Knicks-Bulls (Antonio Davis)

I'm watching Knicks-Bulls, it's in overtime and during the break Antonio Davis noticed his wife being heckled by someone, he goes into the stands to confront "help" out and gets ejected for going into the stands.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are team security people all over the place. If Mrs. Davis was having any kinds of problems, she should have signalled one of them. Davis going into the stands was dumb, dumber, and dumbest. And he's probably going to be suspended for it.

Was he not paying attention when the league handed down the word that players do not go into the stands?

What an idiot.
VF21 said:
There are team security people all over the place. If Mrs. Davis was having any kinds of problems, she should have signalled one of them. Davis going into the stands was dumb, dumber, and dumbest. And he's probably going to be suspended for it.

Was he not paying attention when the league handed down the word that players do not go into the stands?

What an idiot.
I respectfully disagree if it is true she was possibly in the way of physical harm. I't his wife after all.


Super Moderator Emeritus
They said she was being heckled. No one said anything about her being in danger of being harmed.

And if she was in danger, trained security personnel would be much better equipped to handle the problem than some athlete in cute little shorts and pretty much nothing else.

This false macho bravado bull is going to stop, one way or the other. If these guys cannot get it through their heads to NOT go into the stands and confront fans, then maybe they need to find another occupation.
CHICAGO (AP) - New York Knicks forward Antonio Davis was ejected Wednesday night after he went up into the stands at the United Center during overtime in a game against the Chicago Bulls.

There was no physical confrontation, but several people could be seen pointing and shouting for several moments before security finally arrived and Davis was ejected.

During a timeout, Davis jumped over the scorers' table and ascended about ten rows of seats before the confrontation started.

A group of people in the area of the confrontation were later escorted from the area by United Center security.
"I saw my wife being threatened," Davis said in a statement released immediately after the game. "I felt I had to act. I did not have enough time to alert security."

Knicks coach Larry Brown said Davis went into the stands because he saw his wife "falling back," but didn't explain further.

"That thing that happened in the stands had nothing to do with the two teams. That's a man concerned about his family," said Larry Brown.
Mad D said:
"I saw my wife being threatened," Davis said in a statement released immediately after the game. "I felt I had to act. I did not have enough time to alert security."

Knicks coach Larry Brown said Davis went into the stands because he saw his wife "falling back," but didn't explain further.

"That thing that happened in the stands had nothing to do with the two teams. That's a man concerned about his family," said Larry Brown.
exactly.. its his family its his wife its someone he loves... he will get suspened but he actions where through love so i don't think he's an idiot... sure he may have done the wrong thing going into the stands but if its through love and concern over his WIFE he's not an idiot


the guy acted on instinct.... i find it kinda hard to call someone an idiot that was trying to make sure his wife was ok.....
His wife was not in any danger as far as I could see. They guy that security removed looked very confused about what happened.

Pure speculation, but some of the player wives can act like they are above everybody. My guess would be that she was cheering him on, some passionate Bulls fan probably made a comment (like "shut up" or something similar) and she probably went of on him thus making the situation worse.

If his wife was really being pushed around don't you think that someone around her/with her would have stepped in. She was in no danger (especially after seeing the guy that they escorted out :) )
Fillmoe said:
the guy acted on instinct.... i find it kinda hard to call someone an idiot that was trying to make sure his wife was ok.....
Exactly, just because she wasn't "harmed" yet, who knows what the possibilities are before security arrives?
It was in the expensive seats area with plenty of security around. HE acted on an instinct and that's fine, no harm is done.

To play devils advocate, what if there was a little 5 year old standing in the aisle and AD didn't see him and knocked him down?!

I understand why he reacted and it is memorable that he cares about his wife, but he should have stayed on the court.
I do not think it was right for Davis to rush up into the stands, but I certainly do not blame him for his fear of someone harming his wife. He acted rash, but Davis has always been a classy guy, I hope he does not get suspended.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Davis "acted on instinct" and, if the person in the stands was actually intent on doing harm, could have hurt himself and his wife by the show of bravado.

Security is there for reason. You take matters into your own hands and you're asking for trouble. The NBA has rules for a reason. If Davis thinks he's above them this time, then what's to keep someone else from deciding they're above them the next time?

Sorry, but he showed very poor judgment.
VF21 said:
Davis "acted on instinct" and, if the person in the stands was actually intent on doing harm, could have hurt himself and his wife by the show of bravado.

Security is there for reason. You take matters into your own hands and you're asking for trouble. The NBA has rules for a reason. If Davis thinks he's above them this time, then what's to keep someone else from deciding they're above them the next time?

Sorry, but he showed very poor judgment.
I completely agree. You are spot on about this machismo crap. If his wife really was in danger he would have only made the situation worse - what would he have done? Fought the guy?

He'll be suspended for at least 3 games.
Whats more awful is SC & ESPN. They all basically condoned his actions. Doesn't anybody have a brain anymore?!

Davis could have easily asked security to escort his wife to a different seat, to the lockerroom or something beforehand instead of just glancing over every few miinutes. Then later he decides to run into the crowd.......

Stern needs to give a 15 game suspension. Send a message that a veteran should know better.
slugking50 said:
Whats more awful is SC & ESPN. They all basically condoned his actions. Doesn't anybody have a brain anymore?!

Davis could have easily asked security to escort his wife to a different seat, to the lockerroom or something beforehand instead of just glancing over every few miinutes. Then later he decides to run into the crowd.......

