It's like I said, way back in the OP: I've made my peace with the fact that other people like sports that I don't like, and that I'm a big fan of sports that are not only unpopular, but actively ridiculed. The only real expectation that I have, at this point, for people who have a forum to influence other people, like radio or television, to not denigrate things that they don't like, which otherwise do them no harm.

I mean, I would probably believe you if you said that you didn't intend to be insulting when you said that watching the WNBA is horrific to you (and before you say it, yes, I did hear the whole segment, so I'm pretty sure that I grok the context). But, come on, man, you talk for a living: you can't not know that horrific is not a neutral word. It's a word with negative connotations, that poisons the well for anyone who might otherwise be neutral.

Look at it like this: the Monarchs have been gone since 2009, so chances are 50-50 that there's someone who listens to your show every morning, who heard what you had to say, and thought something like, "Well, you know, I've never actually watched a WNBA game... but, I know Carmichael Dave, I like Carmichael Dave, we agree on a lot of stuff, and I trust his input on sports. If he says that the WNBA is horrific, there's no reason for me to waste time watching, and deciding for myself; I'll just take his word for it."
Sorry. I gave on the Windhorst thing because you were right and I was wrong.

I'm paid to give opinions. Some of them might offend people. If that offended you, I can't help you there.

If I recall, I prefaced the statement by saying my best friend played in the WNBA, and I have a daughter who I hope gets whatever opportunity she wishes. But I've tried long and hard, and I'd honestly watch paint dry than the WNBA.

Now there's people on this board that love it, and that's awesome. When/if the Monarchs come back I'll root for them because Sacramento.

If someone doesn't watch the WNBA because they heard me say watching it was horrific, so be it.

And yes, there's some hyperbole in the term "horrific". It's not the first time, and won't be the last time I use hyperbole.

With no offense intended, if that type of thing is going to upset you, I would honestly suggest you find another show to listen to, because humor and hyperbole are at my core and won't ever change.
Wow, KHTK fires two long, long time producers within a few months of each other. First, Little Joe. Now, Jodi Bacon.

Money issues? Because the Kings remain crummy, you'd have to think listeners / revenue are an issue. Plus, the station probably should have rehired the Rise Guys when they became available, but didn't want to hire guys that had previously left them. Instead, they stuck with Keith Brooks way too long. Now, the Rise Guys are cutting into KHTK's ratings particularly with the hit and miss schedule caused by choosing to air A's games.
i listen to 1320 bc i cant stand that ***** grant dump on fans. they dont have a filter on issues like they do at 1140

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Yes, Dave, as I said, I heard the full segment: I heard the part about Kayte being your best friend. I heard the part about your daughter. I feel quite confident that I grokked the fullness of your "I'm not a hater, but..." statement. But, you're right, it's your show; you don't have to be neutral. You're cool with talking about the W in those terms, and I've pretty much got two choices: like it, or eat it.

And, since I don't even live in Sacramento, and have no reason to actually patronize any of KHTK's sponsors, you don't even have any incentive to give me that much consideration. So... cheers, mate; consider the subject dropped.
Yes, Dave, as I said, I heard the full segment: I heard the part about Kayte being your best friend. I heard the part about your daughter. I feel quite confident that I grokked the fullness of your "I'm not a hater, but..." statement. But, you're right, it's your show; you don't have to be neutral. You're cool with talking about the W in those terms, and I've pretty much got two choices: like it, or eat it.
And, since I don't even live in Sacramento, and have no reason to actually patronize any of KHTK's sponsors, you don't even have any incentive to give me that much consideration. So... cheers, mate; consider the subject dropped.
I appreciate the "agree to disagree", and whether you patronize sponsors or not, I respect your opinion

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I appreciate the "agree to disagree", and whether you patronize sponsors or not, I respect your opinion
Okay, so I actually will play pedant here, because that is a much more charitable interpretation of my position than I'm willing to stipulate to. I concede that I cannot win this fight with you; I am not agreeing to disagree. There is no agreement going on here, on any level, unless you are taking my bitter sarcasm at face value.
I wish that the local media would act like local media in this market. It is abundantly clear that the populous is tired of the cheer leading that is never ending at 1140. Vivek has been a train wreck as an owner. He did not save the Kings. Stern placed him in front of KJ because he was the most marketable owner for a population where the majority of voters did not care about a new arena. Ok, that is done now. Let's move on. Vivek cannot take this team anywhere. If he cannot improve the product, then step down and get someone in here that truly cares about this city and winning. When you become a minion for a crappy owner, your opinions are valued less and people tune out. Clearly that is what is happening here in Sactown. I get the feeling that the hosts on this station realize that their services might not be needed at other stations so they have to stay loyal to Vivek and the front office. Cannot blame them for that and cannot blame people for looking elsewhere for their sports talk.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I wish that the local media would act like local media in this market. It is abundantly clear that the populous is tired of the cheer leading that is never ending at 1140. Vivek has been a train wreck as an owner. He did not save the Kings. Stern placed him in front of KJ because he was the most marketable owner for a population where the majority of voters did not care about a new arena. Ok, that is done now. Let's move on. Vivek cannot take this team anywhere. If he cannot improve the product, then step down and get someone in here that truly cares about this city and winning. When you become a minion for a crappy owner, your opinions are valued less and people tune out. Clearly that is what is happening here in Sactown. I get the feeling that the hosts on this station realize that their services might not be needed at other stations so they have to stay loyal to Vivek and the front office. Cannot blame them for that and cannot blame people for looking elsewhere for their sports talk.
Question: How do you listen to KHTK all the way from Southern California?
lol VF, it's 2015, you can listen to KHTK in China. There's that dude from England that calls in all the time. Danny I think.

