Kings’ Tyreke Evans Named Western Conference Rookie Of The Month For October/november


Hall of Famer
Nice. I'm hoping that Tyreke's defense will put him over the top for ROY. Also, I have a feeling that if you look over the season, Tyreke's numbers are going to be much more consistent than Jennings.
It is because if you give credit to Tyreke Evans, then the argument that his beloved Rubio is better than Evans goes down.

Plain and simple.

I think you know that. Now, it's you who's annoying me for asking why it is so hard to give credit where credit is due. :p

The real question should be how long these very few people can keep on tearing down their very own player Evans?

Is it really just man-crush that they have on Rubio, or is it something more?:D
Why bring Rubio into it? He has nothing to do with my post. Maybe your seeing things that aren't there and reading into it. My post is all about the Kings play this season.

Where didn't I give Evans credit? Did I say he didn't deserve it? No. I'm just saying other Kings are playing better and deserve more of the credit of the teams success. The media and everyone here act like he is only player/person responsible for them being .500.


Why bring Rubio into it? He has nothing to do with my post. Maybe your seeing things that aren't there and reading into it. My post is all about the Kings play this season.

Where didn't I give Evans credit? Did I say he didn't deserve it? No. I'm just saying other Kings are playing better and deserve more of the credit of the teams success. The media and everyone here act like he is only player/person responsible for them being .500.
If anybody is responsible for what we are seeing this season it's Geoff Petrie.

We can't just pick on him when things don't go right, we have to give him the respect he has earned when things go right too.
Why bring Rubio into it? He has nothing to do with my post. Maybe your seeing things that aren't there and reading into it. My post is all about the Kings play this season.

Where didn't I give Evans credit? Did I say he didn't deserve it? No. I'm just saying other Kings are playing better and deserve more of the credit of the teams success. The media and everyone here act like he is only player/person responsible for them being .500.
oh my god! the nba is marketing its star players?? no, surely not!?
Just wondering is there any way to like. Ignore certain posters' posts? Like have it not appear at all?

Anyway, way to go Tyreke! Kinda expected, and I think we've all come to expect nothing but greatness from our 20 year old rookie. Looking forward to many more years ahead of awards and championships

Yeah the ability to somehow not see certain people's posts would be awesome, but I already do that anyway by just not reading their posts. Certain "Kings fans" on here just don't seem like real Kings fans to me. I do not consider them Kings fans. I choose to ignore them. You should try it too. Life is too short and precious to waste my time getting riled up by those people, esp when my team is doing well and Evans just won Rookie of the Month! :D
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Lucky thing for Tyreke that he didn't have to compete against the guy scoring 5 points per game in Spain!

No, but he's currently losing the ROY battle to someone who averaged 5 points per game in Italy (a substantially weaker league)! Great logic there.

Look, this isn't a downer post. I've been blown away by Tyreke and think we may finally have a legit star. But watching people dumping on other players to bring him up is pointless and just downright silly. What Rubio or Jennings are doing isn't relevant to what we have in Evans. Evans is above that; he doesn't require people making idiotic posts about what Rubio is doing in Europe to justify his game.

I don't get people bringing Rubio into this. That debate should be long over. For the record, I still think Rubio will be a fine player, but I'm doubtful he'll be on the same level as Reke. Jennings was far worse than Rubio in his year in Europe and look at what he's currently doing (also doubtful Rubio will be as good as Jennings, Brandon's game is very much suited to NBA ball).

With that out of the way, congratulations to Tyreke. Excellent start to the season and what's most important is that his big games are translating into W's. No stat padding for him. Of course alot of this is down to great play from his team-mates, but Evans is undoubtedly the leader and the guy other teams have to plan for.
No, but he's currently losing the ROY battle to someone who averaged 5 points per game in Italy (a substantially weaker league)! Great logic there.
So, because one guy couldn't find his way in Europe in his single year there, every single-digit scorer in Europe is a potential NBA star! I was reacting to AM's caveat that Evans won in Griffin and Rubio's absences. Certain posters are still comparing Evans to their rainbow and unicorn fantasies of what Rubio would be doing here if they got their way, and there's just no tangible evidence that he will be an impact player in the NBA while Evans is making his impact right now.
So, because one guy couldn't find his way in Europe in his single year there, every single-digit scorer in Europe is a potential NBA star! I was reacting to AM's caveat that Evans won in Griffin and Rubio's absences. Certain posters are still comparing Evans to their rainbow and unicorn fantasies of what Rubio would be doing here if they got their way, and there's just no tangible evidence that he will be an impact player in the NBA while Evans is making his impact right now.

