Knicks-Bulls (Antonio Davis)

Mr. S£im Citrus said:
I can't blame Davis for his reaction at all; in fact, I'd truly hate to be the husband of a woman who saw her husband stand and watch while she was being accosted, regardless of whether there was security there or not... that would have been a miserable ride home...
Very well said. I guess I'm having a hard time understanding why there are several people critizing him for protecting his family. Yes, rules are rules, however, sometimes you have to do what's right. A. Davis did NOT make any threatening gestures toward anyone. He was just being concerned for his family.
QueensFan said:
Ugh. I can't believe this. What if some drunk fan had thrown a punch at Davis, a visiting player? Bam - Detroit part II. YOU. DO. NOT. GO. INTO. THE. STANDS. EVER. ESPECIALLY not on the road. This is not a streetfight, this is a highly policed venue with rules and procedures. If you see your wife "falling backwards" (whatever that means) there are tons of easily accessible cops and security - you handle it in an orderly manner. Hell, you can throw a huge fuss about it and make sure all attention in the stadium is on your wife so nothing can happen to her, as long as you don't break a fundamental rule designed for the safety of the players and fans.

And "acting on instinct" is no excuse because I'm sure the players in the Detroit Indiana situation were just acting on instinct too.
So what would you do? If you would say stand there and watch, you are either: A. a bloody liar. B. a vulkin from like planet 726XzY that has no emotion.



Knicks Have Wild Finish on Court and in the Stands

Published: January 19, 2006
CHICAGO, Jan. 18 - The Knicks and the Bulls played an emotionally charged game Wednesday night, but the most intense moment had nothing to do with what happened on the court, where Ben Gordon hit a game-winning shot at the buzzer in overtime to lift Chicago, 106-104.

The Knicks' Jamal Crawford driving between the Bulls' Mike Sweetney, left, and Luol Deng during the first quarter.
With 1 minute 4 seconds remaining in the extra session, Antonio Davis, a former Chicago Bull, walked off the court and into the stands. Davis was upset over the fans' actions toward his wife, Kendra, who had to restrain Davis.

"I witnessed my wife being threatened by a man that I learned later to be intoxicated," Davis, the president of the players union, said in a statement after he was ejected. "I saw him touch her and I know I should not have acted the way I did, but I would have felt terrible if I didn't react. There was no time to call security. It happened too quickly."

Davis's action are certain to be reviewed by the commissioner's office and a suspension of a least one game seems likely, given the embarrassment over the brawl last year at the Palace at Auburn Hills.

Davis, who is known to be level-headed, was supported by his teammates and Coach Larry Brown. Last season, on Nov. 19, Brown was the coach of the Detroit Pistons, who were involved with a brawl with the Indiana Pacers that spilled into the stands and then back onto the court. In that game, Indiana's Ron Artest charged into the stands and earned a record 73-game suspension. Several players also faced criminal charges.

But Brown said Wednesday night's events were entirely different.

"That's his wife up there," Brown said. "We were worried about Kendra. He saw her fall back and someone flailing."

To all those who called him an idiot, you need to rethink your assessment. Or maybe change the word idiot to something less harsh. Some things have more value than others, and one has to make that decision for himself, but no matter what decision he makes, he should never be referred to as an idiot. The man was concerned for his wife who means more to him than any rule layed out by the NBA. Should he be suspended? Sure. Did he do what every man should have done for his wife? Yes.
Davis had a higher duty than performing on the court, a more important one which is to defend his family if he honestly felt like his wife was in harms way. reports coming out saying the man in question was drunk, who knows how quickly things could have escalated in the heat of the moment. Davis surely did not set a good example for other players by going into the stands but one cant blame him for ensuring the safety of his loved ones.
I've been following this forum for a long time and I felt I had to say something to this Antonio Davis case.

I don't understand how he can possibly be criticized for what he did. How can the situation have possibly been left up to security? Imagine how fast Davis ran up into the stands, and how slow security was in getting to Davis and pulling him back. Now imagine how much faster a push or shove could have been thrown from that drunken fan to his wife. There was absolutely no other choice for Davis. Honestly... what was he going to do, stand on the court, waving and pointing at his wife while waiting for security to check the situation out? It isnt really a matter of being macho, it's a matter of necessarily protecting your family in a potentially dangerous situation. He probably withheld his instinct of throwing a punch, because he realized the gravity of his actions (going into the stands). Davis shouldnt be suspended.. he should be fined, and then the Bulls Organization should offer to pay for his fine.
Come on people. I understand why he did it and I don't care if he did it or not. We are trying to make an angel out his wife. Nobody knows what happened. Of course that Davis' will say it was a drunken fan being the instigator, but why couldn't it have been his wife who instigated it.