Anyway, I use TuneIn as well and mostly tune out KHTK. I like the Rise Guys in the afternoon on 1320 and will check Grant now and then to see if he gets a good guest like today in Vlade. The midday show is horrific now and I do like the new morning show mostly, but can't really listen to it because I'm busy without access to my phone (to listen on TuneIn) for a good chunk of the early morning.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I live in Santa Barbara and listen to KHTK every day using the TuneIn app
lol VF, it's 2015, you can listen to KHTK in China. There's that dude from England that calls in all the time. Danny I think.

Anyway, I use TuneIn as well and mostly tune out KHTK. I like the Rise Guys in the afternoon on 1320 and will check Grant now and then to see if he gets a good guest like today in Vlade. The midday show is horrific now and I do like the new morning show mostly, but can't really listen to it because I'm busy without access to my phone (to listen on TuneIn) for a good chunk of the early morning.
Seriously guys? You don't find it somewhat interesting that someone from Southern California becomes a member so they can make a post dumping on KHTK and Vivek? And that after making said post, they disappear? I'm skeptical...


Hall of Famer
Seriously guys? You don't find it somewhat interesting that someone from Southern California becomes a member so they can make a post dumping on KHTK and Vivek? And that after making said post, they disappear? I'm skeptical...
Well, the disappearing part I like. However, I listen to KHTK all the time, so that part is very possible. I can't speak for his motives.
lol VF, it's 2015, you can listen to KHTK in China. There's that dude from England that calls in all the time. Danny I think.

Anyway, I use TuneIn as well and mostly tune out KHTK. I like the Rise Guys in the afternoon on 1320 and will check Grant now and then to see if he gets a good guest like today in Vlade. The midday show is horrific now and I do like the new morning show mostly, but can't really listen to it because I'm busy without access to my phone (to listen on TuneIn) for a good chunk of the early morning.
Seriously - The midday show is unbearable. It's a real shame because it used to be the one show I loved and looked forward to each day. Morning show is leaps and bounds better, but the midday took a real hit by making Nate the main voice
Seriously - The midday show is unbearable. It's a real shame because it used to be the one show I loved and looked forward to each day. Morning show is leaps and bounds better, but the midday took a real hit by making Nate the main voice
No kidding, lose Nate and the other guy. Jason by himself would make the show 100% better.
Seriously - The midday show is unbearable. It's a real shame because it used to be the one show I loved and looked forward to each day. Morning show is leaps and bounds better, but the midday took a real hit by making Nate the main voice
+1 on everything. I love the new morning show, and I love Jason, but the rest of the midday show is not my cup of tea. Would rather have Jason.
I actually feel sorry for Nate on the midday show. It's just such a train wreck. It's only a matter of time before he loses his job and he's selling appliances at Sears or something. He just sounds so uncomfortable. Yesterday, he said that his vote for MVP in the AL right now would be Josh Donaldson. Really???
I actually feel sorry for Nate on the midday show. It's just such a train wreck. It's only a matter of time before he loses his job and he's selling appliances at Sears or something. He just sounds so uncomfortable. Yesterday, he said that his vote for MVP in the AL right now would be Josh Donaldson. Really???
It doesn't help that he was never made for radio period.

I remember during the Relo saga, he argued that bias aside, the Maloofs should be able to sell to whoever they want.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
It doesn't help that he was never made for radio period.

