I tried to listen again today....In the brief time I listened, Grant again tried to push his "DeMarcus is a horrible team mate and no one wants to play with him' agenda (sprinkled amongst some talk of the A's) The difference in today's opining is that he actually used past tense terms to speak of it, gave Valde mad props and said we would see 'a whole new Cousins' now, thanks to Vlade. While I agree that Vlade has had, and will continue to have, a profound influence on both the Kings and DeMarcus, I see it as Grant covering his azz. People don't take team mates they 'don't like playing with' to visit their home country, they don't invite them to their charity events. If you are slacking on the court, will DeMarcus call you on it? hell to the yes... as he should. Is he the devil incarnate that Grant paints him to be? None of the facts I have seen bear that out. I doubt Grant will ever be super supportive of DeMarcus, further than he can take credit for 'calling' anything, and his loyal followers will forget his venom and follow the new narrative, should things pan out the way we hope. If they don't, Grant and his minions will crucify DeMarcus upon the cross of all of our broken dreams.