Look, I'm not disagreeing with you on Evans. Nor am I agreeing with Aries, who I find to be quite funny (in an unintentional way). What I am saying is that you don't have to make snide comments about Rubio to, essentially, tell someone when they're being an idiot. I'm not saying Rubio will have the same impact as Jennings, but not one person on this board could have predicted Jennings would have this impact. BTW, your logic is flawed. I never insinuated that "every single-digit scorer in Europe is a potential NBA star", I said Rubio could be. He's 18 and a great prospect. However, anyone who thinks he would have had the impact that Evans has had is a little crazy. I really want to stop talking about Rubio now. I wish people would forget about him completely. Let's talk about him when he's in the NBA. There's no need to even mention him when talking about Evans. Just 'cause someone else does, doesn't mean you have to!



So, because one guy couldn't find his way in Europe in his single year there, every single-digit scorer in Europe is a potential NBA star! I was reacting to AM's caveat that Evans won in Griffin and Rubio's absences. Certain posters are still comparing Evans to their rainbow and unicorn fantasies of what Rubio would be doing here if they got their way, and there's just no tangible evidence that he will be an impact player in the NBA while Evans is making his impact right now.

but it is a legit way of looking at it. like dude, griffin hasnt played a single game... he was the number 1 pick and his teams gm moved players so that he would get every opportunity to succeed. to think that griffin wouldnt be in the running for rookie of the month if not a sure fire lock for rookie of the year is just wrong. he is one hell of a player..... as far as he who shall remain nameless, he hasnt played and wont play for a few years. but the reason i brought both of them up is because they would both be high profile rookies in the western conference. granted neither player changes how well evans has played but we just dont know how he would measure up to them because they arent there. if anything a kings fan should know what it feels like to be missing a major piece of their lineup.

maybe i shouldnt have said it(for the sake of argument) but that doesnt mean that it wasnt worth saying or any less true...
It's amazing to me that with the new fire this team has, a new coach, and a new mindset, that people still find reasons to complain or to just not be grateful at all. The fact is we have a 20 year old who is beginning to lead our team and is a front runner for ROY. Maybe he isn't who some people wanted, maybe other players have more impressive stats, maybe Jennings is leading the race to ROY. But can't we just be excited over the player we have in Tyreke Evans? Who cares about Brandon Jennings or anybody playing for any other team? Tyreke Evans is our player.. he's our rookie. No one can deny that he's playing good basketball right now, so why don't we just celebrate in the fact that he's wearing a Kings uniform and Petrie seemed to have gotten this draft right?

Edit: I haven't read every post in this thread, so I'm not sure all of what's been said. But in light of the turn around we're seeing in our team and the excitement this team brings every night, I just find it surprising that people continually find reasons to grumble or complain despite how much better things look this year as opposed to last year.
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Hall of Famer
Its pretty much just Aries.

People should just not respond to his posts unless they are valid. Eventually he will learn :p

And no way, you're in SB? Lets mob Madisons for the Kings/Lakers game and talk mad ****
It's amazing to me that with the new fire this team has, a new coach, and a new mindset, that people still find reasons to complain or to just not be grateful at all. The fact is we have a 20 year old who is beginning to lead our team and is a front runner for ROY. Maybe he isn't who some people wanted, maybe other players have more impressive stats, maybe Jennings is leading the race to ROY. But can't we just be excited over the player we have in Tyreke Evans? Who cares about Brandon Jennings or anybody playing for any other team? Tyreke Evans is our player.. he's our rookie. No one can deny that he's playing good basketball right now, so why don't we just celebrate in the fact that he's wearing a Kings uniform and Petrie seemed to have gotten this draft right?

Edit: I haven't read every post in this thread, so I'm not sure all of what's been said. But in light of the turn around we're seeing in our team and the excitement this team brings every night, I just find it surprising that people continually find reasons to grumble or complain despite how much better things look this year as opposed to last year.
While I agree it can get tiresome, don't let it get you down too much. People have Always found reasons to grumble and complain about the Kings. "Always" includes our best years. ;)
Why bring Rubio into it? He has nothing to do with my post. Maybe your seeing things that aren't there and reading into it. My post is all about the Kings play this season.

