Kings’ Jackson Undergoes Successful Wrist Surgery (merged)

Kings’ Jackson Undergoes Successful Wrist Surgery


January 3, 2005

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Sacramento Kings guard Bobby Jackson underwent successful surgery of a major ligament in his left wrist on Monday in which two pins were placed in Jackson’s wrist bone to stabilize the ligament.

Jackson will be in a cast for eight weeks to allow the injury to heal, which will be followed by an additional eight weeks of gradual rehabilitation.

The surgery was performed by Dr. Robert Szabo, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
Heuge said:
that's what got me.. i thought he'd only be out for 3 months.. now, it seems like he won't be back till may :(

well, atleast we have martin and evans playing well in his place.. i hope they can keep it up :)

We'll miss you bobby! havea nice speedy recovery :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
That might explain why he didn't look very happy last night. Two pins? 16 weeks??


Get well soon, Bobby!!!

So Bobby was at the game last night? The stat sheets handed out at half time showed him as NWT. The stat sheets handed out after the game listed him as DND.


Super Moderator Emeritus
kgrichwine said:
So Bobby was at the game last night? The stat sheets handed out at half time showed him as NWT. The stat sheets handed out after the game listed him as DND.
The camera panned over him in the street clothes and not looking particularly happy. Just kind of staring at the court.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If its 16 rather than 12, that could be disastrous for our playoff hopes. That's an absolutely critical distinction there. He's got to be ready to return to the court by mid-April at the latest.

Heal fast Bobby!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bballkingsrock said:
If it is 16 weeks, he will play the very beginning of April, maybe even end of march.
12 weeks = March 28.
16 weeks = April 25.

And then after that even if fully rehabbed he has to get back his rhythm after not playing for 3-4 months. Like training camp all over again.
Finally. I know he had to make sure, but if he was gonna get the surgery I wish he wouldn't have waited so long. I hope he heals better than last year, cuz without him it's gonna be tough.


Hall of Famer
This sucks. Of course every human body heals at it's own rate and these are estimates, but still it looks like the Kings need to rethink finding a PG to sign as an FA or even trade for an underutalized ball handler on a building squad (Jaric, and Alston come to mind) NO direpect to Martin who is doing well and may even keep his min over a vet that is brought in, but the Kings can't risk being with out a solid back up point with NBA experience late in the season. Heck if I were Petrie I'd be on the phone to John Stockton asking him if he would like one last shot at a ring.


Hall of Famer
Heuge said:
Well, folks, who is Petrie going to add this week?
Unless some rel magic can be worked to bring in a vet for a cheap trade, I'd expect GP to ask the team to keep on keeping on untill the 10th when contracts become gaurneteed. a few good palyers may get walking papers on the 9th and be availalbe or traded at the last min for picks. It's not like the current roster is short on gaurds it's and experienced vet the Kings need for the late and post season. In the other injusry thread I half jokingly suggested a call out to John Stockton (Ostertag may have his number) but this would be the extreem example of what the Kings will need down the pike, a crafty vet, who can pass, run the pick and roll, take over for big min from the bench and still paly some D, and help school the rookies. Stockton probably would not be interesed at all but any lesser version would probalby do fine.
HndsmCelt said:
Heck if I were Petrie I'd be on the phone to John Stockton asking him if he would like one last shot at a ring.
Might take a bit away from having his jersey retired just a week or two before :)

Something makes me doubt that Stockton has kept in NBA shape. After so many years in the league, I'd be enjoying life with my wife and umpteen kids.