Kings’ Jackson Undergoes Successful Wrist Surgery (merged)


Hall of Famer
Brewer16 said:
Whats the whole deal with Alexander? Why not sign him?
Alexander was on an ungaurenteed contract. During preseason he was unalbe to play due to a strained achilies tendon (these can be be real tricky) The Kings put him on the IR for a shrt while but cut him loose so tht they would not be bound to the full contrat. Specualtion is that once he is able to play he will be offered a slot. Roumer is that he is still hanging arround the team, practicing at the practice facility, etc. BUT Alexander is not a great ball handler or paly maker... in short he is not a PG. So while DC could pick up min at PG while Bibby rests and Courtney could play the 2 for long streaches (assuming he gets and stays healthy) that still leaves the Kings with no back up PG in case of foul trouble, injury etc. I have been a big suporter of Alexander's and I still love the guy, but right now the Kings do not need another 2 guard who lacks PG skills. (Kevin Martin might develop his but not fast enough to take the helm with Bibby and DC off the floor this year. So it may be in the Kings best interest NOT to resign Alexander and look elsewhere for a true PG.
Does this team need really need a pg? The offense is ran through Doug and Webb usually. Most of the time we just need a guard as the ballhandler to bring the ball up the court.


Hall of Famer
Mad D said:
Does this team need really need a pg? The offense is ran through Doug and Webb usually. Most of the time we just need a guard as the ballhandler to bring the ball up the court.
To mildley elaborate on what I other posters have said with out a PG (yes Doug can play point) It is too easy to trap in the back court, pick off passes and force broken playes. Having the starting 2 gaurd as the back up for your point guard is the sme thing as having NO plan B. In a reled note Petrie, no doubt aware of this has said they will be filling Bobbys roster spot with someone with PG skills.
I know that people ALWAYS hate the idea of "demoting" a player that is playing well, but the kings should consider moving doug to the 6th man slot. He can be our energy guy off the bench, and he can sub in for the pg or th og as situation demands. Start one of the rooks, or alexander, if they sign him. the starting og doesn't need any more major minutes, we just need to be able to stagger bibby's and doug's breaks a little better, make sure one or the other is on the floor at all times without driving their minutes up and wearing them down as the season progresses.

**Note**I don't consider this a demotion, minutes in crucial game situations is what matters.
Can you imagine Brad, Peja, or Chris routinely taking the ball down-court? It wouldn't take teams too long to focus on that aspect of the Kings game. I suppose we could always use Ostertag as our principal ball handler.


Super Moderator Emeritus
So, once again, we're back to "demoting" (for lack of a better term) one of our starters?

I have no problem with continuing to start Doug. It's the minutes that are important and the proper allocation of those minutes among the available talent. I liked the way RA utilized Kevin and Mo against the Spurs, along with Doug and Bibby. I think rotating Doug, Bibby and Kevin at the point, along with Bibby, Doug and Mo at the 2 gives an interesting look to the team and keeps opponents on their toes. If we can bring in another guard to add to the mix I think we get something pretty interesting for RA to work with. Hopefully, he'll continue to go deep into the bench and not fall back on using just 7 or 8 players.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
mcsluggo said:
I know that people ALWAYS hate the idea of "demoting" a player that is playing well, but the kings should consider moving doug to the 6th man slot. He can be our energy guy off the bench, and he can sub in for the pg or th og as situation demands. Start one of the rooks, or alexander, if they sign him. the starting og doesn't need any more major minutes, we just need to be able to stagger bibby's and doug's breaks a little better, make sure one or the other is on the floor at all times without driving their minutes up and wearing them down as the season progresses.

**Note**I don't consider this a demotion, minutes in crucial game situations is what matters.
I don't actually think that's THAT outrageous an idea, but it would really accelerate the problem I was highlighting with the big difference between Mo/Martin's games and Doug's -- the passing. We run a PG by committee, and the whole key to our passing attack is having superior passers at nearly every position (Peja is the only guy not a part of that). It significantly changes our mix if we swap out one of our big passers for guys who are more comfortable finishing.

its something you could do, but its a risky move chemistry wise and just seems extreme when all we really need to do is sign a backup PG of some sort. We just need a ballhandler cpaable of handling pressure. Actually, truth be told depending on Doug to be able to consistently bring the ball up court against PGs under pressure isn't ideal either.

In any case, I think QD had the right idea -- Tag for PG!!
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