Where didn't I give Evans credit? Did I say he didn't deserve it? No. I'm just saying other Kings are playing better and deserve more of the credit of the teams success. The media and everyone here act like he is only player/person responsible for them being .500.
Seriously. Im about to vomit with almost every single recent thread at some point mentioning Rubio when 95% of the time he/its irrelevant.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This has been coming for several days, but putting together the numbers was time consuming and a pain, and I generally resent even having to do it just to prove that the Earth is round to a few peeps who insist its flat just because they always thoguht it was flat and no don't want to have egg on their face. So I'm just going to ignore that particular contingent and say I did this for everyone else, so they could better appreciate what it is they are watching here.

Here are the rookie numbers for every single starting PG in the NBA today, as well as every single backup PG who has been a longtime starting PG (Andre Miller, Anthony carter, Jarret Jack etc.) as well as every single combo guard who has been along time starting PG in the past (Randy Foye, Jason Terry etc.). In short here are the rookie numbers of every single PG of note and/or worth in the entire NBA, and of basically every worthwhile PG to have entered the league in the last 10-12 years:

Allen Iverson
Age: 21 40.1min 23.5pts (.416 FG% .341 3pt% .702 FT%) 4.1reb 7.5ast 2.1stl 0.3blk 4.4TO
Brandon Jennings
Age: 20 34.8min 21.5pts (.422 FG% .476 3pt% .767 FT%) 3.9reb 5.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 3.1TO
Tyreke Evans
Age: 20 35.9min 19.3pts (.449 FG% .303 3pt% .800 FT%) 5.0reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.3blk 3.3TO
Derrick Rose
Age: 20 37.0min 16.8pts (.475 FG% .222 3pt% .788 FT%) 3.9reb 6.3ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 2.5TO
Chris Paul
Age: 20 36.0min 16.1pts (.430 FG% .282 3pt% .847 FT%) 5.1reb 7.8ast 2.2stl 0.1blk 2.4TO
Russel Westbrook
Age: 20 32.5min 15.3pts (.398 FG% .271 3pt% .815 FT%) 4.9reb 5.3ast 1.3stl 0.2blk 3.3TO
Johnny Flynn
Age: 20 29.2min 14.3pts (.435 FG% .292 3pt% .833 FT%) 2.6reb 3.8ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 3.4TO
Mike Bibby
Age: 20 35.2min 13.2pts (.430 FG% .203 3pt% .751 FT%) 2.7reb 6.5ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 3.0TO
Jason Williams
Age: 23 36.1min 12.8pts (.374 FG% .310 3pt% .752 FT%) 3.1reb 6.0ast 1.9stl 0.0blk 2.9TO
Kirk Hinrich
Age: 22 35.6min 12.0pts (.386 FG% .390 3pt% .804 FT%) 3.4reb 6.8ast 1.3stl 0.3blk 2.7TO
Raymond Felton
Age: 21 30.1min 11.8pts (.391 FG% .358 3pt% .725 FT%) 3.3reb 5.6ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.3TO
D.J. Augustin
Age: 21 26.5min 11.8pts (.430 FG% .439 3pt% .893 FT%) 1.8reb 3.5ast 0.6stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jason Kidd
Age: 21 33.8min 11.7pts (.385 FG% .272 3pt% .698 FT%) 5.4reb 7.7ast 1.9stl 0.3blk 3.2TO
Chauncey Billups
Age: 21 27.7min 11.2pts (.374 FG% .329 3pt% .850 FT%) 2.4reb 3.9ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Andre Miller
Age: 23 25.5min 11.1pts (.449 FG% .204 3pt% .774 FT%) 3.4reb 5.8ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.0TO
Gilbert Arenas
Age: 20 24.5min 10.9pts (.453 FG% .345 3pt% .775 FT%) 2.8reb 3.7ast 1.5stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Deron Williams
Age: 21 28.8min 10.8pts (.421 FG% .416 3pt% .704 FT%) 2.4reb 4.5ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 1.8TO
Randy Foye
Age: 23 22.9min 10.1pts (.434 FG% .368 3pt% .854 FT%) 2.7reb 2.8ast 0.6stl 0.3blk 1.9TO
Mario Chalmers
Age: 22 32.0min 10.0pts (.420 FG% .367 3pt% .767 FT%) 2.8reb 4.9ast 2.0stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Mike Conley
