Is it?


Hall of Famer
I like KT and would like him to stay but I do believe he could be a good piece in a deal to bring a "name" guy. As was said by a Philly fan in something I read on a Philly message board. He is one of those players that you don't realize what you've got till its gone. This guy would be a perfect fit off the bench for this team. I would keep him over Darius considering Darius wiil opt out this summer anyway.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, my answer?

I would ship Kenny Thomas, his mother - Hell, MY MOTHER - to Miinnesota if it would get us Kevin Garnett. I would throw in whatever and whomever it took.

Kenny Thomas is expendable. At this point, as I mentioned in another thread, I think EVERY player is expendable although I would love to see a Bibby-Garnett-Miller core for Petrie to rebuild around.

IMHO - which is what you've asked for, PQster - I do not see Thomas as being a key cog you use to build your franchise around. If you don't agree, that's perfectly okay but you're the one who asked the question.


Hall of Famer
Now quite obviously I simply cannot fathom what would inspire Cleveland to ever even remotely consider moving him, so that's nto just a pipedream, that's a crackpipe dream after shooting up some heroin and popping half a dozen acid pills.
So true, Brick...So true.

But back to the matter at hand...

Kenny Thomas is one of, I belive 5 people to average a double-double the year before last. He may be undersized, and cause matchup porblems for us, but he does cause match-up problems for the other guys too...He's quicker than a normal PF, he can hit the jumper as good or better than any PF...

However, I still would only want him back if we aquire a good interior defender. Thomas/Miller definatly does not get it done. So if we bring in a big shot blocking big, for lets say Miller+maybe some filler, we can look like.

Starter: Kenny Thomas-- Undersized, but int. defense helped by New Big. Causes matchup problems on the other end, as well.

Back-Up: Brian Skinner-- If he can recover from his bilateral thumb sprains, and return to his form of earlier, I think he would be a more than servicable backup PF.

Expendable: Darius Songaila-- Plays a game resembling that of Kenny. May be more of a bargian, but Kenny is still better.

Starter: New Big: Clogs the lane, and provides an interior presence. Really, thats all we want him for. Hopefully has at least a little skills on offence, though, and can set screens for Peja.

Back-Up: Greg Ostertag: Probably won't happen given Adleman's lack of trust, but a pair I'd like to see on the floor are Ostertag and Skinner. Ostertag as the traditional shot blocker, would cause alteration, and the "suprise" shot blocker ,Skinner, would then fly out of nowhere, and swat the ball into the 32nd row. No offense on the floor however...Maybe a training camp of learning the system could turn them into decent passers.

I don't know...This offseason is going to be fun.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Pqster said:
Why dude, why? If you don't like the thread don't answer. Absolutly uncalled for.
No, it's not uncalled for. It's a legitimate comment, especially since you've done pretty much the same thing before trying to get converts to your point of view.

And, BTW? G3 isn't a dude. Common misconception but a LOT of us aren't dudes. Women actually do know a few things about that game where they try and throw the round thing into the peach basket.
VF21 said:
No, it's not uncalled for. It's a legitimate comment, especially since you've done pretty much the same thing before trying to get converts to your point of view.

And, BTW? G3 isn't a dude. Common misconception but a LOT of us aren't dudes. Women actually do know a few things about that game where they try and throw the round thing into the peach basket.

That's what I'm talking about!!!:D
i agree with you brick and VF21, i don't care who you trade, get me lebron or KG.

lebron can't be happy with cavs managment/owner after what happened this year, silas getting fired all that stuff, so who's to say he won't want out???? not saying the kings could sign him, but if cavs managment thinks he'll leave, they might be inclinded to trade him so they don't lose him for nothing. just a thought, but you never know what can happen in this league.

i like kenny, i think he's a nice player, but he's just too undersized out west. i would never trust him in games vs the suns, spurs, mavs, woofs hell even kenyon martin is big compared to kenny. true there are 5 players out there, but if theres a 5 inch diferential, that team will milk that till it's dry. post players like TD would score 50 over thomas everynight. he might work as an SF if peja were to be moved, but would he be happy with that??? i wouldn't mind seeing him moved for a perimter defender.

this is going to be one intresting offseason for sure.
VF21 said:
Okay, my answer?

I would ship Kenny Thomas, his mother - Hell, MY MOTHER - to Miinnesota if it would get us Kevin Garnett. I would throw in whatever and whomever it took.

Kenny Thomas is expendable. At this point, as I mentioned in another thread, I think EVERY player is expendable although I would love to see a Bibby-Garnett-Miller core for Petrie to rebuild around.

IMHO - which is what you've asked for, PQster - I do not see Thomas as being a key cog you use to build your franchise around. If you don't agree, that's perfectly okay but you're the one who asked the question.

Are you crazy you would want KG over KT! lol. No actually my point was KT is not a Super Star but I think he is good for the money if you have a Super Star somewhere else on the court. In other words he won't hurt you and contributes at a steady pace undersized or not.
VF21 said:
No, it's not uncalled for. It's a legitimate comment, especially since you've done pretty much the same thing before trying to get converts to your point of view.

And, BTW? G3 isn't a dude. Common misconception but a LOT of us aren't dudes. Women actually do know a few things about that game where they try and throw the round thing into the peach basket.
Being a moderator you have access to all the posts, give me one example of where I've done that. I have comented on KT started posts on KT but I think shes saying I used a bait type thread, why would anyone do that if you have somthing to say, say it I don't have time to conspire with bait threads or actually I don't even think I'm clever enough to even think of it.
Evenstar said:
i agree with you brick and VF21, i don't care who you trade, get me lebron or KG.

lebron can't be happy with cavs managment/owner after what happened this year, silas getting fired all that stuff, so who's to say he won't want out???? not saying the kings could sign him, but if cavs managment thinks he'll leave, they might be inclinded to trade him so they don't lose him for nothing. just a thought, but you never know what can happen in this league.

i like kenny, i think he's a nice player, but he's just too undersized out west. i would never trust him in games vs the suns, spurs, mavs, woofs hell even kenyon martin is big compared to kenny. true there are 5 players out there, but if theres a 5 inch diferential, that team will milk that till it's dry. post players like TD would score 50 over thomas everynight. he might work as an SF if peja were to be moved, but would he be happy with that??? i wouldn't mind seeing him moved for a perimter defender.

this is going to be one intresting offseason for sure.
do you really believe that they fired silas/flip without consulting with lebron/garnett?

VF21 said:
Okay, my answer?

I would ship Kenny Thomas, his mother - Hell, MY MOTHER - to Miinnesota if it would get us Kevin Garnett. I would throw in whatever and whomever it took.

Kenny Thomas is expendable. At this point, as I mentioned in another thread, I think EVERY player is expendable although I would love to see a Bibby-Garnett-Miller core for Petrie to rebuild around.

IMHO - which is what you've asked for, PQster - I do not see Thomas as being a key cog you use to build your franchise around. If you don't agree, that's perfectly okay but you're the one who asked the question.
Where is all this Garnett stuff coming from?
Heck, let's just trade for Shaq.
Or better, our entire team for Miamis.