looks like bibby needed this

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I agree, I know the season isn't going that well, but it seems like many of us have turned against the team altogether. It's funny how people change, many of you were probably very happy when Mike signed his contract after the WCF. It would be nice if someone from that era was allowed to retire as a King. I know it won't happen, and this is the nature of the business,ect.
I agree, I know the season isn't going that well, but it seems like many of us have turned against the team altogether. It's funny how people change, many of you were probably very happy when Mike signed his contract after the WCF. It would be nice if someone from that era was allowed to retire as a King. I know it won't happen, and this is the nature of the business,ect.
mike being mike during the golden age was great; i was happy we locked him up long term.

you mention how people change, but it's natural given the situation. i mean, the team is not adjusting to the faster pace of the league, so we're getting hammered. then again, i would be fine if there was a conscious decision to play a slower, more controlled style of bball, but then we fail to go out and get the pieces for it!

we're a rudderless ship, and it's hard to always be rah-rah-rah for a team that has no direction. :(
mike being mike during the golden age was great; i was happy we locked him up long term.

you mention how people change, but it's natural given the situation. i mean, the team is not adjusting to the faster pace of the league, so we're getting hammered. then again, i would be fine if there was a conscious decision to play a slower, more controlled style of bball, but then we fail to go out and get the pieces for it!

we're a rudderless ship, and it's hard to always be rah-rah-rah for a team that has no direction. :(
That exactly the thing and it will take time to get the players to carry out the style we have. By going night and day, last season to this one with a proven coach in Adelman and his Offsensive 1st style with layed back Defense to a team with a new young very analytical guy with little NBA experience and a 180 degree change to Defensive focus is going to take time and get the players to make it happen. You can only hope to have a player work on becoming a better defender, but if that is your focus you need to get the right people at least in the core to do that.

With the Defensive direction we choose to go in, Ron Artest is a great start as he is one of the best at Defense in the league and can be a good mentor to the young kids like KMart and especially Cisco. We need more of that though and with Kings obviously trying to move Bibby, it looks like they finally see the Defense breaking down much of the time to Bibby being such a poor defender and then no big man 4/5 to be the shot blocker and guard the hoop.

It will be interesting this summer in what we do to make us a much better Defensive team as we rebuild.

A big problem is GP's love of shooting combo guards. Yeah we have to pick the best available later on, be we had the chance to get another JWill, a very good young dynamic PG that is a Nash type with his breaking down the opponents D and then using his great passing skills and court awareness to find open teamates for easy shots.
Also if we wanted a Defensive focus, why not get Rondo as he is looking to be a very good combo Defender if not more.
While I do like Douby, he looks to be purely a shooter small SG that we are trying to turn into a combo guard to handle the PG position. Kind of a new Bibby of a shot 1st, pass 2nd PG which I don't like.
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You know, this stuff is getting really old.

Mike Bibby is a member of the Sacramento Kings. If you look up at the top of the page, you'll see the name of this website is - interestingly enough - KingsFANS.com I don't know why people seem to feel it's okay to continually take potshots at players. And I'm not just talking about your statement. It seems to have been declared open season on guys wearing the uniform of the Sacramento Kings and I, personally, would really like to see it stop.

Our team isn't very good right now. But those players have heart and they're trying to make something out of nothing. Did you see the look on their faces when they pulled out of that hole and erased that deficit?

We can hope for lottery picks, etc. without having to continually find a reason to demean one of our own, can't we?

/end of rant
What's getting old is you telling everyone here that "this stuff is really gettind old." You can't change human nature, no matter how much you try. This is the way fans deal with frustration. They don't blindly support their team or its players. It costs a lot of money to be a fan who attends games these days, so they have earned the right to mouth off now and then. And yes, they can do it on this forum if they're not using profanity or attacking other posters. By the way, I'm not attacking you or your post, just voicing my opinion.
Because not everyone is the same, everyone doesn't have to cheer for the team in the same way, we are fans we have the right to cheer whichever way we choose and we can be negative if we choose, no reason to be all happy and positive when there is nothing to be positive about.

I myself want a pg who is quick and fast and can stay with his man and plays good defense than a pg who can shoot and can't do too much else, that's just me though.
Because not everyone is the same, everyone doesn't have to cheer for the team in the same way, we are fans we have the right to cheer whichever way we choose and we can be negative if we choose, no reason to be all happy and positive when there is nothing to be positive about.

I myself want a pg who is quick and fast and can stay with his man and plays good defense than a pg who can shoot and can't do too much else, that's just me though.
I'm with you about the fan part and the PG we need. ;)


Hall of Famer
Then you need to read all my posts. Comments about his lack of performance on the court are warranted but when they step across a certain line, I'm going to say something.
Please define what you mean by "a certain line".

Bibby may not be perfect but there aren't that many PGs of his caliber around. He's been the subject of a lot of unjust comments recently that just aren't fair, again IMHO.
If you would limit yourself to the Western Conference (I'm not familiar with the East), please tell me the point guards that you think are worse than Bibby. On first blush, your statement that there "aren't many PGs of his caliber," seems absolutely absurd to me. Maybe the Lakers, Memphis, Seattle (and I say maybe because *this* year just about NO PG has been worse than Bibby), but who else in the West is worse? And don't you think that there would have a been a lot more interested teams in Bibby's services if he was a top caliber point guard?
What's getting old is you telling everyone here that "this stuff is really gettind old." You can't change human nature, no matter how much you try. This is the way fans deal with frustration. They don't blindly support their team or its players. It costs a lot of money to be a fan who attends games these days, so they have earned the right to mouth off now and then. And yes, they can do it on this forum if they're not using profanity or attacking other posters. By the way, I'm not attacking you or your post, just voicing my opinion.
VF21 is far from a "blind" supporter of the team, FYI.

