Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
On February 7th 1999 Kings beat Grizzlies 109 - 87 to get a first victory in the Adleman era. It was pretty much where it all begun. Chris Webber was all over the place with 25/15/8/9/3. Corliss had 18/7/6, Vlade had 8/16/10/4. JWill had 13/4/4. Pedja had 15/4/2 of the bench. Kings won every quarter of that game.

Tonight, Webber barely missed a quadruple double, recording eight assists and blocking a career-high nine shots. The nine blocks tied the franchise record, set by Duane Causwell on April 18, 1991

Also providing a spark for Sacramento was first-round pick Jason Williams, who scored 13 points and dazzled the sellout crowd with his dribbling and behind-the-back passes. Williams has averaged 17 points in his first two contests while providing much-needed stability at the point guard position.

feels like yesterday but then again it also feels like a century ago.

Kings 20 - 27 managed to win another at home, extending the streak to 5 straight wins at home (14-11). Still last in the Pacific but not for long because Warriors are coming on strong. With all injuries and other things Kings clearly looking for some stability and momentum. The last setback was the fact that the NBA declined the petition to ban road games. That is a bad news for a team that is 6-16 on the road which is second last to the Portland in the West. In the East, well as long as there are Knicks, Hawks, Bobcats and Celtics - there will always be someone worse than Kings.
Playoffs or no Playoffs the question is ? I had hope till we lost in Charlotte. Then, I had a little burst of hope before the last road trip. Now - I believe it when I see it - and I just dont see it happen. February might not be to brutal to us but March - well March might turn very ugly. It starts to with us going back to the east to lose to the rest of the crapy teams that we haven't yet. And then it gets brutal. At least we play Lakers twice. All in all - it would require a miracle to do it. Talking about miracle - when was the last game that
Kings could put "starting five' on the floor ? I don't remember either.
Playing 'injured" no matter how commendable - is the last thing that I want to see. Are we ever going to learn ? It is not - "helping" at least not in the long run. The list is long and painful. How many time did Webber play with a "sore" knee before it gave up on him and us. DC had to retire because of never getting a break to heal. bobby missed almost 2 seasons because of coming back early. now, we have Bonzi (well don't have him) who reinjured the groin. SAR has been playing but not really helping. All we need is that Ron hurt
himself more. Almost forgot - Brad (a guy who broke a leg doing layup drills)will be back and who knows where that is going to lead. I am just saying.
It is scary - how deep Kings were not that long ago. It is even more frightening to see the lack thereof. We used to have Damon Jones as a 3rd string PG who only played garbage time. Now we "secretly" hope that Hart stay out of the rotation. Back then we had Bibby miss 25 games or so and we did not even feel it. Now, i don't want to even go there. No Sir. Not that long ago we had Brad Miller as a back up big man. Now, we have Corliss. Not that long ago a 50 - 32 season was a moderate success - now it is utopia.
One of my personal all time favorite Kings - Bobby Jackson will play at ARCO for the first time since the trade. it will get emotional. ARCO loved Bobby. It still does and it will show it tonight. Talking about another position that we did not replace yet. How do you replace it in the first place ? Thanks for the memories Bobby and enjoy the moment tomorow - You more than earned it.
We turned the tables ona horrible Jazz team in the last game. the game was pretty much the same as the one in SLC but Kings decided to stick around for the 4th quarter. Can't blame them - I mean since You at home - You might as well stick around for the whole game. Where else would You go anyways ? Milt got his threepeat, we had no answer for Okur but that was all Jazz had. The win got us back to square 1 - but did not help. Not really.
We play Grizzlies and not that long ago it was authomatic W. i don't know what the streak is but it must be nice and there is not reason to stop now. to beat them tonight we have to do several things. First one is to prevent mike Miller from his second career triple double. Should be doable. We need to contain Gasol and that might be hard to do. Next thing is to make sure that H Warrick doesn't get a warm up for the dunk competition like he did last time. If we can do all that we will win the game. And of course - make sure that Kevin scores 15 pts.
Bibby - misses Brad very much. Will see him against Bobby again - I hope.
Bonzi - came back, was hurting the team and than got reinjured. Just get well man
Brad - get well soon because we really need You
SAR - got technical foul for talking ??? I thought he was telling the refs how hungry he is;)
Ron - pills are working and working well. I still don't like to see him playing hurt. Did not help much but it could hurt a lot if things go wrong. I hope it is worth it.
Kevin - just make sure he scores 15
Cisco - did well last time
KT - getting from horrible to brutal very fast
Corliss - another 3 pt shooting center from the Kings hobbit academy.
Hart - found a way out of the doghouse.
Skinner - looked like a Pharaoh again.
Price and Sampson - Mateen
RA - getting a lots of love lately. Still trying, not giving up. Whoever inherits his job - I sure wish him a good luck because these are some large shoes to fill in.
memphis is dangerous. gasol will have a field trip against the hobbits. Mike miller will not get another triple double I hope. Warrick is my favorite to defend TDM award title. One player that worries me the most is Atkins. He is a PG, he hasn't played all season and needs a breakout game. And when You are a struggling PG who needs a good game - You want to play ...
Can lakers make it 4 in a row ?
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Grizz have indeed cooled off some in 2006, but they should be hungry going 3-9 in their last 12. Should be a good game too. Excited for B-Jax's return to Sac!

