looks like bibby needed this

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Haven't been here in a while but I watched the last 2 kings road games and john salmons has done the same black hole ME thang 2 times with the final posession.


Super Moderator Emeritus
way to raise that trade value mike

oh yeah! we can't trade you anymore
You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant
You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant
Keep ranting. You make a LOT of sense.
VF21--couldn't have said it better myself. I am an optimist and some days I can't decide which is more painful--the losses (especially the close ones) or some of the posts on this website. I told Bud that the first thing that will happen is someone will compliment Bibby on his great game and then someone will say something like "it is only one game." Sure enough--! And then I want to say that the preferential treatment given super stars is galling to us. And to watch Gilbert Arenas take the ball, drive to the basket and just run down anyone in his way over and over and getting the foul call every time was annoying. But the last two calls in the last two minutes that were game deciding were when Garcia got a call and the replay showed he did not foul Arenas (2 free throws) and the call Salmons got for travelling. His pivot foot did not move. We watched both over and over and they were just wrong. So, another game decided by the refs instead of the players. Ugh! Go Kings! Annie.
VF21--couldn't have said it better myself. I am an optimist and some days I can't decide which is more painful--the losses (especially the close ones) or some of the posts on this website. I told Bud that the first thing that will happen is someone will compliment Bibby on his great game and then someone will say something like "it is only one game." Sure enough--! And then I want to say that the preferential treatment given super stars is galling to us. And to watch Gilbert Arenas take the ball, drive to the basket and just run down anyone in his way over and over and getting the foul call every time was annoying. But the last two calls in the last two minutes that were game deciding were when Garcia got a call and the replay showed he did not foul Arenas (2 free throws) and the call Salmons got for travelling. His pivot foot did not move. We watched both over and over and they were just wrong. So, another game decided by the refs instead of the players. Ugh! Go Kings! Annie.

The game was basically decided by a point and the Kings missed 9 free throws. I know what you're saying but if we made even half of that then we're never in that position anyway.
You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant

Thank you, finally, someone makes a little sense, honestly, people keep wanting to throw away everything weve got instead of working with it, whats gonna happen if we get trades? it will probably go back to the same thing. More trade value, so on, so on. I realize that its all business, I dont want to sound naive, and forgive me if I do, but I just think the wisest thing right now is to just move on for the moment, trades are over. You cant always give up immediately when something doesnt work.
i just got home from the game, i sat 2 rows away from their bench and got fransicos and kevins autograph...i took alot of pictures which i will upload the good ones and also tony massenburg(sp?) was sittin in front of me =)....

i just wanted to say how nice it was to see bibby still be in a kings uniform and i def liked what i saw tonight =)
You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant
save your rant for something important... like global warming or something

i was joking. plain and simple
he needs to continue to shoot more 15-20ft jumpshots. He is a much better shooter in that range. If he stopped relying on the three so much his numbers would be a lot better than they are. IMO


Hall of Famer
You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant
Don't you understand the derivation of fan? FANATIC. That means FOR or AGAINST. Haven't you ever heard of a love/hate relationship before? The world and the people that inhabit it are a little more complex than: "Go Kings!" And I daresay that many, if not most, have conflicting feelings about many of the players on this team, as well as of the team itself. They're not going to show that complexity in one post.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Don't you understand the derivation of fan? FANATIC. That means FOR or AGAINST. Haven't you ever heard of a love/hate relationship before? The world and the people that inhabit it are a little more complex than: "Go Kings!" And I daresay that many, if not most, have conflicting feelings about many of the players on this team, as well as of the team itself. They're not going to show that complexity in one post.
Oh. Darn.

I didn't know any of that. I guess I've been doing things wrong for so long...
vf21, weren't you before talking how no one has the right to say how someone should or shouldn't be a fan? i don't believe there should be rules that if you're a kings fan you HAVE to like everyone on the team, i mean look at how many pot shots that are taken at kenny thomas, now i dont read every post but i havent seen you come to his defense.


Super Moderator Emeritus
vf21, weren't you before talking how no one has the right to say how someone should or shouldn't be a fan? i don't believe there should be rules that if you're a kings fan you HAVE to like everyone on the team, i mean look at how many pot shots that are taken at kenny thomas, now i dont read every post but i havent seen you come to his defense.
Then you need to read all my posts. Comments about his lack of performance on the court are warranted but when they step across a certain line, I'm going to say something.

The point is that some people are getting way too carried away in their zeal to dump on various players, etc. It's not what this particular message board has ever been about. IMHO it's usually the newer members who aren't aware of this and take to sniping at players.

And now, back to the topic at hand...

Mike did need this game. I think he's relieved to look up and not see the Sword of Damacles for a change. Bibby may not be perfect but there aren't that many PGs of his caliber around. He's been the subject of a lot of unjust comments recently that just aren't fair, again IMHO.
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im glad mike stayed, this is the same guy that was avg 20+ in the last couple seasons in the playoffs, bibby is clutch, and this is the same guy who was killing steve nash in the playoffs back when stevo was with the mavs, i think if mike departed from us it would of taken us out of the picture for good just like the goldenstate warriors we wouldnt see the playoffs for the next 11yrs:( we'll land a great free agent this summer and we'll be ok, well at least im hoping:cool:
Im all for Mike still beeing here, a trade would have been cool to shake some things up, but in reality i would have been pretty upset to see him leave.

I might be the only one, but i like this team the way it is, well not Muss, but i like our players out there, and i think we have way more talent than we know, but for some reason we are not showing it, all i can say is go kings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
a) our talent is mediocre.
b) you are the only one -- there is a reason we were the onyl team int he league wihtout a single player in any of the All Star activities. We may be the most boring team in the league. We do nothing well, except flop.
3) as an aside, Mike is not that level of talent. He's a no time All Star, and if he stays in the West a never time All Star. In fact with the emergence of the young PGs all over the West, it is even possible that he is no better than an average PG in our conference. Nash, Iverson, Baron, Williams, Parker, Paul are all ahead of him. He's not a foundation piece, just a good player. You add him to an already solid foundation, you barter him to get a foundation, but he's expendable.
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