Kings get #4 pick


Hall of Famer
This has punched me in the stomach, and kicked me repeatedly once I was down...
Im so deflated on basketball right now.

I can just see it now.
"The fourth pick in the 2010 NBA draft goes too...The Sacramento Kings."

Another long season of suckitude led by the help of our new Jordan Freaking Hill.
Woo hoo.


I have never been more pessimistic about any sport.
Just hits so close to home.
This has punched me in the stomach, and kicked me repeatedly once I was down...
Im so deflated on basketball right now.

I can just see it now.
"The fourth pick in the 2010 NBA draft goes too...The Sacramento Kings."

Another long season of suckitude led by the help of our new Jordan Freaking Hill.
Woo hoo.


I have never been more pessimistic about any sport.
Just hits so close to home.
PLEASE let there be only one JORDAN on this team.... adding another one would really make this the worst


Homer Fan Since 1985
Well, after about 4 hours of calming down, I have moved from :mad: to :(. How depressing. Well, at least those of us who enjoy women's basketball, as well as men's basketball, at least we have a 4 time All-American as our first round pick.....someone who has 20 NCAA records. :eek:
I could care less about previous #4 picks. In this draft, after the horrible season we had, this puts the nail in the coffin. This season was a waste, unless some unforseen draft day miracle happens.

I am praying petrie can trade up to #2 and get rubio, because this franchise needs something to get excited about. Otherwise, we are in for a long, long season next year, with very few, if any sellouts, no excitement from the fanbase, the maloofs will lose even more money, and we'll get f***** in the lottery next year to.
I was on my way to Chico during the draft and my radio was starting to lose reception, and all I could hear was Grant say, "Welp, the top 3 will be between the Grizzlies, Clippers and Thunder.."

And my heart sank, it was just so Kings style... :(

However, I am optimistic that Geoff will get us a great pick with this one! :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am honestly puzzled at some of the drama around here. Suck it up, Kings fans. This is nowhere close to the worst thing we've ever gone through...
I'm going to try to be positive here, but there is decent chance during the pre-draft camps that a few players we aren't talking about will come out and really impress. Its not out of the question for some other guys to really elevate their draft stock and knock a Rubio or Thabeet down a few spots. We don't know how Jennings will do, hopefully he will come over and tear up the pre-draft camp. If a couple players really elevate their draft status, that would make the #4 pick much more valuable, especially in a package to move up.

I know its wishfull thinking, but a lot can happen between now and draft night.
Well I'm not going to look up, but I believe I said that it's the Kings luck to get #4, and if I didn't post it I was thinking it.

Now that it's done, I'm going to post my real feeling about sending Webber to the draft. Let's recap his history. The fab 5 never won the championship, he called a time out that wasn't there, he was on the best team to never win a championship, and one of the reasons that team never won the championship was he blew out his knee.

Is this REALLY the karma and LUCK you wanted at the draft trying to bring the Kings the #1 pick? I mean the guy lives a lavish life, but he has been tortured. He never got what he desired so much, to be the best.

Anyway, I'm so disappointed I'm a couple steps from going back to rooting for the original team I was a fan of growing up. I'm from the bay area originally, and the team I grew rooting for was...........the Lakers. I grew up with Show Time.

I have a real hard time rooting for a perennial loser, but I do love this team, so I am torn. I do not like to surround myself with losers, I'm not a loser. And, I have a hard time rooting for the Cubs of the NBA. That's right...I said it...>The Cubs. This franchise is cursed like the Cubs. They will have some really good seasons, some really good teams,.....and they will always disappoint you.

Gahhhhhhhh!!!! EFF!!!!!:mad:
I am honestly puzzled at some of the drama around here. Suck it up, Kings fans. This is nowhere close to the worst thing we've ever gone through...
give me a few moments to collect myself.............

im done complaining :D im just looking forward to petrie ACTUALLY doing something in the draft like moves and trades..

any ways...

id rather be a KINGS fan with the #4 than be a CLIPPER fan with the #1

oh they have players working together for one goal.. to suck


Hall of Famer
I am honestly puzzled at some of the drama around here. Suck it up, Kings fans. This is nowhere close to the worst thing we've ever gone through...
I dont know...
I may have only been around for 21 years of Kings history, only remembering since the Richmond/Micheal Smith/Yogi Stewart days...