Stern needs to give a 15 game suspension. Send a message that a veteran should know better.
That's rediculous. Penalizing a man doing what practically 99% of all other men out there would do if it was a family member, wife, mom, etc.
I don't know. It's like-it was his wife. I doubt he actually thought about what he did, it was probably just instincts when you think your wife is getting attacked/bothered. On the other hand-people REALLY need to stop going into the stands. It's getting frustrating and it's setting a bad example for younger players. Not to mention it looks bad for a league that's trying to cater to the corporate businesses and stuff.
Some people really think security is the best thing around??? see you're loved one in a group of people and you see them in danger, you dont wait around and look for security to help, hell yea you go right in there and protect your family.

Some people state its this "machismo" thing to do...its instinct...which means you do without thinking...he wasn't thinking..."oh I should do something so it shows how tough of a man I am"
BLNINJA #81 said:
That's rediculous. Penalizing a man doing what practically 99% of all other men out there would do if it was a family member, wife, mom, etc.

No "Men" wouldnt do the same thing. Men are adults boys arent. Boys would do something like that. A "Man" would have the brains enough not to let a situation esculate to that point.
Shadowlude said:
Some people really think security is the best thing around??? see you're loved one in a group of people and you see them in danger, you dont wait around and look for security to help, hell yea you go right in there and protect your family.

Some people state its this "machismo" thing to do...its instinct...which means you do without thinking...he wasn't thinking..."oh I should do something so it shows how tough of a man I am"

A (Im toungue Tied. One of the people who help you to your seat and are there for any problems)person was there who was in the area could have helped resolve the situation. That person was alot closer the Antonio Davis was and was there about the same time.

Anyway, They should have handled it earlier instead of letting things get out of hand.
Shadowlude said:
Some people really think security is the best thing around??? see you're loved one in a group of people and you see them in danger, you dont wait around and look for security to help, hell yea you go right in there and protect your family.

Some people state its this "machismo" thing to do...its instinct...which means you do without thinking...he wasn't thinking..."oh I should do something so it shows how tough of a man I am"
Two words: Vernon Maxwell.

You can't just have players running up into the stands whenever they perceive that they or their family is being insulted. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about things and this was the wrong way. His actions simply cannot be defended, they were completely out of line and represent another black eye for the league.
QueensFan said:
Two words: Vernon Maxwell.

You can't just have players running up into the stands whenever they perceive that they or their family is being insulted. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about things and this was the wrong way. His actions simply cannot be defended, they were completely out of line and represent another black eye for the league.
You're confusing insulted and possible harm. That's the difference here.
I just saw the clip on ESPN and although I don't know exactly what happened with the guy and Mrs. Davis but they did say he was drunk and in this kind of situation you never know what might happen. I think he followed his instincts, not considering the consequences. When you think someone you love is in danger, it's only natural to try and protect them. Adrenaline is triggered and you're not thinking about security or it's against the rules. Should he have gone in the stands? No but from what i saw, he was not belligerent and charging the guy. He acted out of concern for his wife and I think most people would have done the same thing. I'm sure he'll get suspended but I'm hoping it's only for a game or two. A long suspension would be unjustified IMO.
Big difference between being "macho" and being a man that protects his family.

He wasn't out of control and didn't cause harm to anyone...just didn't let the situation go any further

No way in hell I call security if I see my family in danger because it's against the "rules".
Exactly. I would of have done the samae thing. My family is the most important thing to me, and I will not think twice on protecting them. I'm sorry, but I can't blame him one bit.
My family is the most important thing to me too, but in a controled situation like last night there was no need for him to do waht he did.

This in no way compares to Ron Artest idiotism. Davis actually looked concerend and put his arm around his wife. I just think he could have handled it in a little bit more rational way.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I'm divided on this; I condone what he did, and I still think that he should be suspended. Rules are rules, and a guy has to be penalized for breaking the rules... but I would have done the exact same thing, if I were in his shoes.

I can't blame Davis for his reaction at all; in fact, I'd truly hate to be the husband of a woman who saw her husband stand and watch while she was being accosted, regardless of whether there was security there or not... that would have been a miserable ride home...
Ugh. I can't believe this. What if some drunk fan had thrown a punch at Davis, a visiting player? Bam - Detroit part II. YOU. DO. NOT. GO. INTO. THE. STANDS. EVER. ESPECIALLY not on the road. This is not a streetfight, this is a highly policed venue with rules and procedures. If you see your wife "falling backwards" (whatever that means) there are tons of easily accessible cops and security - you handle it in an orderly manner. Hell, you can throw a huge fuss about it and make sure all attention in the stadium is on your wife so nothing can happen to her, as long as you don't break a fundamental rule designed for the safety of the players and fans.

And "acting on instinct" is no excuse because I'm sure the players in the Detroit Indiana situation were just acting on instinct too.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
QueensFan said:
Ugh. I can't believe this. What if some drunk fan had thrown a punch at Davis, a visiting player? Bam - Detroit part II. YOU. DO. NOT. GO. INTO. THE. STANDS. EVER. ESPECIALLY not on the road...
Believe it or not. It is how it is.

By all accounts that I've heard and read, there were no security guards as close to his wife as he was. And, even if there were, that's his wife. I have to think about the well-being/safety of my wife before I think about my job, and obviously Antonio Davis feels the same way.

When you start thinking to yourself, "well, if I go see if she's okay, I could get fined," then you've reached the point where you've put your job ahead of your wife. As somebody who's already paid for making that mistake once in my life, I'm here to tell you that the woman always comes first; if you're physically capable of personally making sure that she's safe, then that's what you do, the fine be damned.