Age: 20 26.1min 9.4pts (.428 FG% .330 3pt% .732 FT%) 2.6reb 4.2ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jamaal Tinsley
Age: 23 30.5min 9.4pts (.380 FG% .240 3pt% .704 FT%) 3.7reb 8.1ast 1.7stl 0.5blk 3.4TO
Nate Robinson
Age: 21 21.4min 9.3pts (.407 FG% .397 3pt% .752 FT%) 2.3reb 2.0ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.6TO
Tony Parker
Age: 19 29.5min 9.2pts (.419 FG% .323 3pt% .675 FT%) 2.6reb 4.3ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Jameer Nelson
Age: 22 20.4min 8.7pts (.455 FG% .312 3pt% .682 FT%) 2.4reb 3.0ast 1.0stl 0.0blk 1.5TO
Jason Terry
Age: 22 23.3min 8.1pts (.415 FG% .293 3pt% .807 FT%) 2.0reb 4.3ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 1.9TO
Ramon Sessions
Age: 21 26.5min 8.1pts (.436 FG% .429 3pt% .780 FT%) 3.4reb 7.5ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Rodney Stuckey
Age: 21 19.0min 7.6pts (.401 FG% .188 3pt% .814 FT%) 2.3reb 2.8ast 0.9stl 0.1blk 1.4TO
TJ Ford
Age: 20 26.8min 7.1pts (.384 FG% .238 3pt% .816 FT%) 3.2reb 6.5ast 1.1stl 0.0blk 2.5TO
Monta Ellis
Age: 20 18.1min 6.8pts (.415 FG% .341 3pt% .712 FT%) 2.1reb 1.6ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.2TO
Jarret Jack
Age: 22 20.2min 6.7pts (.442 FG% .263 3pt% .800 FT%) 2.0reb 2.8ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 1.3TO
Rajon Rondo
Age: 20 23.5min 6.4pts (.418 FG% .207 3pt% .647 FT%) 3.7reb 3.8ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 1.8TO
Anthony Carter
Age: 24 23.5min 6.3pts (.395 FG% .130 3pt% .750 FT%) 2.5reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Beno Udrih
Age: 22 14.3min 5.9pts (.444 FG% .408 3pt% .753 FT%) 1.0reb 1.9ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 1.0TO
Chris Duhon
Age: 22 26.6min 5.9pts (.352 FG% .355 3pt% .731 FT%) 2.6reb 4.9ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.5TO
Baron Davis
Age: 20 18.6min 5.9pts (.420 FG% .225 3pt% .634 FT%) 2.0reb 3.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 1.7TO
Steve Blake
Age: 23 18.6min 5.9pts (.386 FG% .371 3pt% .821 FT%) 1.6reb 2.8ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.7TO
Devin Harris
Age: 21 15.4min 5.7pts (.429 FG% .336 3pt% .757 FT%) 1.3reb 2.2ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.1TO
Luke Ridnour
Age: 22 16.1min 5.5pts (.414 FG% .338 3pt% .823 FT%) 1.6reb 2.4ast 0.8stl 0.1blk 1.2TO
Jose Calderon
Age: 24 23.2min 5.5pts (.423 FG% .163 3pt% .848 FT%) 2.2reb 4.5ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.6TO
Aaron Brooks
Age: 23 11.9min 5.2pts (.413 FG% .330 3pt% .857 FT%) 1.1reb 1.7ast 0.2stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Mo Williams
Age: 21 13.5min 5.0pts (.380 FG% .256 3pt% .786 FT%) 1.3reb 1.3ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 0.9TO
Jamaal Crawford
Age: 20 17.2min 4.6pts (.352 FG% .350 3pt% .794 FT%) 1.5reb 2.3ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.4TO
Delonte West
Age: 21 12.9min 4.5pts (.426 FG% .358 3pt% .704 FT%) 1.7reb 1.4ast 0.5stl 0.2blk 0.6TO
Derek Fisher
Age: 22 11.5min 3.9pts (.397 FG% .301 3pt% .658 FT%) 1.2reb 1.5ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Steve Nash
Age: 22 10.5min 3.3pts (.423 FG% .418 3pt% .824 FT%) 1.0reb 2.1ast 0.3stl 0.0blk 1.0TO
Rafer Alston
Age: 23 13.4min 2.2pts (.284 FG% .214 3pt% .750 FT%) 0.9reb 2.6ast 0.4stl 0.0blk 1.1TO
Louis Williams
Age: 19 4.8min 1.9pts (.442 FG% .222 3pt% .615 FT%) 0.6reb 0.3ast 0.2stl 0.0blk 0.4TO
This has been coming for several days, but putting together the numbers was time consuming and a pain, and I generally resent even having to do it just to prove that the Earth is round to a few peeps who insist its flat just because they always thoguht it was flat and no don't want to have egg on their face. So I'm just going to ignore that particular contingent and say I did this for everyone else, so they could better appreciate what it is they are watching here.

