Is it?

Remember I live pretty far from SacTown but what is the general consecious are Kings Fans or should I say the Kings Nation in general looking to see Kenny Thomas traded in the off season?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't think there's any consensus about much of anything in the offseason among Kingsfans at this point, except that the majority anticipate significant changes. Could Kenny get traded as part of those changes? Sure. But could he be back? Also quite possible. Its hard to imagine us not wanting to get bigger and stonger inside, in particular after the way we've been beaten up in there in this playoff series. But that's an argument for replacing Kenny as a starter, not necessarily for trading him. His big long term contract may make him hard to keep unless he's a starter though, or at least a 6th man.

We could:

1) trade him straight up for another player (unlikely)
2) package him with other players in a major trade (very possible)
3) trade him in a salary dump to a team with cap room and in need of a starting PF (very unlikely)
4) bring him back as a starter at PF (possible but problematic)
5) get a new starter at PF, and bring him back as a backup (possible, but has a big contract for a bencher and is mostly a PF, so maybe not)
6) try to switch him to SF if we trade Peja (unlikely, but interesting)

It all depends on what other moves we make, and literally anything seems possible this offseason. No idea what the team will look like next year.
I like Kenny but I just don't see him as a starting PF in the league. He's just too small. I think he would be great as a change of pace frontcourt player coming off the bench but He would probably pout at being pulled from the starting line-up.
Also, he is a victim of his own contract. He makes starter money, he's awfully expensive to be a bencher. Over the course of the last, what, 3? years the Maloofs focus has been trimming the pay roll. I expect that will continue.
hey, brick is there any chance to get elton brand let's say for peja and williamson or via any other trade?...what do you think?
I've thought for some time now that it would be interesting to put him at the SF position since he's such a good rebounder, has a good mid-range jumper and plays well around the basket. If we get an honest to to god PF that rebounds it would be nice to see them both under the basket most of the time with Brad at the high post.
Bricklayer said:
I don't think there's any consensus about much of anything in the offseason among Kingsfans at this point, except that the majority anticipate significant changes. Could Kenny get traded as part of those changes? Sure. But could he be back? Also quite possible. Its hard to imagine us not wanting to get bigger and stonger inside, in particular after the way we've been beaten up in there in this playoff series. But that's an argument for replacing Kenny as a starter, not necessarily for trading him. His big long term contract may make him hard to keep unless he's a starter though, or at least a 6th man.

We could:

1) trade him straight up for another player (unlikely)
2) package him with other players in a major trade (very possible)
3) trade him in a salary dump to a team with cap room and in need of a starting PF (very unlikely)
4) bring him back as a starter at PF (possible but problematic)
5) get a new starter at PF, and bring him back as a backup (possible, but has a big contract for a bencher and is mostly a PF, so maybe not)
6) try to switch him to SF if we trade Peja (unlikely, but interesting)

It all depends on what other moves we make, and literally anything seems possible this offseason. No idea what the team will look like next year.

Or maybe they will take into account that during the season if you take Jim O' Brian out of the picture he averages a double/double again this year which is a legitimate argument if you take into account last year and this year with the Kings numbers.

Or maybe they will look at as the Kings got beat up in the playoffs Kt held his 2 oponents to:

Evans: Regular season 9.5 reb, 5 pts - Playoffs 8 reb, 3 points
Radmonovic: Regular season 5 reb, 12 pts - Playoffs 3.5 reb, 6.5 points

Or maybe they will see that KT averaged 12.4 points and 7.3 rebounds to 13.3 points and almost 10 rebounds per game in the playoffs.

I'm not so sure he is getting beat-up in the playoffs.

And I guess the biggest question is how did he do all this being under sized and weak in the paint.

I don't think any of this warrant being pulled out of this or any starting line-upor in lue of comming off the bench not sure why anyone wants to reduce production. I quess thats why Im asking I think there are several teams in the NBA that would not have an issue with his contract if this is what they are getting. Except wolves, spurs well you know teams with dominate PF's. I think if you have a shot at one of those then it makes a lot of sense. but guys like boozer and those types Kt gives you everything they can do exept he does it closer to the ground. It's hard to explain cause NBA money does not always seem real but by NBA standards, his contract is good all day.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Look, if you wanted to start another KT is great thread, just title it that way so it can be given the attention it deserves.

