Kings to sell picks? (merged)

There is a rumor that if the right player isn't available at #23, that the KIngs might be willing to sell the pick.:eek:

So, here's my thinking. Evans at #4. Not a pure PG but neither was Hedo,and the Magic made the finals. Evans plays the PG and some SG. If he can beat out Martin, then we move Martin next year.

At #23, if a good PG isn't available, we sell the pick. We use the money & the additional cap space gained by not signing #23, to go after Sessions or Felton. Now, you've got your PG and backup PG/SG. If you can't sign Sessions or Felton, look to pickup someone at the trade deadline when K9's contract becomes moveable. Play the year with Evans, Beno & (FA, BJax)

At #31, best SF/PF available. Sign a couple of Vets to backup at Center & PF. Then hope we win the lottory next year and draft John Wall.;)

EDIT: sources include
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Source? That's fairly asinine given our current situation -- total rebuild, only 6 players under contract.
If the Maloof family decides to sell the pick they are going to further alienate the hardcore fans. From a basketball stand point it really doesn't make sense either. Like you stated we only have 6 players under contract and filling out the roster with a young player who is only guaranteed money for two years isn't very risky. This off season could be ugly if thats the direction were headed.
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Kings to sell picks?

There are teams trying to get the #4 from the Kings. There are also rumors the team might look at proposals to sell the #23 and/or #31. What do you think?
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Well, that would be incredibly dumb. And would seriously hurt the rebuild. This is our chance to nab a few guys who could be an intergral part of our future. Trading picks away is nothing short of moronic. If anything, we need to acquire more picks.

Expect a flurry of action on draft night, which has become the norm in recent years, and a number of first and second rounders to be sold and traded.

Teams with multiple picks such as Sacramento (23), Oklahoma City (25) and Chicago (26) are all looking to sell their picks according to sources. While three other teams would like to buy picks late in the first round: San Antonio, Detroit and Houston.
Doesnt surprise me at all ..
I can say this - if the Kings did something that dumb, they would lose even more fans and disenchant what fan base they have left. They let 90% of the talent go in the last 2 years in order to REPLACE it in the upcoming 2009 and 2010 drafts. To sell the picks is essentially "giving up", imo.

Are Joe and Gavin going bankrupt?
Let's put it this way, if the Kings have a chance to land a Sam Young at SF (or other NEED on a team with MAJOR gaps to fill) and they sell it to the Spurs for cash - I think many here will blow their top...

The Kings have been in downward spiral for the last 18 months. Fan attendence has shown that Sacto is weary. Doing something like this may turn a lot of the hardcore fanbase (whats left, anyway) against the front office.

I, for one, would be quite pissed...
i see gp selling the 31st pick.. but i doubt he does with the 23rd.. again this is petrie we are talking about

regarding maloofs losing money, i think the economy is hurting them more than others. i mean they do own a casino and hotel but those things are luxury.. and these days most people would opt for necessity than luxury. only way id want to trade the 31st or 23rd is to move up.. other than that shut the door on trade offers coming form hou and SA..

to houston... no give backsies! its ours
i don't think this is dumb at all. the article clearly states that the kings have a couple targets with those picks but are willing to see if the targeted players are gone. GP has had great success in the draft with those lower picks. also, if only 1 pick is sold we will still have two young guys to work into the rotation and get minutes- a third could easily be lost in the shuffle.

it also makes a lot of sense fiscally. the maloofs and the kings organization are strapped for cash. further, that is guaranteed salary, however small, over the next few years. selling the pick could turn into more opportunities immediately or further down the road.

personally, i would be happier if the picks were packaged into a larger deal to get an impact player, but if no such deal emerges this wouldn't bother me so much.
i see gp selling the 31st pick.. but i doubt he does with the 23rd.. again this is petrie we are talking about

regarding maloofs losing money, i think the economy is hurting them more than others. i mean they do own a casino and hotel but those things are luxury.. and these days most people would opt for necessity than luxury. only way id want to trade the 31st or 23rd is to move up.. other than that shut the door on trade offers coming form hou and SA..

to houston... no give backsies! its ours
Funny I was thinking the opposite. I am probably wrong about this but I have the impression that you are stuck paying a first rounder no matter what, but you are free to cut a second rounder.

So in a way this makes #31 better than #30, and to me it would make the #23 a better candidate for sale or trade than #31, if money is tight.

Best would be to package #23 and #4 for #2 - would turn on the fans - if the Kings come into next season with Rubio and a prospect they snagged at #31 I'd be happy.
Selling the 23rd for 3M might not be bad. We added $1M in cap space by dropping to the 4th pick, and selling #23 would add another $1M in cap space. So, what about taking the $3M we get for the pick and using it as a signing bonus for a free agent. Who would you rather have the 23rd pick in a week draft or Sessions or Gortat.