Here are the rookie numbers for every single starting PG in the NBA today, as well as every single backup PG who has been a longtime starting PG (Andre Miller, Anthony carter, Jarret Jack etc.) as well as every single combo guard who has been along time starting PG in the past (Randy Foye, Jason Terry etc.). In short here are the rookie numbers of every single PG of note and/or worth in the entire NBA, and of basically every worthwhile PG to have entered the league in the last 10-12 years:

Allen Iverson
Age: 21 40.1min 23.5pts (.416 FG% .341 3pt% .702 FT%) 4.1reb 7.5ast 2.1stl 0.3blk 4.4TO
Brandon Jennings
Age: 20 34.8min 21.5pts (.422 FG% .476 3pt% .767 FT%) 3.9reb 5.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 3.1TO
Tyreke Evans
Age: 20 35.9min 19.3pts (.449 FG% .303 3pt% .800 FT%) 5.0reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.3blk 3.3TO
Derrick Rose
Age: 20 37.0min 16.8pts (.475 FG% .222 3pt% .788 FT%) 3.9reb 6.3ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 2.5TO
Chris Paul
Age: 20 36.0min 16.1pts (.430 FG% .282 3pt% .847 FT%) 5.1reb 7.8ast 2.2stl 0.1blk 2.4TO
Russel Westbrook
Age: 20 32.5min 15.3pts (.398 FG% .271 3pt% .815 FT%) 4.9reb 5.3ast 1.3stl 0.2blk 3.3TO
Johnny Flynn
Age: 20 29.2min 14.3pts (.435 FG% .292 3pt% .833 FT%) 2.6reb 3.8ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 3.4TO
Mike Bibby
Age: 20 35.2min 13.2pts (.430 FG% .203 3pt% .751 FT%) 2.7reb 6.5ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 3.0TO
Jason Williams
Age: 23 36.1min 12.8pts (.374 FG% .310 3pt% .752 FT%) 3.1reb 6.0ast 1.9stl 0.0blk 2.9TO
Kirk Hinrich
Age: 22 35.6min 12.0pts (.386 FG% .390 3pt% .804 FT%) 3.4reb 6.8ast 1.3stl 0.3blk 2.7TO
Raymond Felton
Age: 21 30.1min 11.8pts (.391 FG% .358 3pt% .725 FT%) 3.3reb 5.6ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.3TO
D.J. Augustin
Age: 21 26.5min 11.8pts (.430 FG% .439 3pt% .893 FT%) 1.8reb 3.5ast 0.6stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jason Kidd
Age: 21 33.8min 11.7pts (.385 FG% .272 3pt% .698 FT%) 5.4reb 7.7ast 1.9stl 0.3blk 3.2TO
Chauncey Billups
Age: 21 27.7min 11.2pts (.374 FG% .329 3pt% .850 FT%) 2.4reb 3.9ast 1.3stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Andre Miller
Age: 23 25.5min 11.1pts (.449 FG% .204 3pt% .774 FT%) 3.4reb 5.8ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.0TO
Gilbert Arenas
Age: 20 24.5min 10.9pts (.453 FG% .345 3pt% .775 FT%) 2.8reb 3.7ast 1.5stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Deron Williams
Age: 21 28.8min 10.8pts (.421 FG% .416 3pt% .704 FT%) 2.4reb 4.5ast 0.8stl 0.2blk 1.8TO
Randy Foye
Age: 23 22.9min 10.1pts (.434 FG% .368 3pt% .854 FT%) 2.7reb 2.8ast 0.6stl 0.3blk 1.9TO
Mario Chalmers
Age: 22 32.0min 10.0pts (.420 FG% .367 3pt% .767 FT%) 2.8reb 4.9ast 2.0stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Mike Conley
Age: 20 26.1min 9.4pts (.428 FG% .330 3pt% .732 FT%) 2.6reb 4.2ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.7TO
Jamaal Tinsley
Age: 23 30.5min 9.4pts (.380 FG% .240 3pt% .704 FT%) 3.7reb 8.1ast 1.7stl 0.5blk 3.4TO
Nate Robinson