As it is, you asked a question and people gave you answers. KTs height isn't a myth. Our complete lack of interior defense isn't one either. KT can put up respectable numbers on most nights. But do they lead to victory? Does he help us where we are weak? Can we be a serious contender and beat Duncan, Amare and Dirk matching them with KT? And while I used question marks, the answers to all of those questions is "no". What we do with KT in the offseason is educated by that "no", but not solely determined by it.
I don't think any of this warrant being pulled out of this or any starting line-upor in lue of comming off the bench not sure why anyone wants to reduce production. I quess thats why Im asking I think there are several teams in the NBA that would not have an issue with his contract if this is what they are getting. Except wolves, spurs well you know teams with dominate PF's

But Kenny doesn't play out there by himself. It's a TEAM game, and it really depends on a couple of things. What is Petries new vision for this team down the road? Does Kenny fit into those plans, in Petries eyes, or is he a means to acquire someone who does? The big spin on the trade was breaking Chris' contract down into smaller, more easily traded pieces. Now, that's not to say that Kenny has to be the one to go, I just happen to think that, if the deal is right, anyone could be, including Kenny.
Bricklayer said:
Look, if you wanted to start another KT is great thread, just title it that way so it can be given the attention it deserves.

As it is, you asked a question and people gave you answers. KTs height isn't a myth. Our complete lack of interior defense isn't one either. KT can put up respectable numbers on most nights. But do they lead to victory? Does he help us where we are weak? Can we be a serious contender and beat Duncan, Amare and Dirk matching them with KT? And while I used question marks, the answers to all of those questions is "no". What we do with KT in the offseason is educated by that "no", but not solely determined by it.
Other than KG who else can compete with those monsters? Like I said if you can get that player then you gotta do it, but im not sure who is available I think you need to get the best PF you can for the money off set their numbers as much as possible and use one of your other positions to gain ground. As good as Amare, Duncan and Dirk are they are only one of 5. Everyone in the league wants those guys but only a few teams have them. Even that becomes an issue look at the numbers they put up against each other! A championship can be won with out a Super Star Power Forward, just need a Super Star somewere else on the floor don't have to play the PF position.
Kingsgurl said:

But Kenny doesn't play out there by himself. It's a TEAM game, and it really depends on a couple of things. What is Petries new vision for this team down the road? Does Kenny fit into those plans, in Petries eyes, or is he a means to acquire someone who does? The big spin on the trade was breaking Chris' contract down into smaller, more easily traded pieces. Now, that's not to say that Kenny has to be the one to go, I just happen to think that, if the deal is right, anyone could be, including Kenny.
Good point, if the other components of the team do not contain a super star or at least 3 other all-stars KT can not carry a team. I think that is a huge point KT's status is depentant on the other 4 guys on the court.
A championship can be won with out a Super Star Power Forward, just need a Super Star somewere else on the floor don't have to play the PF position.
Very true, but in order for us to acquire a 'super star', players are going to have to be traded. Kenny may be one of them. Nothing against Kenny.
If you are just looking for a general opinion: I have nothing against Thomas. there is always a possibility that he miight be traded (after all, so could anyone), but I like him!
I think KT is a "nice" player. Can he compete with the superstar PF's in the West....NO! As was already pointed out the list of PF's who can is VERY short. The problem with the Kings is that they have ZERO above avaerage defenders. If the Kings had a shot blocking center, they could probably cover KT's post defensive weakness. I'm not sure Miller is that guy. Bibby getting repeatedly broken down off the dribble also needs to be addressed. Either you live with it and add a shotblocking PF or C who can help out or make a personnel change.

Too bad the season isn't longer. I'd like to see KT have a crack at SF just too see what he could do.
Game 5 lineup

I would try Kenny at small forward tonight. Put Peja at Guard (where he usually plays for Serbia, and where he could give Allen some trouble shooting over). Greg at center ending the Jerome James superstar experience, Brad at PF, Mike at PG if he promises to play with some brains.

If everybody plays with energy, the Kings win 100-80, and the Sonics have no answers in Game 6 or 7 either.
patrick204 said:
I would try Kenny at small forward tonight. Put Peja at Guard (where he usually plays for Serbia, and where he could give Allen some trouble shooting over). Greg at center ending the Jerome James superstar experience, Brad at PF, Mike at PG if he promises to play with some brains.

If everybody plays with energy, the Kings win 100-80, and the Sonics have no answers in Game 6 or 7 either.
Hmm... good idea.. when i played for my team.. they put me at SG, i'm more of a small forward type of player but they usually put me at SG because i was a bit tall so it'll be harder for the other guard to shoot over. I think thats what they should do...
KT OR Darius?

To tell you the truth, I don't see Thomas bringing a whole lot more to floor than Songaila. Yes, their games are different--KT gives us more of a driving threat and a marginally better rebounder, while songaila brings a bit more hustle and works better within the Princeton O (I also think he has the potentially to be a better defender on other PF). But in terms of their roles within our offense (and they will always be role players), it doesn't make much sense to keep both of them. Having said that, I would rather keep Darius and trade up for KT - more size, better D, more power. KT's strength is finesse, and we have enough of that on the team already.