I too think it gets pretty old to hear people tear apart individual players for everything from how they're shooting to the look on their face to to imagined attitudes. It really goes way over the top sometimes. I don't mind hearing reasoned arguments, but there is a lot of irrational hate floating around in here, too. Just as much (and I think more) than "blind support."

And if someone wants to complain about the "product" they are spending their bucks on, they should complain to the seller or not buy it any more.

That's my opinion.


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 is far from a "blind" supporter of the team, FYI.

I too think it gets pretty old to hear people tear apart individual players for everything from how they're shooting to the look on their face to to imagined attitudes. It really goes way over the top sometimes. I don't mind hearing reasoned arguments, but there is a lot of irrational hate floating around in here, too. Just as much (and I think more) than "blind support."

And if someone wants to complain about the "product" they are spending their bucks on, they should complain to the seller or not buy it any more.

That's my opinion.

Yes! I get tired of those who come here and hate on our Kings. I don't give a rat's patoot if you like or dislike this player or that player. But, damnit, as long as they wear the uniform of the Sacramento Kings then have the decency to make an effort to see some good in him. The constant bashing has gone over the top.

I don't expect you all to be homers, but Bibby is our player for now. You do not have to spew hatred off the ends of your fingertips every time you sit down to the computer.


Homer Fan Since 1985
What's getting old is you telling everyone here that "this stuff is really gettind old." You can't change human nature, no matter how much you try. This is the way fans deal with frustration. They don't blindly support their team or its players. It costs a lot of money to be a fan who attends games these days, so they have earned the right to mouth off now and then. And yes, they can do it on this forum if they're not using profanity or attacking other posters. By the way, I'm not attacking you or your post, just voicing my opinion.

I study human nature and I can tell you that not everyone deals with their frustration in that way.

And, as far as what is allowed on this forum, you don't get to decide. Those in charge get to do that. If you don't like that then I suggest you find a forum more suitable to your tastes. I found mine, and I will not stand by and watch hateful posts from hateful people ruin it for the rest of us. There is a reason that this is the largest Kings board (by far) on the internet. Maybe, just maybe, it is because we like it the way we had it when you all found us. And, we intend to keep it that way. :mad:
What's getting old is you telling everyone here that "this stuff is really gettind old." You can't change human nature, no matter how much you try. This is the way fans deal with frustration. They don't blindly support their team or its players. It costs a lot of money to be a fan who attends games these days, so they have earned the right to mouth off now and then. And yes, they can do it on this forum if they're not using profanity or attacking other posters. By the way, I'm not attacking you or your post, just voicing my opinion.
Oscar. Dude this is a family site. If you want to express your frustration, go to xxx or if you really need to vent go to xxx. Do not trash on the mods of this site for having their boundaries. They have plenty of support in what they are doing.
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Yes! I get tired of those who come here and hate on our Kings. I don't give a rat's patoot if you like or dislike this player or that player. But, damnit, as long as they wear the uniform of the Sacramento Kings then have the decency to make an effort to see some good in him. The constant bashing has gone over the top.

I don't expect you all to be homers, but Bibby is our player for now. You do not have to spew hatred off the ends of your fingertips every time you sit down to the computer.
I agree..call me a homer, but I am always going to support the Sacramento Kings and especially Mike Bibby.

I, as well, have been getting tired of all the hate people give the Kings. It's fine to be disappointed with a players play, but it seems like even if Bibby were to go 20/10/10 and shut down the opposing teams starting PG, someone would come on here and find something negative to talk about him.

This season really shows how spoiled we have been the last few years..really seems to have changed some of the fans..People are expecting too much..not enjoying the game of basketball and the Kings like you should.

Oh well, guess I have got off-topic, just wanted to vent a little oh my feelings..back to the post haha. :cool:


Hall of Famer
Oscar. Dude this is a family site. If you want to express your frustration, go to xxx or if you really need to vent go to xxx. Do not trash on the mods of this site for having their boundaries. They have plenty of support in what they are doing.
Hey "dude", how is it that Oscar's post is "anti-family"? Is his expression of frustration not conducive to family values? Does it cause the kids to cut school classes? Does it encourage them to join gangs? Drop out of school? :p Talk back to teacher?:p Take money from the cookie jar?:p And don't trash what Oscar has to say. That's just not nicey-nice.:D
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I study human nature and I can tell you that not everyone deals with their frustration in that way.

And, as far as what is allowed on this forum, you don't get to decide. Those in charge get to do that. If you don't like that then I suggest you find a forum more suitable to your tastes. I found mine, and I will not stand by and watch hateful posts from hateful people ruin it for the rest of us. There is a reason that this is the largest Kings board (by far) on the internet. Maybe, just maybe, it is because we like it the way we had it when you all found us. And, we intend to keep it that way. :mad:
I havnt been here all that long but i agree, i have told a couple people about this forum and they come in to take a look and ask me "Is that a Kings forum, or an anti Kings forum?", and believe it or not the negativity spreads quickly, im seeing it first hand.
Hey "dude", how is it that Oscar's post is "anti-family"? Is his expression of frustration not conducive to family values? Does it cause the kids to cut school classes? Does it encourage them to join gangs? Drop out of school? :p Talk back to teacher?:p Take money from the cookie jar?:p And don't trash what Oscar has to say. That's just not nicey-nice.:D
Hey Dudette. Do not try to change this forum. Check out those links and move on.

edit. PM me if you did not get those links before they were deleted.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
At this point, since this thread has deteoriated into nothing of relevance as far as the Kings are concerned, I'm going to do it a favor and put it out of its misery.
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