Peja a 2, NOT.
For the first time in the 16 years I've watched the Kings, there is real, I mean REAL, competition for a number of positions: PF among starters and the #2 and #3 backups for the 1 thru 4 positions. I assume Skinner is in as the 5 backup.
As Sam Amick said in the Bee, ".......... Which would explain why GarcĂa and Stojakovic went toe-to-toe at one point, a friendly but fiery one-on-one matchup that gave Adelman an early look at whether his draft pick could handle his star." NOW THAT IS GREAT!! And Ailene said this morning in the Bee, "Healthy competition appears to be aiding and abetting Rick Adelman's anti-complacency campaign."
I've never heard the type of feedback we are getting from veterans the first day of camp before. I'm excited. Since 2002 I've haven't been really excited. My wife is excited for the Kings based on just one day of feedback.