I also think a contributing factor is the over-reliance on his dribble penetration. I think asking him to work off the ball more, setting up his post game, iso on the baseline, etc with the ball in beno's hands more will do wonders for this team.
Couldn't agree more. Tyreke has a habit of dribbling
every time he gets the ball. I'd like to challenge him to receive a ball during the game and not dribble it one time. Just pass the ball; and then cut after he passes. Coaches have drills where no ball touches the floor. The Kings need a
ton of that kind of work.
As an aside, it would be nice if both Tyreke and Garcia could have Beno as their off-season shooting coach. Beno is
by far the most fundamentally sound shooter on this team. The Las Vegas high kick from Garcia and Tyreke just frustrates me to no end (though it seems like Tyreke may have cut down on it just a little.)
PS. After watching some of this game again, it's hard to even put into words how bad the offense was at times. It's selfish, selfish basketball. Maybe the selfishness is by design (Westphal), maybe it's players wanting to do it on their own because they are frustrated, or maybe it's guys just wanting to pad their stats and they could care less about this team. I have no idea. But the dribble, dribble isolation game, with one or no passes, just doesn't cut it. The Knicks are a bad defensive team. Heaven forbid if the Kings play with this selfishness on offense against a good defensive team.