[Game] Kings @ Warriors, 11/1/2023 7pm Pacific 10pm Eastern

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Hall of Famer
Oh, jeez. This team again??? Do the Kings get some cut rate on hotel accommodations in SF for booking there so often? Or do they just take the bus over there to get in and out as fast as possible? Currently in the City there are office buildings with 40% occupancy rates. Maybe Vivek could just buy one on the cheap, remodel as condos, and have a collection of permanent 2nd homes for his players and coaches to help with the economics and all.

How often can you look at Curry, Green and Paul and not vomit? For prophylaxis sake you need to take Tums prior to the game. Just hope we have bandages and goggles available for Green face slaps and a good EMT crew in hand. Sabonis might consider a tevlar vest in case he's stepped on. But even with protection that size 15 of Draymond's Nike tread just might leave a beautiful wavy imprint on Sabonis's mid-section that would be to die for.

Can we please hold Curry to 30 points off of 20 shots, not 40 off of 20? Is that asking too much?
Will Davion show up bump his offense up a little?

Will Monk take the ball and team on his back down the stretch FTW?

Will Colby Jones play give coach Brown more sleepless nights?

So many questions, I don’t care how they do it get the win. When the Warriors start to bully the Kings somebody I’m thinking Javale needs to throw hands to put a stop to this foolishness.
Currently hate the warriors more than the lakers and that’s saying a lot. Im not feeling optimistic this game. Not only without fox, but just feels like at the current moment the warriors have our number. Maybe not later in the year, but I don’t like playing them again right now. Can we please just not flip our lid on this site if we lose? It’s one game. I was hoping we go at least 2-2 over the first 4 so my expectations will be met.
Will Davion show up bump his offense up a little?

Will Monk take the ball and team on his back down the stretch FTW?

Will Colby Jones play give coach Brown more sleepless nights?

So many questions, I don’t care how they do it get the win. When the Warriors start to bully the Kings somebody I’m thinking Javale needs to throw hands to put a stop to this foolishness.
Early on in his kings career, Duarte looks like a guy that doesn’t take crap. I’m liking his toughness.
Will Davion show up bump his offense up a little?

Will Monk take the ball and team on his back down the stretch FTW?

Will Colby Jones play give coach Brown more sleepless nights?

So many questions, I don’t care how they do it get the win. When the Warriors start to bully the Kings somebody I’m thinking Javale needs to throw hands to put a stop to this foolishness.
If Davion literally makes a single shot, regardless if it’s a 2 or 3, it will up his season average (1.6ppg). That’s how bad he has been on offense.


Hall of Famer
We’ll lose, but it’s better to lose without Fox and act like that’s an excuse than to just straight up lose again at full strength again. So that’s the silver lining. Here’s to #MoralVictories and a much more beatable team after this one.


Hall of Famer
Imagine how much more annoying the Warriors would be if they didn’t Marvin Bagley their very own #2 pick a couple seasons back? There’s another silver lining.
Do you guys think we have a chance against the Warriors without Fox tonight?
Obviously a huge uphill battle without Fox.

But even when we're at full strength, they're our white whale we need to slay. Amazing how we just go right back to dominating vs the Lakers on offense. A full dose of Davion on Steph could be real interesting to get some film on; maybe we find a way to get him 30+ minutes in this match-up and thats the key to slowing Steph.
We’ll lose, but it’s better to lose without Fox and act like that’s an excuse than to just straight up lose again at full strength again. So that’s the silver lining. Here’s to #MoralVictories and a much more beatable team after this one.

That's probably why this game thread is so slow........Expectations are low so maybe not many fans are watching the game.
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