He tried to protect his loved ones, but it is not like she was being beaten to death (I am willing to bet it was nothing more than a shouting match that is being exaggerated now to make it look like a lunatic fan was a serial killer).

There was security around and they showed up at the same time as Davis (which goes to tell you that incident between his wife and the fan did not last long time).

It's a moot point to discuss since we love our families :)
Kendra is known to be a very 'strong' woman...

antonio will not be criticized for the reasons he did what he did....

he will however be suspended for what he did...not the reasons he did such....

and its likely to be a very long suspension....

that then is substantially reduced by an arbitrator....


vj9999 said:
There was security around and they showed up at the same time as Davis (which goes to tell you that incident between his wife and the fan did not last long time).
Security only showed up when Davis entered the stands. Security should have been there to stop this incident so it didn't escalate to the point that Davis had to go into the stands.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
vj9999 said:
Come on people. I understand why he did it and I don't care if he did it or not. We are trying to make an angel out his wife...
Who is we? I must have missed the post where someone was trying to sanctify Kendra Davis; perhaps you can point it out to me.

There was virtually no way for Antonio Davis to know what was going on with his wife from down on the court; even if his wife is known to be an agitator, a man who loves his wife can't just go, "eh, she probably started it" and disregard it.


Seems pointless to argue this anymore. Davis knew he would be suspended and has taken the suspension without questions.
I can buy the argument that what Davis did was a grave infringement of the established rules....but to say that it was a result of "machoism" is ismply unfair. If, as most members seem to agree, he acted without thinking then he obviously did not have the time or sense of mind to glorify himself through an act of "machoism." I am actually quite surprised to see otherwise repectable fans like VF refer to Davis as an "idiot." That is not to condone his actions - because "instinct" or not, he broke the rules - but to cite "machoism" as the cause is a bit far.
Ok, as a married MAN, there is no way in hell I do anything different than what AD did. If I saw that my wife was being threatened and touched by another man in a threatening way I would jump the barrier and go make sure everything was ok as well.

He didn't go up to cause a fight, he went up to make sure his wife, the most important person in his life (not his team, not the nba, not the fans watching) was ok. How could you not do the same? What is he supposed to do, sit back and say "Ooo look, that man is touching and threatening my wife, maybe I should run to find a security guy and hope they get there before that dude does something." What happens if the man gets physical and harms her?

As for real men not doing the same, that is an insult to every married man out there. Sorry, but I find it hard to believe he did it to be macho, I think he did it to protect his loved ones.

His kids were in the stands too, should he sit back and wait to see what happens?
slugking50 said:
A (Im toungue Tied. One of the people who help you to your seat and are there for any problems)person was there who was in the area could have helped resolve the situation. That person was alot closer the Antonio Davis was and was there about the same time.

Anyway, They should have handled it earlier instead of letting things get out of hand.
Security has never helped me to my seat in any venue no matter if it was a bball game or disney on ice. They stand there with their arms in front watching people. I'm not saying that security is bad but they're not always on top of things.
Antonio Davis was in the right when he went to the defense of his wife. Some punk *** little kid named Michael Axelrod was intoxicated at the game and he was acting like an *** towards a lady. Michale Axelrod is a coward and a punk for acting like a *itch towards Tony Davis's wife. Nothing to reinforce his being a loser then braggin to the media that he is going to take the Davis family to court for one million dollars.

Antonio Davis should be commended for being a man and sticking up for his wife. He knew that he would get suspended and fined and still put his priorities first. Family before the NBA.


GreenKing said:
Antonio Davis was in the right when he went to the defense of his wife. Some punk *** little kid named Michael Axelrod was intoxicated at the game and he was acting like an *** towards a lady. Michale Axelrod is a coward and a punk for acting like a *itch towards Tony Davis's wife. Nothing to reinforce his being a loser then braggin to the media that he is going to take the Davis family to court for one million dollars.

Antonio Davis should be commended for being a man and sticking up for his wife. He knew that he would get suspended and fined and still put his priorities first. Family before the NBA.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A witness sitting near Mrs. Davis was interviewed and said Security was in the area and did nothing to defuse the situation.

The United Center released a statement saying security was there before Antonio and took care of the situation.

Sure didn't look like they took care of it in a timely manner.