I remember during the Relo saga, he argued that bias aside, the Maloofs should be able to sell to whoever they want.
Well, wait. Bias aside, the Maloofs should have been able to sell to whomever they wanted. We were all very biased during those proceedings. That's not to say that this bias is a bad thing necessarily, but we ought to at least acknowledge it. We were not remotely neutral as regarded to whom the Kings ought to be sold. Neither was Seattle. As it turns out, neither was the NBA. Fortunately for us, the NBA shared our bias.
Seriously guys? You don't find it somewhat interesting that someone from Southern California becomes a member so they can make a post dumping on KHTK and Vivek? And that after making said post, they disappear? I'm skeptical...
not sure what his/her motives are, but their comment on Vivek being a train wreck of an owner so far is pretty spot on...and KHTK (namely Grant) is pretty sketchy when it comes to being a mouthpiece for the organization. I didn't really take the post as "dumping" on anything, merely just stating facts.
Well, wait. Bias aside, the Maloofs should have been able to sell to whomever they wanted. We were all very biased during those proceedings. That's not to say that this bias is a bad thing necessarily, but we ought to at least acknowledge it. We were not remotely neutral as regarded to whom the Kings ought to be sold. Neither was Seattle. As it turns out, neither was the NBA. Fortunately for us, the NBA shared our bias.

Actually, no. The BOG has to approve all sales. We went through this. It's not an exact 'open market' and that's why we kept our team.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
So I tuned in today and there was a different show on...sounded like a syndicated national show. Did they cancel already?
I'm guessing you listen online, like me. If you hear the syndicated show, that typically means that the terrestrial broadcast was blacked out, for copyright reasons. Now, since there was no A's baseball today, and the summer league game isn't for another 20 minutes, I can't imagine what that was.
I'm guessing you listen online, like me. If you hear the syndicated show, that typically means that the terrestrial broadcast was blacked out, for copyright reasons. Now, since there was no A's baseball today, and the summer league game isn't for another 20 minutes, I can't imagine what that was.
Grant is doing NBA meetings today and tomorrow, there for the afternoon show is taking place of his show and they're doing syndicated instead of their show.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
First things first: "sick of basketball"? I don't know what that means? What is there to watch besides basketball, anyway? :p

As far as you guys not thinking that women's basketball is "exciting," that's whatever. That's a legitimate opinion to have; I don't agree with your opinion but, as long as you're not actively denigrating the sport, and calling it "horrific" or whatever, that's cool. That's what I was trying to articulate to you a couple of weeks ago, @carmichaeldave: it's one thing to not like something, it's something else entirely to bash something. Bashing is not cool. Saying that you think that women's basketball is not exciting is not bashing, saying that you don't find it entertaining is not bashing; that's a legitimate, objective opinion. Saying that you think something is horrific is not objective: that's a loaded word, with hostile connotations, even if your intentions were to be objective (And, FYI, preceding that comment with a 'Some of my best friends are black people WNBA players' disclaimer doesn't make what you follow that with a non-loaded statement).

As far as growing the game, there are things that the WNBA could/should do to grow their fan base, but it doesn't have anything to do with the product on the floor. Shortening the court or lowering the rim, or anything like that is only going to turn away the people who watch the sport now, and isn't going to bring in enough new fans to offset that loss. Like, I don't think that you're 'lying' or being disingenuous in any way when you say that more people would watch if they dunked, I just think that you're wrong. The people who don't like women's basketball because it isn't men's basketball aren't going to change their minds because you try to make it more like men's basketball. People might say that, but they aren't being genuine when they say that (well, maybe you are, but there's maybe one of you for every million basketball fans). The only thing that's going to do is cheese off the people who like women's basketball fine the way it is.

Anecdote time: my dad is a STH for the Atlanta Dream, has been since the team came into the league. He likes women's basketball because it's not like men's basketball. He's told me repeatedly, most often during the women's college tournament, that if they changed the game to make it more like the men, he'd stop watching; that, if he wanted to watch a game that was like men's basketball, that he'd watch actual men's basketball. And, when I've gone to Dream games with him, I've spoken to other STH's in his section who feel the same way. I mean, maybe they're the minority, and there are actually hundreds of thousands of people who are just waiting for the women to start dunking, before they start watching... but, I don't really think so.
How long is J Ross out? This is gonna be a rough stretch.

I like Nate. I like Mike D.. err Cory, as people but I'm not a fan of what is happening on khtk in the daytime. Nate should not be the head of a show. JRoss should run that, it's so dumb khtk.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Why is it so darn hard for KHTK to put together a decent lineup across the day?

While DDM is leaps and bounds better than Brooks being anywhere near a mic, like someone said earlier (I think, not going to go back and read it all again) Dave and Kayte would be an awesome morning show and Jason, Deuce, and Morgan would be a good afternoon show. Is it really that difficult?

Of course, that leaves Grant.....who is sometimes fine and sometimes just awful.
You guys remember when KHTK was full of good shows? They had the Rise Guys, Rome, Don and Mike, Grant, Kozimor, Carmichael Dave etc. Just oozing with talent.