Has Petrie's time with the Kings passed?

Petrie needed to make the Maloofs understand that the Peja/Miller/Bibby core concept was not going to fly (if he indeed knew it would not fly).

It was that bill of goods that sent us wandering in the desert for 5 years imo... front office has been reeling ever since
Yeah, I forgot about the whole "core" concept. That was definitely Petrie too--it took the front office way too long to realize that Peja/Miller/Bibby was a hollow core without a true star to make us competitive. Recognizing that, and starting the rebuild in 2005 rather than 2008, would have put us in a much better position today.


Hall of Famer
Don't you know? - Petrie isn't making the decisions. The Kings have no general manager making decisions. There is an indistinguishable undecipherable monolithic monster meld making the decisions. One part Petrie, two parts Maloof. We don't know what Petrie is responsible for. We don't know what the Maloofs are responsible for. There is no accountability. If the subject of accountability ever comes up in the media, what do you hear? SILENCE, that's what. That's the damnable situation we're in. But I refuse to let them off. I blame ALL of them. If Petrie screwed up, the Maloofs should have fired him. If the Maloofs screwed up and meddled with Petrie's decisions, he should have resigned. The whole thing stinks of cowardly unaccountability. It makes perfect sense to me that the same team that has no accountability is the same team that didn't man up three ago to blow up this team, instead opting for the easy way out, the free lunch, "hoping" that the refurbish would bring this team back to the hallowed land of the 8th seed in the playoffs.
The "Petrie doesn't get any credit for Hawes pick" mantra is probably one of the worst lines of reasoning on this board. It is even funnier that it started on this board AFTER the pick worked out. Go back to the draft day threads and 75% of the board was against picking Hawes and thought that Wright or Thornton or even Jason Smith should have been the pick. If Petrie's draft history tells us anything, it is that he does not simply pick the most conventional player, but will always take the player he likes the best. If Hawes looked awful, posters would be lambasting Petrie for having picked Hawes over other players. So with Hawes looking legit, you really have to give Petrie credit for making the right pick. He did not "back into" anything.
I didn't know it was a mantra, but anyway I just don't agree that Petrie taking Hawes represented some kind of creativity on Geoff's part. And although I'm not going to go back and check, I do not believe "most of the board" was in favor of taking a swing man - in fact I think Geoff would have been crucified on here if he had. Every, and I mean virtually every mock draft had Hawes in exactly the spot Geoff picked him, although there was some thought that the Bulls might take Hawes instead of Noah at #9.

And don't tell me that the front office didn't covet Noah instead of Hawes. They did - you know it and I know it.

Hawes was very much the safe pick at #10. Most people were disappointed that we did not trade up for somebody sexier... but I don't think most poeple were disappointed in how the #10 pick was deployed once we were stuck with it.

I give Geoff all the credit in the world for Martin and Thompson. Not for Hawes.
I didn't know it was a mantra, but anyway I just don't agree that Petrie taking Hawes represented some kind of creativity on Geoff's part. And although I'm not going to go back and check, I do not believe "most of the board" was in favor of taking a swing man - in fact I think Geoff would have been crucified on here if he had. Every, and I mean virtually every mock draft had Hawes in exactly the spot Geoff picked him, although there was some thought that the Bulls might take Hawes instead of Noah at #9.

And don't tell me that the front office didn't covet Noah instead of Hawes. They did - you know it and I know it.

Hawes was very much the safe pick at #10. Most people were disappointed that we did not trade up for somebody sexier... but I don't think most poeple were disappointed in how the #10 pick was deployed once we were stuck with it.

I give Geoff all the credit in the world for Martin and Thompson. Not for Hawes.
Hawes may not have represented creativity, but since when do GMs only get credit or get crucified for making creative picks. There were other options for Petrie at #10 and he chose Hawes. And you may want to go back and read the board from the day of the draft.

As for the Kings coveting Noah. I do not know that. I have no idea how you know that. Other than some sportswriters mentioning that they thought the Kings wanted Noah, I don't think either of us have any insight into it. In fact, I agree with Bajaden's assessment that based on all of Petrie's other draft choices, it is more likely that he would prefer a highly skilled player like Hawes.

I'll criticize Petrie when he makes a mistake (e.g. Douby over Rondo), but he deserves the same praise when he makes the right pick whether it is creative or not. Petrie made a good call with Hawes.


Hall of Famer
Francisco d'Anconia said:
And don't tell me that the front office didn't covet Noah instead of Hawes. They did - you know it and I know it.
No, I don't know it and neither do you. Not unless your Petrie's right hand man and privey to the interworkings of his mind. I find it hypercritical for people to criticize Petrie for the susposed things that he didn't do, and then not give him credit for the things that he did do. Who cares where the mock drafts had Hawes pegged. Do you honestly think that Petrie sits around and reads the mock drafts.

Please engage your brain and remember all the drafts in the past, and who was slotted where the Kings were going to pick and see how many times he chose that player. Few people on this fourm, including myself ever heard of Peja before he picked him. Look at his track record and you'll see that almost every player he's picked has had offensive skills as the number one thing he looks for. Secondly he likes players with passing skills and a good basketball IQ. I'm being reduntit here, but some people just don't seem to get it.
Noah is the opposite of every thing petrie looks for, other than energy. I said before the draft that I doubted that Petrie would draft Noah, and I stick by that. But I can't prove it, and you can't prove otherwise.