I told you so!!



Webber will not be the same player when the offense is not run through him. For christ sakes he had 1 assist the entire night. For all those experts out there the new Kings outscored Cwebb 33 to 16 tonight on 12 of 23 shooting as opposed to 7-20. Once Pedja and then Bobby get back watch out!! And we finally have a back up center who can play some defense. Its about ef'n time. Great win on a crappy shooting night.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Does your hurt from patting yourself on the back?

He hasn't even practiced with the team yet. Don't get too smug.
And I told you so that the Thomas and Corliss are great additions for our team that reebound and hustle..............but even through all this...i still miss webb
Corliss and Thomas showed a lot of hustle under the basket tonight. Curious as to how the rebounds and second chance shots compare to normal Kings play.
Nice win, Kings!!!
As soon as the game was over, I texted my friend and said all the Webber haters are SO excited they're about to pee their pants cause they can say, "I told you so! Webber held us back! We're better without him!"

Too bad I was so right on the money.
I know the wounds are still a little raw around here, but I don't think this post qualifies as Webber bashing. There's a difference between critiquing performance and personal attacks.


Hall of Famer
#1sacfan said:
Webber will not be the same player when the offense is not run through him. For christ sakes he had 1 assist the entire night. For all those experts out there the new Kings outscored Cwebb 33 to 16 tonight on 12 of 23 shooting as opposed to 7-20. Once Pedja and then Bobby get back watch out!! And we finally have a back up center who can play some defense. Its about ef'n time. Great win on a crappy shooting night.
And if you think that Webb will avg. 1 assist a game for the rest of the season....your crazy. The only thing is though that AI's assist numbers will be cut roughly in half.
It also helped tonight having a small forward who would go in and bang for a rebound. The rebounding and defense were definately better with big nasty in the lineup. Perhaps the Kings have come full circle and need physical small forward to play with a high post center, rather than the outside shooter they needed a few years go to play with Vlade and Chris.
You guys jumping all over Webber for one game?

This game was probably the most emotional game he had. It is after this game that I believe he can get his emotion out of the way and play real BB.

Goodluck to Webber, I hope he does well in Philly.

In Petrie I still trust...never doubted him. The new team looks good and I hope it only gets better.
SaCKiNgS24 said:
i have come to the conclusion that all peja fans hate webber. WEBBER IS GOD!
...and all the Webber fans hate Peja...and now that this game is over with we can be done with all of this nonsensical player bashing. It should reduce the volume of posts on this board by 50%.
PixelPusher said:
...and all the Webber fans hate Peja...and now that this game is over with we can be done with all of this nonsensical player bashing. It should reduce the volume of posts on this board by 50%.
I think you you're being overly optimistic. If Peja doesnt improve, we'll most likely see posts about how Bibby is hating on Peja by not passing.:rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
Ok now i have always supported Webber. Althought i don't condone bashing him more than any other player we face. I also do not agree with the supporters of Webber making excuses for why we won because of no practice or what not. Fact is we THE KINGS won the game. Eventually we have to let Webber go in our hearts like we have everybody else. For all the critics all week to be saying that Philly are definate contenders now and never say anything about us was wrong. So tonight with our leading scorer on the Bench 3 new players playing a total of 71 minutes We beat this team with everybody they have.

I also am not going to compare with or without Webber. We won tonight as THE KINGS no more no less. Get used to it we will win some more.


Hall of Famer
PixelPusher said:
...and all the Webber fans hate Peja...and now that this game is over with we can be done with all of this nonsensical player bashing. It should reduce the volume of posts on this board by 50%.
Well you may be aprt right. I think the number of posts may drop, but not all Webber fans hate Pedja. I for one love both of them. I hated the idea of letting Webber go but I can appriciate the way the new guys paly. The funny thing is the gleefull hating of of some of the blind Pedja fans some how takes a lot of the shine off of Pedja for me. I think I'll stay civil and leave it at that.
I wont respond to the topic of this. To knock Webb after all the tears that have been shed from us Webb fans,

He didn't lose the game for them. Things just bounced our way tonight
Entity said:
Ok now i have always supported Webber. Althought i don't condone bashing him more than any other player we face. I also do not agree with the supporters of Webber making excuses for why we won because of no practice or what not. Fact is we THE KINGS won the game. Eventually we have to let Webber go in our hearts like we have everybody else. For all the critics all week to be saying that Philly are definate contenders now and never say anything about us was wrong. So tonight with our leading scorer on the Bench 3 new players playing a total of 71 minutes We beat this team with everybody they have.

I also am not going to compare with or without Webber. We won tonight as THE KINGS no more no less. Get used to it we will win some more.

The Kings won as a team because at the end of the day it's still all about the Sacramento Kings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
HndsmCelt said:
Well you may be aprt right. I think the number of posts may drop, but not all Webber fans hate Pedja. I for one love both of them. I hated the idea of letting Webber go but I can appriciate the way the new guys paly. The funny thing is the gleefull hating of of some of the blind Pedja fans some how takes a lot of the shine off of Pedja for me. I think I'll stay civil and leave it at that.
Bravo. Says it pretty clearly.

The point is that we can celebrate the win without a few people having to pour salt in the wounds. It's called respecting the feelings of others and a good 99% of this board gets it. It's what Kingsfans.com has always been about. We can disagree without making inciteful posts that don't do anything to contribute to the discussions going on.

The 1% that don't get that is going to have to learn to...
I'm sick of this whole "Webber" vs. "Peja" thing myself.

Here's a new one. They both suck in their own right ... how's that.

The bottom line is 2 of the best NBA players got under each other's skin and as far as I'm concerned both of 'em need to behave a bit more professionally.

In some respects, I can appreaciate Webber's frustration at getting so close to a championship and never making it. On the other hand I can appreciate Peja's frustration at being so publicly slammed as he was last summer. In the end, both of these guys could have been a bit more professional and stepped up. Webber is simply getting too old to spout off and Peja needs to stop feeling sorry for himself and start playing for his clients, us, the kings fans!

It'll be nice to see the management and coaching staff at the ball club focus on play rather than interpersonnal crap. In some ways it would serve Peja right if he got the boot as well!

Bottom line -- when you are making as much money as these guys, you'd like to think that you would focus on wining games and not getting into battles with your own teammates.

Kudos to the rest of the guys for being positive with the fans, their team mates, and their coaching staff.

Let's get back to kicking some ***! Go kings!!!!!!!
I humbly propose:

New Rules - No more ex-King bashing - especially Webber. For me, Webber was fair game while he was a King. If you could find any objective angle to criticize him, then fine go ahead and make your case. But as an ex-King, Webber is untouchable to me. Quite simply, he is the greatest (ex) King ever and with Vlade probably the most important King ever. The only way that Webber's acheivements as a King will be eclipsed is if:

a) another player breaks his team records and
b) that same player is the key to Kings winning an NBA championship.
Last edited:
Not True ...

SaCKiNgS24 said:
i have come to the conclusion that all peja fans hate webber. WEBBER IS GOD!
I embrace EVERY King's player .... even the ones that have gone onto other teams and the ones that have retired (even T-Mass).

Once a King - Always a King

Except OP !!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Some people had been banned before our board crashed in September. They came back and were allowed to resume posting. Some of them have now worn out their welcomes again and are gone.

Kingsfans.com is about intelligent discussion, camraderie, good debate, etc. There is no need for inciteful comments at every juncture. We are KINGS fans and we don't need to keep pouring salt in old wounds, regardless of which side of the argument we were on.

I hope everyone understands this and can just go forward.

Thank you....