How do you feel about the new ALTERNATE jerseys?

How do you feel about the new "alternate" jerseys?

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VF21 said:
No problem. Apparently the "current" plan is for the Kings to wear them 4 times at home and 6 on the road. Somehow, I don't see that happening because I have the strong feeling the reception is NOT going to be what they've expected...
Would they be able to change them during the season if the reception is not good?


Super Moderator Emeritus
One would hope they'd just drop them, much like the Mavericks dropped the trash-bag shiny unis after only one or two wearings.

I guess we'll just have to see what happens. has changed it's colors to include the gold. Looks like its a direction the maloofs want to go. Personally I don't think its ugly. Makes the Lakers unis look yellow. I guess we'll see when they are actually worn.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Apparently, they're all gungho about this "gold standard" concept. Tying it into the history of Sacramento, the solid gold fans, etc.

The problem is IMHO they just didn't think it through.

1. The Lakers are purple and gold.
2. Gold signifies champions, which we aren't ... yet.
3. Our official colors are purple, silver, black.
4. Did I mention the Lakers?

I can understand and appreciate the organization wanting to reach out to the fans. But this is ridiculous. The idea that not ONE person would point out the fallacy of their reasoning reminds me of one thing and one thing only:

VF21 said:
Apparently, they're all gungho about this "gold standard" concept. Tying it into the history of Sacramento, the solid gold fans, etc.

The problem is IMHO they just didn't think it through.

1. The Lakers are purple and gold.
2. Gold signifies champions, which we aren't ... yet.
3. Our official colors are purple, silver, black.
4. Did I mention the Lakers?

I can understand and appreciate the organization wanting to reach out to the fans. But this is ridiculous. The idea that not ONE person would point out the fallacy of their reasoning reminds me of one thing and one thing only:

Take a Chance

I really like these new Gold jerseys. I think it shows alot of courage by the Kings. They could have just done Black ,but instead they're doing something really unique. Plus, it sounds like this is some kind of a tribute to the fans. That's sounds cool to me.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If you're not interested in a particular discussion, kingscrocgirl, then simply don't participate in the thread.
We were asked to give our opinion, thats whar kingscrocgirl did. It seems from your last reply VF21, if peoples opinions differ from yours, you get defensive and/or argumentative. This thread was created for people to voice their love/hatred for the new alternate jersey, if she likes it leave her alone, she didn't attack anyone else for their opinion and she shouldnt be for hers.
By the way, I think the gold is a nice change, and it looks nothing like the Lakers.


Super Moderator Emeritus
puppitmaster said:
We were asked to give our opinion, thats whar kingscrocgirl did. It seems from your last reply VF21, if peoples opinions differ from yours, you get defensive and/or argumentative. This thread was created for people to voice their love/hatred for the new alternate jersey, if she likes it leave her alone, she didn't attack anyone else for their opinion and she shouldnt be for hers.
By the way, I think the gold is a nice change, and it looks nothing like the Lakers.
I'm glad you like the gold...that is, of course, your choice and there's nothing whatsoever wrong with it, just as there's nothing wrong with those of us who have problems with it. That's what message boards are all about.

As far as the thread being created goes, I know exactly why it was done. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm the one who did it. And I didn't attack anyone...
the jersey's are just so terrible. gold? yuck. what is this? the spurs have nice unis', the pistons, the lakers. who designed these? they really screwed up with our new white and purple jersey's; now this takes the cake.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Why does everybody care soooo much about the Lakers? They're old news. Let's all move on.

If you're not interested in a particular discussion, kingscrocgirl, then simply don't participate in the thread.

I don't think that comment was meant to show disinterest, but to suggest (as others have already) that the Lakers of this season are not even a playoff team, so why should we even care about that team and what their jerseys look like? Since the Kings are clearly the better team now, and any past or current rivalry no longer has any bearing on the post-season, to continue to worry about the Lakers serves only to lower us down to their level or converesely, to raise them up to ours. If you really don't like the Lakers (and I know what happened the past few years, I don't like the Lakers either) than wouldn't a more fitting way to maintain our side of that rivalry be just to leave them down in the ditch they've put themselves in and walk right by? Don't even acknowledge them because they aren't worthy of comparison to this year's Kings team. Right now black and silver are the colors of champions. The year before it was red and blue. Maybe in the future it will be purple and black? Either way, it's rather silly I think to worry about these colors for the reasons you mentioned here:

The problem is IMHO they just didn't think it through.

1. The Lakers are purple and gold.
2. Gold signifies champions, which we aren't ... yet.
3. Our official colors are purple, silver, black.
4. Did I mention the Lakers?

