubbiness, etc.
Oh no, please don't let this happen. I live in Atlanta, I did not like the fact Walker was here. I'm not a Hawks fan, but I would like them to do some good, but with Walker on the roster, I couldn't cheer for them as much, and would not for the Kings either if they have him on the roster. Unless he changes his style of offense, then I might re-evaluate, but seeing him in Boston, Dallas, and here in Atlanta, just eww, just eww.
Hopefully, this falls into the category of: If you hear a rumored trade involving the Kings it NEVER happens!

Except of course the Nene rumor.;)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ryle said:
Come on guys and girls, Walker is not that bad. His shot selection is poor(and Adelmans coaching won't help that) but the guy is a really good low post scorer and can rebound the hell out of the basketball. If I told you we were getting a player that averaged 19 points, 9 boards and about 3.5 assists but didn't tell you his name would you be happy???

I'm not totally excited about this but he is a real good passer and rebounder.
Well yes (well kind of, he's an ok rebounder, but this past year was the first time he'd grabbed as many as 9 a game in 7 years). said:
Yeah, that sounds good. Just as long as you don't mention that he shoots 41% from the floor, takes 5 three pointers a game, hits on only 32% of those and turns it over almost as often as he assists.

And then there's the attitude, the no defense, the perpetual state of chubbiness, etc.
But also yes.

And that's really how I would hope the anlaysis would go in ago front office of a serious team. One guy says "look, he's a good passer, he has a post game, has a jumper, Boston seems to think he has some leadership skills (albeit they don't seem to work anywhere outside of Beantown), in general one of the few guys who could run our system" and you go oooohhh!! And then Mr. Reality Check steps in and says yes, but... And by the time the "yes but" list is complete about two hours later you say, oh. Ok. Neeeexxxttt!

I think I mentioned when this rumor first cropped up a few weeks back that 5 years ago, when it looked like it was a possibility we might lose Webb to free agency, I actually was briefly thinking that maybe, just maybe, Walker at that time could be a sort of minor league replacement with some of the same skills. Of course then my brother threatened to slap me silly for even thinking such a thought, and any respectability Walker might once have had went far far by the wayside under a blizzard of B.S.-balling three point chucks, complete defensive indifference, and general softness. Truth now, is there anybody here, no matter how hard they squint, who can truthfully tell me they can picture Antoine Walker as the PF for a championship team??
You can officially put me in the "Oh God, please no," category when it comes to Walker, but as Bricklayer alluded to, this article really sounds like Walker's agent put in a call to Geoff Petrie, called the Bee and made it sound like a done deal. Walker's having trouble attracting attention for more than the MLE, and his agent could be making the rounds trying to drive up his value.

But if it's true... shudder.
One thing of note is that every year Petrie calls the agents of all the "major" free agents just to gauge the market. Remember when Mitch Richmond was a FA and these rumors were spread that Petrie had contacted his agent?? He did but it was only to see what the market was. Every agent will then say all these teams are interested to drive up the price.

One thing that is scary though is that all this talk about needing to improve our defense would go out the window if we signed Walker. We would continue to be a soft team that gives up 120 points per game in the playoffs.
G_M said:
Hopefully, this falls into the category of: If you hear a rumored trade involving the Kings it NEVER happens!

Except of course the Nene rumor.;)

I don't hate Walker nearly as much as a lot of people do...I do think he would fit in just great offensively but I don't think he is at all what we need defensively...quite frankly I don't care if our PF scores 0 or 20 ppg just as long as he's hell bent on defending...and I really don't think you get that with Walker...we don't NEED a PF that can score I think we already have plenty of guys that can do some scoring...we need a balance of both offense and defense and acquiring Walker doesn't exactly make everything balanced out

His best fit ever was with the Celts

If it did happen that Walker found his way here I wouldn't be shaking my fist at the sky (well...maybe) but I wouldn't be thrilled either...I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he can do with us...its just one of those things where you hope for the best and keep on cheering...there is nothing we can do as fans (unfortunately)
If we can take solace in anything, it's that Petrie trades are never anticipated, so this "reported" sign-and-trade deal with Walker probably won't happen. ;)


Doh! someone already beat me to the punch on that line of thinking! that's what I get for not reading far enough ahead on this thread.


Bricklayer said:
Truth now, is there anybody here, no matter how hard they squint, who can truthfully tell me they can picture Antoine Walker as the PF for a championship team??
yeah..... if the spurs trade horry and rasho trade fpr him.... if the pistons trade mcdyess and darko trade for him..... or if by some chance walker signs with miami for the mle..... there is no way that he'd be starting over duncan or rasheed.... and anyone playing with shaq and wade have a good chance of making it.... lmao.....
I think this a smoke screen to make Denver think that we do not need Nene and therefor we do not need to do a trade and sign with them. That would put even more pressure to get a sign and trade done for Mobley

iheartBrad said:

...I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he can do with us...
so your willing to give the self-proclaimed "volume shooter" a chance but Brown is completely out of the picture? i don't see the Kings needing his offense, and since his defense lacks severly he isn't a good fit.


Hall of Famer
You, know, the way I look ay it is, getting ANYTHING, is better than losing Mobley for absolutly nothing...

I know I'd rather have Walker than Thomas starting, but that's just my opinion.
Did you see what Walker did to a very good Mavs team that had Dirk and Nash? They were a mess that year. He'll be 'Toine no matter where he goes. If he played with Shaq and Wade, he'd still take awful shots and think he was the point guard. Just as Dirk and Nash's effectiveness took a drop the year they played with Walker, Shaq and Wade (or any other star combo) will become less effective playing with Walker.

That's the reason the only team he can make better is the Celtics. When Pierce plays without Walker, he mopes around and isn't as motivated. For whatever reason, they play off eachother well and Pierce is probably the only guy in the league who can work with him.


Hall of Famer
A power forward that takes some ill-advised shots, and perfers to have the ball in his hands all the time...Sounds pretty familiar, and the Kings are used to a player like that. I think he could work here.