Nocioni heading home? (Chicago)

Moving Donte now would eb a lot like losing Gerald years ago. Too much potential, and critically too much defensive potential, to give up on. Ont the high end, could end up being ther best player currently on this roster other than Reke.
Well i certainly hope so. I just refuse to put my hopes on this deadline (not saying you are of course) because we know petrie doesn't do much on that day.
Reke is the last King who needs defensive training. He's going to be a really good one on that end regardless. Now you want to get Lindsay and lock Kevin, Beno, Sergio et al in a gym wiht him all summer, that could help.
I agree with your statement but I wouldnt mind evans acquiring more knowledge from a guy like hunter.

never pass up an opportunity to get better.
meh, i think Noah is one of the those guys that you love when he is on your team and hate when he isn't.

Kind of like those kings fans that say they wouldn't want Kobe. :rolleyes: Always baffles me.
I've always hated him. I'd hate him as a King. Even if he's a perfect fit. Can't stand him.