Age: 21 21.4min 9.3pts (.407 FG% .397 3pt% .752 FT%) 2.3reb 2.0ast 0.8stl 0.0blk 1.6TO
Tony Parker
Age: 19 29.5min 9.2pts (.419 FG% .323 3pt% .675 FT%) 2.6reb 4.3ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.0TO
Jameer Nelson
Age: 22 20.4min 8.7pts (.455 FG% .312 3pt% .682 FT%) 2.4reb 3.0ast 1.0stl 0.0blk 1.5TO
Jason Terry
Age: 22 23.3min 8.1pts (.415 FG% .293 3pt% .807 FT%) 2.0reb 4.3ast 1.1stl 0.1blk 1.9TO
Ramon Sessions
Age: 21 26.5min 8.1pts (.436 FG% .429 3pt% .780 FT%) 3.4reb 7.5ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 2.1TO
Rodney Stuckey
Age: 21 19.0min 7.6pts (.401 FG% .188 3pt% .814 FT%) 2.3reb 2.8ast 0.9stl 0.1blk 1.4TO
TJ Ford
Age: 20 26.8min 7.1pts (.384 FG% .238 3pt% .816 FT%) 3.2reb 6.5ast 1.1stl 0.0blk 2.5TO
Monta Ellis
Age: 20 18.1min 6.8pts (.415 FG% .341 3pt% .712 FT%) 2.1reb 1.6ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.2TO
Jarret Jack
Age: 22 20.2min 6.7pts (.442 FG% .263 3pt% .800 FT%) 2.0reb 2.8ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 1.3TO
Rajon Rondo
Age: 20 23.5min 6.4pts (.418 FG% .207 3pt% .647 FT%) 3.7reb 3.8ast 1.6stl 0.1blk 1.8TO
Anthony Carter
Age: 24 23.5min 6.3pts (.395 FG% .130 3pt% .750 FT%) 2.5reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.1blk 2.2TO
Beno Udrih
Age: 22 14.3min 5.9pts (.444 FG% .408 3pt% .753 FT%) 1.0reb 1.9ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 1.0TO
Chris Duhon
Age: 22 26.6min 5.9pts (.352 FG% .355 3pt% .731 FT%) 2.6reb 4.9ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.5TO
Baron Davis
Age: 20 18.6min 5.9pts (.420 FG% .225 3pt% .634 FT%) 2.0reb 3.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 1.7TO
Steve Blake
Age: 23 18.6min 5.9pts (.386 FG% .371 3pt% .821 FT%) 1.6reb 2.8ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.7TO
Devin Harris
Age: 21 15.4min 5.7pts (.429 FG% .336 3pt% .757 FT%) 1.3reb 2.2ast 1.0stl 0.2blk 1.1TO
Luke Ridnour
Age: 22 16.1min 5.5pts (.414 FG% .338 3pt% .823 FT%) 1.6reb 2.4ast 0.8stl 0.1blk 1.2TO
Jose Calderon
Age: 24 23.2min 5.5pts (.423 FG% .163 3pt% .848 FT%) 2.2reb 4.5ast 0.7stl 0.1blk 1.6TO
Aaron Brooks
Age: 23 11.9min 5.2pts (.413 FG% .330 3pt% .857 FT%) 1.1reb 1.7ast 0.2stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Mo Williams
Age: 21 13.5min 5.0pts (.380 FG% .256 3pt% .786 FT%) 1.3reb 1.3ast 0.5stl 0.0blk 0.9TO
Jamaal Crawford
Age: 20 17.2min 4.6pts (.352 FG% .350 3pt% .794 FT%) 1.5reb 2.3ast 0.7stl 0.2blk 1.4TO
Delonte West
Age: 21 12.9min 4.5pts (.426 FG% .358 3pt% .704 FT%) 1.7reb 1.4ast 0.5stl 0.2blk 0.6TO
Derek Fisher
Age: 22 11.5min 3.9pts (.397 FG% .301 3pt% .658 FT%) 1.2reb 1.5ast 0.5stl 0.1blk 0.9TO
Steve Nash
Age: 22 10.5min 3.3pts (.423 FG% .418 3pt% .824 FT%) 1.0reb 2.1ast 0.3stl 0.0blk 1.0TO
Rafer Alston
Age: 23 13.4min 2.2pts (.284 FG% .214 3pt% .750 FT%) 0.9reb 2.6ast 0.4stl 0.0blk 1.1TO
Louis Williams
Age: 19 4.8min 1.9pts (.442 FG% .222 3pt% .615 FT%) 0.6reb 0.3ast 0.2stl 0.0blk 0.4TO
And that list is worthless. Why sort a PG list by PPG? This is why per does have value. It takes all those numbers and puts them into a single formula. Sure it's not perfect, but its a single reference that applies to all equally.