Knicks’ Antonio Davis Suspended Five Games

NEW YORK, Jan. 19 – New York Knicks forward Antonio Davis has been suspended five games without pay for entering the spectator stands, it was announced today by Stu Jackson, NBA Senior Vice President Basketball Operations.
"We have made it plain to our players and our fans that players may not enter the spectator stands, no matter the provocation, and that violations of this policy will be treated with the utmost seriousness," Jackson said. "We have concluded, however, that Antonio's actions were the result of his belief that his family members required his immediate assistance, and have taken those mitigating circumstances into account in setting the length of the suspension." The incident occurred with 1:04 remaining in the overtime period of the Knicks' 106-104 loss to the Chicago Bulls at United Center. Davis will begin serving his suspension tonight as the Knicks host the Detroit Pistons.
Rockmeister said:

Knicks’ Antonio Davis Suspended Five Games

NEW YORK, Jan. 19 – New York Knicks forward Antonio Davis has been suspended five games without pay for entering the spectator stands, it was announced today by Stu Jackson, NBA Senior Vice President Basketball Operations.
"We have made it plain to our players and our fans that players may not enter the spectator stands, no matter the provocation, and that violations of this policy will be treated with the utmost seriousness," Jackson said. "We have concluded, however, that Antonio's actions were the result of his belief that his family members required his immediate assistance, and have taken those mitigating circumstances into account in setting the length of the suspension." The incident occurred with 1:04 remaining in the overtime period of the Knicks' 106-104 loss to the Chicago Bulls at United Center. Davis will begin serving his suspension tonight as the Knicks host the Detroit Pistons.
5 games is a pretty fair suspension. I am really glad that they decided not to hand out a longer one. I do hope the nba follows some other professional sports and offer specially designated areas for immediate family of players to prevent incidents like this in the future.
I feel that Antonio Davis should have not recieved that 5 game suspension. He broke the rules but 5 games is way too long. I know entering the stands is not allowed but he was doing what any man would do if he felt that his wife was in any sort of danger.
I would never claim to be an overly macho guy...never even been in a fight. But I would have done the same thing, without question. Assuming there was a threat, protection of one's own family is not only reasonable, it's a biological necessity. Sorry, but I'm all for Davis' actions on this one. He could not have lived with himself if security could not respond fast enough and she really was in danger. We can't assume that rent-a-cops are quick to respond and we cannot be stupid enough to think that fans won't ever be threatening and/or dangerous. Sometimes you can't rely on others to take care of the most important things in your lives.

And I'm glad he accepted the 5 games. And I hope he told them he'd gladly take another 5 games if anything like that happened again.
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They just showed a different clip on ESPN2 of Mrs.Davis and the guy. I don't think it was the whole incident but from what they showed it looked like she was in his face.They did not show when she fell back or whatever happened. He was just sitting there while she was talking/shouting to him. The security guard was already there and then a few seconds later Antonio showed up. It didn't look like security was doing a whole lot about the situation. I really think 5 games is too long but I'm sure he doesn't regret what he did and anyone else in the same situation would do the same thing.
A great man once said that you can do everything right and still loose. That is life.

This is a perfect example. This is the kind of thing they mean when they say life is unfair.

AD won't be hurting for cash because of this. NY won't be in particularly worse shape for it. AD made a judgement call based on what he holds important. And I respect him greatly for it.

Stern HAS to suspend AD if Stern wants to be taken seriously. I think 5 games is fair. Not so harsh as to go overboard, given the circumstanses, and not so easy as to dismiss it.

He broke a rule, and it must be dealt with.

Spirit of the law. Yes, I am farmiliar with it. But that isn't the system we live in. This isn't a criminal case where you can pleed self defense. This is a buisness. Doesn't mean its right, but it mist be done.
jacobdrj said:
A great man once said that you can do everything right and still loose. That is life.

This is a perfect example. This is the kind of thing they mean when they say life is unfair.

AD won't be hurting for cash because of this. NY won't be in particularly worse shape for it. AD made a judgement call based on what he holds important. And I respect him greatly for it.

Stern HAS to suspend AD if Stern wants to be taken seriously. I think 5 games is fair. Not so harsh as to go overboard, given the circumstanses, and not so easy as to dismiss it.

He broke a rule, and it must be dealt with.

Spirit of the law. Yes, I am farmiliar with it. But that isn't the system we live in. This isn't a criminal case where you can pleed self defense. This is a buisness. Doesn't mean its right, but it mist be done.
I agree completely.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Who is we? I must have missed the post where someone was trying to sanctify Kendra Davis; perhaps you can point it out to me.
I nowhere implied you by we. I guess I should have named everybody by their names to avoid being so broad :) I am joking. I don't know what I meant by we. Most likely I meant media in general. All we hear is drunken fan this, drunken fan that, poor Kendra.

But again this is in Chicago where "WE" are know to heckle people. Remember year or two ago when a guy gut in trouble for harassing one of the guest players wives at the White Sox game? I'll shut up now ;)