But we have a team that is teetering dangerously towards leaving the city...
We have a team that is terrible.
A team that just had it's worst season in the history of the era.
A team who's attendance is plummeting.
A team who could use a top 2 pick to at least get the fan base excited.

As it looks like it stands as of now...
We could have had Griffin. That would be a win in every aspect.
We could have had Rubio. Another win for excitement.
Maybe even Thabeet. That would at least be interesting.

But the already shaky current non-bandwagon fans still hanging around get sucker punched by the NBA Gods right in the stomach, into picking number 4 in a draft 3 players deep.

This could very well be crippling...
If we draft Jordan Hill or Harden and have another terrible season, what then?
Look forward to the number 4 next year?

The attendance will still dwindle.
The arena will still be old and crappy.
The Maloofs will still be losing money.

What then?

As I said...
I have never been more pessimistic about anything sports.

Im deflated beyond words, and I prey I am wrong.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey, feel free to wallow all you like. The sun will come up tomorrow...

It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the franchise. You want to dwell in "we could have"? I guess that's okay, but life is too short to regret something you had absolutely no control over.

I just don't understand the victim mentality I guess...
No kidding? Well, obviously, someone did not do their homework before offering the rep position to CWebb. :(

LOL they sure didn't. just like they didn't do their home work on musselman and theuss.

ah well, i was upset a few hours ago but i let it go. everything happens 4 a reason. maybe the magoofs will step off and let the ppl who get paid to do basketball do it. lets suck it up another year for a high lotto pick maybe we'll get lucky this time around and score a top 3.
eh, its early .. let us grieve for the night.

Just like the Horry Shot, Webber Injury, Webber Trade, and Nocioni Trade it takes time to be optimistic when things went as bad as possible tonight ...

In a few days Im sure i'll be talking myself into Jennings .. I mean, he a better athlete and shooter then Rubio:eek::eek:

Heres a little story about the lottery from a few years ago, for kicks and giggles .. maybe it will make someone feel better..

2 years ago when the Celtics had the second best odds of landing the #1 pick (oden) I was SURE Stern would rig the lottery for the Celtics. Either that or fate would kick in and we'd land it anyways. Everyone was saying Oden was the next Russell, and the NBA is a better sport when the Celtics are contenders.

I have a rec league game on lottery night, expecting to hear the results towards the end of the game .. with about 4 mins left we got news the Celtics landed the #5 pick .. worst possible outcome. Both teams just stopped playing, nobody could believe what had happened. We talked about it for a bit and then went our seperate ways .. never even finished the game that night.

It was depressing for sure, but the Celtics had options .. they had nice young pieces ( Gerald Green, Al Jefferson ) a Star ( Pierce ) and expiring contracts ( Theo Ratliff ) and that number 5 pick. A few moves by Ainge and the team wins the title the next year.

Its going to take one hell of an offseason for the Kings to make that kind of turn around, but we have OPTIONS. We have young pieces we can either build around or move (Hawes, JT, and Greene ) a boarderline star ( Kmart ), some expirings ( Kenny Thomas Baby ) and that number 4 pick...

The only place we can go is up, Kings Fans.
Hey, feel free to wallow all you like. The sun will come up tomorrow...

It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the franchise. You want to dwell in "we could have"? I guess that's okay, but life is too short to regret something you had absolutely no control over.