Oh, and of your list on AI, Flynn, Tinsley have more turn overs per game with Westbrook being tied. And Evens is towards the bottom on assists.

So excatly what were you trying to say because your post shows no real analysis of the data just some dribble comments.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And that list is worthless. Why sort a PG list by PPG? This is why per does have value. It takes all those numbers and puts them into a single formula. Sure it's not perfect, but its a single reference that applies to all equally.

Oh, and of your list on AI, Flynn, Tinsley have more turn overs per game with Westbrook being tied. And Evens is towards the bottom on assists.

So excatly what were you trying to say because your post shows no real analysis of the data just some dribble comments.
Could it be that you simply don't know how to draw conclusions from comparative statistics? It's really not that difficult...
Could it be that you simply don't know how to draw conclusions from comparative statistics? It's really not that difficult...
Maybe if it was ranked by overall stats it would be worth it. But just PPG means nothing. That's alot of factors to consider.

So what is more important VF FG% or 3pt FG% at what is a good % for each? At what point are they equal?


And that list is worthless. Why sort a PG list by PPG? This is why per does have value. It takes all those numbers and puts them into a single formula. Sure it's not perfect, but its a single reference that applies to all equally.

Oh, and of your list on AI, Flynn, Tinsley have more turn overs per game with Westbrook being tied. And Evens is towards the bottom on assists.

So excatly what were you trying to say because your post shows no real analysis of the data just some dribble comments.
Would you rather have Tinsley, Hinrich, TJ Ford, Andre Miller, Sessions, Felton, Chalmers, Duhon, Bibby, or Jason Williams over the beast that is known as 20 year old Tyreke Evans who avg's at least 4-5 ppg more and somewhat less assists than the guys I mentioned? Because that is most of the list that you are cementing your argument for, with the rare argument that you could have made valid for a much smaller crowd of CP3, Westbrook, Rose and Kidd who avg more assists but less ppg.

Your argument has no merrit, give it up while you can still back out gracefully.

Helluva job Brick on that list, that puts some **** in major perspective and it excites the pee out of me. One helluva future to look forward to with this nucleus spearheaded by Evans.


Maybe if it was ranked by overall stats it would be worth it. But just PPG means nothing. That's alot of factors to consider.

So what is more important VF FG% or 3pt FG% at what is a good % for each? At what point are they equal?
FG% easily. Because old school basketball/good basketball was/is won on the strength of that vs. 3pt shooting. 3pt shooting is a weapon, but your foundation is your ability to make your 2 pointers.

And no it is not a lot of factors to consider. At the end of the game, who has won? The team that has scored the most points, believe it or not.


Look, I hate to use this old cliche but when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Did you see Evans step up and calmly hit 5 of 6 clutch free throws, like he had not a care in the world? Did you see him relish having the ball in his hands at the end of a close game? Are you blind? Deep Space 9, do you copy? Because if you missed that, Houston we have a problem and not just the one where you traded Donte Greene for Artest.

The simple fact that he just showed us that, that poise, that confidence, that determination, insert whatever adjective associated with the term 'superstar', that is going to win them games they should have lost. And in a few years its going to be just like Bibby taking Finley baseline in OT of game 3 against Dallas to bring us back to Sac up 3-1 on our way to the WCF.