Remember the rumor is that if the right player isn't there, then they will sell. There are always options.
Funny I was thinking the opposite. I am probably wrong about this but I have the impression that you are stuck paying a first rounder no matter what, but you are free to cut a second rounder.

So in a way this makes #31 better than #30, and to me it would make the #23 a better candidate for sale or trade than #31, if money is tight.

Best would be to package #23 and #4 for #2 - would turn on the fans - if the Kings come into next season with Rubio and a prospect they snagged at #31 I'd be happy.
You're a wise man Francisco.


Hall of Famer
Selling the 23rd for 3M might not be bad. We added $1M in cap space by dropping to the 4th pick, and selling #23 would add another $1M in cap space. So, what about taking the $3M we get for the pick and using it as a signing bonus for a free agent. Who would you rather have the 23rd pick in a week draft or Sessions or Gortat.

Remember the rumor is that if the right player isn't there, then they will sell. There are always options.
Well said! I think we all have to wait till everything is played out to make a judgement. Having said that, this is just a rumor. There was another rumor that said the Kings were going to make some big splashes on draft day. I don't think selling your draft picks is making a big splash. Its more like a ripple..

One thing we know is that Petrie keeps everything close to the vest, and most of the time these things are either from another team or just pure speculation on the part of some sports journalist in need of something to write.
I read this and it doesn't make sense. The Kings have been quoted on their own website as wanting to be more aggressive. The owners are tired of losing money on the team and want to see them win. You don't win by selling away your high draft picks that are in fact cheaper than free agents. I think this is misinformation to say the least if anything they'd just package the pick to move up besides selling it. I think someone falls to us and it's all a moot point. I doubt they sell the pick. Also you could be willing to sell the pick but someone also has to buy it and it seems like a lot of teams are trying to sell their picks with no buyers.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I read this and it doesn't make sense. The Kings have been quoted on their own website as wanting to be more aggressive. The owners are tired of losing money on the team and want to see them win. You don't win by selling away your high draft picks that are in fact cheaper than free agents. I think this is misinformation to say the least if anything they'd just package the pick to move up besides selling it. I think someone falls to us and it's all a moot point. I doubt they sell the pick. Also you could be willing to sell the pick but someone also has to buy it and it seems like a lot of teams are trying to sell their picks with no buyers.
Exactly. And I've bolded the most important point. The 23rd pick in this draft does get guaranteed money, but that money is less than the $1 million minimum for longtime NBA veterans. That pick starts out making $972,500.

A playoff team drafting in the 20's might have a set roster and no desire to pay a kid that won't play if a guy they like isn't available at their pick. But a rebuilding team with 6 players under contract would struggle to find a better deal on the FA market and there WILL be someone available at 23 that could help this team in some capacity.

If the Maloofs really are cash strapped enough to try to sell a pick in this situation then they should be putting this franchise up for sale rather than become Clippers north.
so stupid.. if they wanted to save money, they'd take promising international players and stashing them overseas to develop. it won't cost them any money to this. heck, they could use all 3 picks on international players and keep them overseas if they wanted to save bucks. it would allow another season of suckage so we can get a shot at john wall. :D portland, san antonio both use this plan of picking international players to stash overseas quite effectively.


Super Moderator Emeritus
This is the time of year when rumors are more common than mosquitos. I don't see the front office agreeing to this, as it would actually cost them more money just to fill out the roster if they sell our cheap draft picks... Unless I missed something, we still have to carry at least 13 players on the payroll.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Look, this would be approaching final straw status for me, but, BUT before I figured out exactly what that would mean I think I would basically give them one month after the draft to prove that they are anything but cheap as well as stupid. The reason being: the only, and I do mean ONLY competitively excusable reason for selling off a draft pick in our situation would be an desperate effort to save a few extra dollars to get just that little extra cash it would take to sign a major free agent. This would of course feed right into Geoff's unimaginative accountant's terror of the NBA draft as well -- get me the predictable veteran rather than one of these scary kids who *gasp* might not pan out. And so if this happens I will a) be really really pissed on draft day. Not a little pissed. Really pissed. BUT, I will give them July (the main free agent period) to prove that there was a plan behind it and not just the cheapness, lack of vision and cowardice that has ruined the franchise in recent years.

