[Game] Kings at Warriors

Well, we couldn't beat the Warriors bench tonight... kind of sad if you ask me. However, our top two guys both played well, it is just after Thompson and IT, it was pretty much a no-show for everyone else. We need a better supporting cast. Any cast actually, would be better than this one.


Hall of Famer
It's pretty ridiculous that we lost this game in the 4th quarter against GS bench...Monta, Curry & Lee didn't even play and we managed to go down by 12...Epic fail.
Personally, I would start Honeycutt. I want to see what he can do. Donte will always be Donte I have given up all hope for him. He doesn't get it and he still cannot shoot. It's Tyler's time. Salmons is worthless anyway everything he does Honeycutt can do (he definitely cannot be doing any worse that is for sure).


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Hickson is not a rotation player, he is flat out just dumb on the court, Hayes should take his minutes, salmons showing up was fool's gold, start cisco or Donte.

We need Thorton to come off the bench of something with IT, we need a bench.

There is still barely any semblance of an offense being run, its just waiting for guards to come of down screens while everyone else stands around
Personally, I would start Honeycutt. I want to see what he can do. Donte will always be Donte I have given up all hope for him. He doesn't get it and he still cannot shoot. It's Tyler's time. Salmons is worthless anyway everything he does Honeycutt can do (he definitely cannot be doing any worse that is for sure).
I agree completely. It's literally a case of he couldn't possibly be any worse than Salmons, Garcia, and Outlaw have been. Give the dude some minutes for a few games and see what he can do. If he stinks, bench him again. But you may get lucky and find out he can actually play.
Hickson is not a rotation player, he is flat out just dumb on the court, Hayes should take his minutes, salmons showing up was fool's gold, start cisco or Donte.

We need Thorton to come off the bench of something with IT, we need a bench.

There is still barely any semblance of an offense being run, its just waiting for guards to come of down screens while everyone else stands around
Wasn't Hickson basicly the star/go-to guy for his team last year? What happened?
I agree completely. It's literally a case of he couldn't possibly be any worse than Salmons, Garcia, and Outlaw have been. Give the dude some minutes for a few games and see what he can do. If he stinks, bench him again. But you may get lucky and find out he can actually play.
Agreed. We have nothing to lose
No....not at all. The same problems since game 2.....
I saw definite improvement in the organization/spacing of our sets on offense, as well as the execution of a number of plays. We got a number of easy shots in the half court, a number at the rim. Saw more weakside cuts today than I usually see in a 5 game stretch from us. Movement as a whole was improved, and I assume practicing for 2 days is related. We were more patient as well.

We didn't close it out, but when looking at the game as a whole I see definite improvement.
Personally, I would start Honeycutt. I want to see what he can do. Donte will always be Donte I have given up all hope for him. He doesn't get it and he still cannot shoot. It's Tyler's time. Salmons is worthless anyway everything he does Honeycutt can do (he definitely cannot be doing any worse that is for sure).
I'm in. It'd be pretty damn hard to be worse than our quartet of suckage at the SF position
just a case of a player going off on a bad team who had no other options. He was basically they're number one option.
I don't know why we traded Casspi for him, Casspi at least was a good 3 pt shooter, and ran the floor well and was a scrapper. Hickson is a black hole when he gets the ball in the post, and his hands are as bad as Kwame Brown, his basketball IQ is abysmal, i can see why the Cavs traded him, get rid of him while his stock high. 2 terrible trades that have left us with what we have. A lineup of
Pg: Beno/Jimmer/Thomas
sg: Tyreke/Thornton
sf: Casspi/Greene
pf: Hayes/JT
sound alot more competitive than what we have now