Just my 2c.
Pqster said:
Or maybe they will take into account that during the season if you take Jim O' Brian out of the picture he averages a double/double again this year which is a legitimate argument if you take into account last year and this year with the Kings numbers.

Or maybe they will look at as the Kings got beat up in the playoffs Kt held his 2 oponents to:

Evans: Regular season 9.5 reb, 5 pts - Playoffs 8 reb, 3 points
Radmonovic: Regular season 5 reb, 12 pts - Playoffs 3.5 reb, 6.5 points

Or maybe they will see that KT averaged 12.4 points and 7.3 rebounds to 13.3 points and almost 10 rebounds per game in the playoffs.

I'm not so sure he is getting beat-up in the playoffs.

And I guess the biggest question is how did he do all this being under sized and weak in the paint.

I don't think any of this warrant being pulled out of this or any starting line-upor in lue of comming off the bench not sure why anyone wants to reduce production. I quess thats why Im asking I think there are several teams in the NBA that would not have an issue with his contract if this is what they are getting. Except wolves, spurs well you know teams with dominate PF's. I think if you have a shot at one of those then it makes a lot of sense. but guys like boozer and those types Kt gives you everything they can do exept he does it closer to the ground. It's hard to explain cause NBA money does not always seem real but by NBA standards, his contract is good all day.
If that's what you wanted to say, say it in the first post.

This new "fad" of starting threads with a question for the sheer purpose of arguing everyone's answers is really quite tiresome.
GoGoGadget said:
If that's what you wanted to say, say it in the first post.

This new "fad" of starting threads with a question for the sheer purpose of arguing everyone's answers is really quite tiresome.
Why dude, why? If you don't like the thread don't answer. Absolutly uncalled for.
Pqster said:
Other than KG who else can compete with those monsters? Like I said if you can get that player then you gotta do it, but im not sure who is available I think you need to get the best PF you can for the money off set their numbers as much as possible and use one of your other positions to gain ground. As good as Amare, Duncan and Dirk are they are only one of 5. Everyone in the league wants those guys but only a few teams have them. Even that becomes an issue look at the numbers they put up against each other! A championship can be won with out a Super Star Power Forward, just need a Super Star somewere else on the floor don't have to play the PF position.

I hear this kid might be looking for a new home.
I doubt that this will be popular, but I actually prefer Darius to Kenny when you take into consideration the difference in pay. Darius is a better defender if he learns to keep the fouls down and I think he has the potential to make a significant contribution on the offense as he grows and goes through another camp with the team. I would rather see him kept than Kenny and if we can pick up a strong PF to start so be it. This is after all, "opinion" right? :cool:
NewEraKings05 said:
I hear this kid might be looking for a new home.
We don't have to have a superstar power forward. We do, however, have to have a superstar at some position though. Almost every team in the playoffs has arguably a superstar or one on the rise on their team. This is a players league. We have a nice group of average to above average players but no superstars. Sure they are hard to come by but whatever Geoff can do and I do mean whatever from Mike Bibby on down the line to Eric Daniels he should pull the trigger.
Noone on this team deserves a doubleteam. This, in my opinion , is the biggest reason why we can't run our offense anymore. Chris and Vlade both demanded a doubleteam and sometimes a tripleteam leaving open shots for shooters. Both Mike and Peja have been severely affected by this. As it stands every player is always guarded and the open shots are not there as often.
As for Lebron, is there any player on this team you wouldn't gladly get rid of to get this player. Just look at what Ray Allen has meant to the Sonics. If not for him the Sonics are just another team.
As far as I'm concerned, they can trade whatever they need to trade and then some (future picks, casinos, me, etc.) if there is any chance whatsoever of getting LeBron on this team. No question.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I've mentioned before that I would literally trade the WHOLE team to get LeBron James. Literally. Just based on my belief that this kid might actually be the next jordan. For real this time (and I've never bought into that before). And the belief that with such a ridiculous All-Time talent that you would be hardpressed NOT to be able to build a contender in a few years with him as your main guy. (obviously I would rather not trade the WHOLE team, but the kid is 20 years old and ridiculous -- you have him, you have a 15 year contention window. Just ludicrous. So anyone and everyone they wanted.).

Now quite obviously I simply cannot fathom what would inspire Cleveland to ever even remotely consider moving him, so that's nto just a pipedream, that's a crackpipe dream after shooting up some heroin and popping half a dozen acid pills.