You could explain the thinking, if you were interested in making exuses here like this: If for instance Geoff surprised and did this

#4 Thabeet

then we would still need a PG, and in a deep PG draft might hope a good candidate we were high on fell to #23. If no such candidate fell to #23, then rather than do what any semi-inventive GM in the league would do and try to move up to get a PG we like, we might sell that pick to save the $1mil in guaranteed salary it represents, take the best remaining PG at #31 (where the salary is not guaranteed) and then go into the free agent period and try to use the extra mil we saved to sign Ramon Sessions -- young, but relatively proven. So you end up with:

C-Hawes (Age: 21)
PF-Thompson (Age: 23)
SF-Nocioni (Age: 29)
SG-Martin (Age: 26)
PG-Sessions (Age: 22)

SG/SF- Cisco (Age: 28)
C- Thabeet (Age: 21)
PG- Udrih (Age: 25)
SF/PF- Greene (Age: 21)
PG- #31

Which is a solid young result of the whole process, with strong patches over both of our largest needs at PG and interior defense.
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If I took the nbadraft site seriously, I'd be thinking that the FO had lost their mind, or that the Maloofs were absolutely at the brink of bankruptcy, or both. Because it makes no sense unless the team can't pay their bills this summer. I don't even want to think about the implications of that possibility.

I'm glad it's not coming from a credible source.
If I took the nbadraft site seriously, I'd be thinking that the FO had lost their mind, or that the Maloofs were absolutely at the brink of bankruptcy, or both. Because it makes no sense unless the team can't pay their bills this summer. I don't even want to think about the implications of that possibility.

I'm glad it's not coming from a credible source.
Could just all be posturing for we know. I think the way the draft is shaping up a good player is going to fall to us and we're not going to sell our pickk. I think a Lawson or Ellington or Young someone of that caliber is going to be there and GP will make the pick, because we only have 6 damn players and you need 13 last time I checked. Sounds like BS
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Could just all be posturing for we know. I think the way the draft is shaping up a good player is going to fall to us and we're not going to sell our pickk. I think a Lawson or Ellington or Young someone of that caliber is going to be there and GP will make the pick, because we only have 6 damn players and you need 13 last time I checked. Sounds like BS
That's my take, too. Petrie isn't going to let the chance to snag players go when we have roster slots to fill. The 23 and the 31 are about as close to "free players" as you can possibly get and the 31 isn't even a guaranteed position.
Look, this would be approaching final straw status for me, but, BUT before I figured out exactly what that would mean I think I would basically give them one month after the draft to prove that they are anything but cheap as well as stupid. The reason being: the only, and I do mean ONLY competitively excusable reason for selling off a draft pick in our situation would be an desperate effort to save a few extra dollars to get just that little extra cash it would take to sign a major free agent. This would of course feed right into Geoff's unimaginative accountant's terror of the NBA draft as well -- get me the predictable veteran rather than one of these scary kids who *gasp* might not pan out. And so if this happens I will a) be really really pissed on draft day. Not a little pissed. Really pissed. BUT, I will give them July (the main free agent period) to prove that there was a plan behind it and not just the cheapness, lack of vision and cowardice that has ruined the franchise in recent years.

You could explain the thinking, if you were interested in making exuses here like this: If for instance Geoff surprised and did this

#4 Thabeet

then we would still need a PG, and in a deep PG draft might hope a good candidate we were high on fell to #23. If no such candidate fell to #23, then rather than do what any semi-inventive GM in the league would do and try to move up to get a PG we like, we might sell that pick to save the $1mil in guaranteed salary it represents, take the best remaining PG at #31 (where the salary is not guaranteed) and then go into the free agent period and try to use the extra mil we saved to sign Ramon Sessions -- young, but relatively proven. So you end up with:

C-Hawes (Age: 21)
PF-Thompson (Age: 23)
SF-Nocioni (Age: 29)
SG-Martin (Age: 26)
PG-Sessions (Age: 22)

SG/SF- Cisco (Age: 28)
C- Thabeet (Age: 21)
PG- Udrih (Age: 25)
PG- #31

Which is a solid young result of the whole process, with strong patches over both of our largest needs at PG and interior defense.
Agree. Although, selling the pick if they really are targeting another free agent (i.e. Sessions) would not be cowardice or being afraid of the draft as you stated. However, if they do sell the pick, they better use the money to acquire a good free agent. Sessions in particular would fit the bill as he is only 23 (younger than some of the players in the draft) and has proven himself at the NBA level. Still, I would prefer us to use our picks and get a free agent too.
Agree. Although, selling the pick if they really are targeting another free agent (i.e. Sessions) would not be cowardice or being afraid of the draft as you stated. However, if they do sell the pick, they better use the money to acquire a good free agent. Sessions in particular would fit the bill as he is only 23 (younger than some of the players in the draft) and has proven himself at the NBA level. Still, I would prefer us to use our picks and get a free agent too.
I'll add to this that I would prefer to trade the pick than sell it or draft a player we can stash overseas to accomplish the same goal.