If you're not on board with that, then whats up?
At the end of the day, people will think what they want to think. Sometimes you can try your very best to sway their opinion, but in certain cases people just want to be right. And who can blame them?

If they still receive every bit as much joy as others who are excited about this team, then good for them.


And that list is worthless. Why sort a PG list by PPG? This is why per does have value. It takes all those numbers and puts them into a single formula. Sure it's not perfect, but its a single reference that applies to all equally.

Oh, and of your list on AI, Flynn, Tinsley have more turn overs per game with Westbrook being tied. And Evens is towards the bottom on assists.

So excatly what were you trying to say because your post shows no real analysis of the data just some dribble comments.

you are fighting a losing battle, the list is worthless not because its sorted by ppg but the first player on bricks list is allen iverson... he isnt a pg. he was drafted as one but look what happened. he's a shooting guard. even crazier that the 2nd player on that list is jennings... who is a pg, score more points, has more assists and fewer turnovers... a jennings/martin backcourt wouldve been awesome.

evans is good, we all know that but some of these posters are in denial because they wanted he who shall remain nameless, didnt get him and are clinging on to evans like a woman who doesnt want to die alone.

yeah i said it, they are like clingy girlfriends... if you cant love the one you want love the one youre with. some posters have taken that to heart with evans.


Hall of Famer
And that list is worthless. Why sort a PG list by PPG? This is why per does have value. It takes all those numbers and puts them into a single formula. Sure it's not perfect, but its a single reference that applies to all equally.

Oh, and of your list on AI, Flynn, Tinsley have more turn overs per game with Westbrook being tied. And Evens is towards the bottom on assists.

So excatly what were you trying to say because your post shows no real analysis of the data just some dribble comments.
Hey, c'mon. That list took a ton of work to compile. You should be thanking the man for compiling it. How to interpret it is another question, but that raw data is very interesting and can be food for thought in the coming months. You can't have an analysis without the data. He gave you the data. So now try to figure it out.
you are fighting a losing battle, the list is worthless not because its sorted by ppg but the first player on bricks list is allen iverson... he isnt a pg. he was drafted as one but look what happened. he's a shooting guard. even crazier that the 2nd player on that list is jennings... who is a pg, score more points, has more assists and fewer turnovers... a jennings/martin backcourt wouldve been awesome.

evans is good, we all know that but some of these posters are in denial because they wanted he who shall remain nameless, didnt get him and are clinging on to evans like a woman who doesnt want to die alone.

yeah i said it, they are like clingy girlfriends... if you cant love the one you want love the one youre with. some posters have taken that to heart with evans.

Dude, when will you give it up? I know as much about Rubio as anyone on this board, and I'm confident I know more. Look at my posts last year, I was high on Rubio. I know what I'm talking about. I've seen him ALOT. And I absolutley guarantee you: He would not have had half the effect right away that Evans is having. I seriously doubt that Rubio will ever be the player Evans will be. Why can't you see that? You should be happy we have a guy who could be a legit star. This franchise needed an immediate injection of energy and we've gotten more than we've bargained for.

All this "he who shall remain nameless" stuff is completely cringeworthy. Aren't you embarassed? I'm not surprised some people have actually come to hate Rubio himself when he has guys like you fighting his corner. Let him prove himself that he's a star, and if he is one he'll have no problem doing that. Evans is already doing that on a level that not many others have. It seems to me that you're the type who would want Evans to fail to the detriment of the Kings just so you could say you're right. Give it up.
Allen Iverson
Age: 21 40.1min 23.5pts (.416 FG% .341 3pt% .702 FT%) 4.1reb 7.5ast 2.1stl 0.3blk 4.4TO
Brandon Jennings
Age: 20 34.8min 21.5pts (.422 FG% .476 3pt% .767 FT%) 3.9reb 5.8ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 3.1TO
Tyreke Evans
Age: 20 35.9min 19.3pts (.449 FG% .303 3pt% .800 FT%) 5.0reb 4.8ast 1.2stl 0.3blk 3.3TO
Steve Nash
Age: 22 10.5min 3.3pts (.423 FG% .418 3pt% .824 FT%) 1.0reb 2.1ast 0.3stl 0.0blk 1.0TO
This reminds us of how beastly Allen Iverson once was, how beastly Evans and Jennings are right now, and how sucktastic, struggling rookies can become two time MVP's.

Cool list Brick.