Really the only reason to not like these jerseys is simply that you think they're ugly. Personally, I think they're eccentric and I can be easily convinced that eccentric is more beautiful than traditional beauty. That's my own backwards kind of thinking, and I don't expect you to agree with that. But as for it being too much like the Lakers colors, seriously, who cares? And if we do care, should we? If I were a Lakers fan, I would LOVE that Kings fans got all hot and bothered about this and I would bring it up every chance I get. As Kings fans, we should know better.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Look at the dang poll. Over 70% of those who responded indicated that they hate them. So, why should those of us in the HUGE MAJORITY have to justify to others why we hate the jersey...or the Lakers, for that matter.

I have no problem with other's disagreeing with me. I do like discussion...even disagreement. What I do not like is anyone being condescending to those who disagree with them.
The idea that we should dismiss even the slightest resemblance to Laker jerseys just because they are not as good of a team anymore is ridiculous. They're rivals...same division...that's all that's important. I mentioned this somewhere on page 1 or 2, but part of the fun of being rivals is trying to distance yourselves as much as possible. Take the NFC North in football for example...a division based on some great past rivalries. Right now the Packers are 0-4. Do you think Bears fans would support an alternate jersey that contained colors even close to green and yellow just because the Packers are having a rough year (even if the Bears aren't much better)? NO WAY! Dodger fans and Giants fans would NEVER support colors at all similar to the other team's, no matter what the record of each ball club. So if we should see this as a rivalry we should disregard now, would we rekindle it WHEN the Lakers become competitive again? Rivalries stick, hatred and dislike remains, and THAT'S what makes rivalries so fun. In many ways, they are the essence of sports. These jerseys just muddy the waters and take some of the enjoyment out of rivalries...I LOVE hating everything Lakers, including their colors. Why would I want gold on my team's jersey?

Plus, they're ugly.
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
hrdboild said:
... Really the only reason to not like these jerseys is simply that you think they're ugly...
Wrong. That isn't remotely the "only" reason not to like those jerseys, although I will admit that they are bowling-shoe ugly.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Wrong. That isn't remotely the "only" reason not to like those jerseys, although I will admit that they are bowling-shoe ugly.
I'd wear just about any pair of bowling shoes before I'd wear that jersey...
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Wrong. That isn't remotely the "only" reason not to like those jerseys, although I will admit that they are bowling-shoe ugly.
Bowling shoes are nifty, and you know it.

...said Gadget, suddenly self-conscious of the fact that she owns a pair of red/blue/gray suede bowling shoes and wore them last Saturday just for the hell of it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
Bowling shoes are nifty, and you know it.

...said Gadget, suddenly self-conscious of the fact that she owns a pair of red/blue/gray suede bowling shoes and wore them last Saturday just for the hell of it.
I hope there's a good story to go with your possession of stolen property.

VF21 said:
I hope there's a good story to go with your possession of stolen property.

I had an old pair that I scored from a thrift store and when they were stolen by one of my rat bastard friends, I had a new pair made.


I'm sure that all of you who are upset with the color of the new jerseys because they bear a slight resemblance to Laker colors also had meltdowns in 1994 when we changed our team colors from red, white, and blue to black and (gasp!) Laker purple!!!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Black and purple never were the Laker colors. Purple and gold are the EXACT Laker colors.

And quite frankly, back then being rivals of the Lakers wasn't something very many of us had the gall to even think about.

If you don't get it, there's no way any of us could possibly explain it.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Coach -

Oh, good. You proved me mistaken. Bravo.

Sorry to let you down, but it's not going to change my opinion of the new uniforms.

This is a thread to determine how people feel about the new uniform. I find it pretty interesting that some of you are apparently so upset about being in the minority on this that you feel you have to attack the reasons others of us have for not liking them.

I like pistachio ice cream, too. Would you like to attempt to ridicule that as well?

Geez... If you are so enamored with the new uniforms, more power to you. Buy one; hell, buy two. Buy three and give them to your friends. It won't make a whit of difference to me. I won't be buying one. I'll buy another purple instead...

The results in the poll are pretty clear. Almost 70% of those responding hate the new jerseys, or at least the concept they've seen so far. Once the actual jerseys are seen - in person - people might change their minds. Does that mean they shouldn't have posted an initial reaction? I don't think so.

This is a message board. And it's a poll on a message board. We have a lot of them. Maybe you could go back in the NBA shortest books titles in the NBA forum and argue with people for which titles they selected.


EDIT: Thank you, hoopsfan!



Super Moderator Emeritus
Upset? Not exactly. Just perplexed at why it's more important for you to make a sarcastic comment than to just accept that different people have different feelings.