I just don't understand the victim mentality I guess...
It's really not that big of a deal, at all. So we don't have the first pick, so what? I don't believe in all this bad luck crap. I believe you make your own luck, and if the Kings play this offseason right, they can put an improved product on the court next season that basketball fans can get excited about. It's not the end of the world that we don't have the #1. Yeah, it sucks, but like 21 said, life goes on. Jeez.
id rather be a KINGS fan with the #4 than be a CLIPPER fan with the #1

oh they have players working together for one goal.. to suck
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:p That's hilarious!! And SO true...I mean, what does Billy freaking Crystal have to cheer for the last 20 or so years of owning season tix to watch the Clip Joint?? I mean, you have to weigh the options here: Maloofs...or Donald Sterling...yeah, I'll take Joe and Gavin on a BAD day ANYDAY! Do I somehow want to believe that we are specially cursed...perhaps, but it does no good, so I move on from every depressing misstep...because it's what I've learned to do the past 25 years being a Kings fan...I kind of have a tough skin for ish like this. We've been through tragedies and hardships with this team, and through it love for this team has grown infinitely. Yes, we can survive this frustrating event of having to endure and watch the absolute worst team this last season, and we'll probably have more of these that happen before things hopefully take a turn for the better, but I'll be there for every one of them. Okay, that was my moment of clarity for the day...


Hall of Famer
On the plus side...

...Without Blake or Rubio we're probably going to be the worst team again next season, and its a much better draft. Of course we could end up being the Las Vegas Kings with another season like this past one, but thats a different matter.

I think Petrie is going to get us somebody good with pick 4, whether it be Thabeet, Jennings, Harden, or Evans, or the usual Petrie surprise. We ARE going to be getting another good piece of the puzzle. I dont care how weak people say this draft is.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I don't get the bagging on Chris. He has absolutely nothing to do with how those numbers came out. Y'all are acting like these guys are Einsteins:

Sir Bedevere: ...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.
King Arthur: This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.

Really, it is very unbecoming to go off wailing and moaning like someone shot your dog.

We lost the lottery and got a cruddy pick. It sucks. We will probably take our 3 picks and go home, like usual. Deal with it and move on and quit acting like whiney superstitious children. Let's see what Petrie can come up with before/on draft day.
I am honestly puzzled at some of the drama around here. Suck it up, Kings fans. This is nowhere close to the worst thing we've ever gone through...

I'm still equally as pissed off as when Bibby's face fouled Kobe's elbow... stupid Bibby shouldn't be throwing his face at people... :confused:
Welcome to being a Kings fan.

Up next: another 17 win year.

Really? I was hoping for atleast 18 this year.... tbh, I do feel that even if we had the #1 draft it wouldn't really matter much. The Kings are TRASH! They're worse now then before when we started our late 90's run after getting Divac and Webber to sign along with J-Dub.

Think about it... we were honestly a better team when we had Duane Causewell, Lionel Simmons, and Jim Les on our team. Yes I said it JIM MOTHA ****IN LES! HAHAHAHAHAH

I bet a good 90% of you on this forum are scratching your heads like "who the hell is Jim Les?"
I am a TRUE Kings fan. I practically lived at Arco while my parents were in management there from 1986-2003.
I bleed purple, but there's no doubt in my mind that the Kings won't reach the playoffs again until ATLEAST 2012. Mark my word and send me a message telling me I'm right in another 3 years... ;)
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and to think my NFL team is the 49ers... god forbid any of my teams have a winning season.. I've been saying maybe next year for both of these franchises since the mid 90's :eek:
Okay...first of all, dont bring up the 49ers, I've been a Niner fan since 1978...BEFORE we drafted Montana and the bunch...we were 2-14 that year...but I was amazed by one Freddie Soloman...and I stuck with the team, and you know what...I got 5 Super Bowl seasons for my I've been spoiled with the 49ers, and I'll take 5 or 6 losing seasons for 20 winning season ANYDAY. And no matter HOW many losing season our Kings have, I can take it...if I'm 80 years old when we finally win our next championship, I'll still say it was all worth it...look at what happened for the Red Sox fans. We've got a LONG way to go before we hit Boston or Chicago Cub territory, but even if it did, I'll still be here.