Kings @ Warriors Game Thread

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yup. i seriously have NO CLUE how the heck we're still in this.

the FT shooting is the only thing keeping us close enough to maybe steal this game.

i hope the warriors break down.
If we can keep from turning the ball over and make a few stops we still have a chance to steal this one.
Problem is that they are looking tired, and I think that Kevin's played the entire game so far.

We'll see...
i keep waiting for our Defense to get better while Bibby's resting on the bench... we are getting the same results over and over again... :(
THAT was ridiculous. Dunleavy right down the lane.

Remember when Webber knocked Stockton to the floor in Game 2 of the playoffs when he drove the lane way back when to establish an attitude? That's what we need right about now from someone.
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