Kings can win this

BTW, the announcers said Brad should be back for this game, we'll see. Also, Milt Palacio was medicore the last game.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Great synopsis as usual, piksi...

Those looks backward are bittersweet. "You don't know what you've got til it's gone..." I am just very thankful that I was around to live through all of that, even though I had no way of knowing how special things would get and then how quickly they would all be gone again...

Good memories... and a reminder to thank Rick Adelman for making them possible. If those guys hadn't bought in to what Adelman was telling them, none of those special moments would have happened.


As much as I would like the Kings to win this game, I have a feeling that the Kings will lose this one. If Brad and Bonzi are back then they will mess up our defense that won us our last game. Memphis will dominate the boards as usual and Pau Gasol will be so excited to play against Brad again. Remember the last game. (dunk after dunk after dunk after dunk...) :(
SK23 said:
If Brad and Bonzi are back then they will mess up our defense that won us our last game.
Bonzi hurt us by turning the ball over. That's rust...not bad defense. Hell he's probably the second best defender we've got.
Does anyone have any detailed knowledge on Hip-pointers? If a player plays through the pain is it the equivalent of "walking it off"? Or should a player (i.e. Ron) just rest and let the body heal?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sacto=Slappo said:
Does anyone have any detailed knowledge on Hip-pointers? If a player plays through the pain is it the equivalent of "walking it off"? Or should a player (i.e. Ron) just rest and let the body heal?
A basic hip pointer is really just a nasty bruise right over the top of the pelvis (if you are thin enough, the part you can see/feel up around your waist -- far more prominent on women). Happens a lot in football. Its a vulnerable area because the bone is so close to the skin there.

Really bad hip pointers though normally involve some sort of fracture to the bone itself -- basically took such a hard hit you broke the tip of your hip.

Quite painful, and it really limits your ability to stride with that leg. But as long as you don't get hit again I'm not sure there are any long term consequences to playing through it (assuming its not the fracture type, which I assume is the case here). Slow the healing process of course, but if you can avoid another blow/fall shouldn't get any more serious.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
A basic hip pointer is really just a nasty bruise right over the top of the pelvis (if you are thin enough, the part you can see/feel up around your waist -- far more prominent on women). Happens a lot in football. Its a vulnerable area because the bone is so close to the skin there.

Really bad hip pointers though normally involve some sort of fracture to the bone itself -- basically took such a hard hit you broke the tip of your hip.

Quite painful, and it really limits your ability to stride with that leg. But as long as you don't get hit again I'm not sure there are any long term consequences to playing through it (assuming its not the fracture type, which I assume is the case here). Slow the healing process of course, but if you can avoid another blow/fall shouldn't get any more serious.
the problem is more that while trying to overcompensate - one makes oneself more vulnerable to other kind of injuries
Thanx for the info. Good Grief that's the last thing this team needs, Artest has been the shot in the "A" we needed. I tend to think of myself as a realist, but first and foremost a Kings fan. And if the "magic number" is 24, then I have to believe. Starting tonight. Gotta Believe.
Right now I would rather have skinner playing center than SAR or Brad.
Once Brad learns to jump higher than 2 inches, than he can become a legit center


we need this... and we need the lakers to lose.... we arent catching the mavs anyways.... let them win....
At this point I'd prefer to see the team start focusing more on next year and not push people to play hard on injuries. It's more valuable for us to really get Artest integrated in the offense and to just continue to get the team playing like a team.

The worst thing that could happen is for the starters to all push themselves extra hard to make the playoffs and for us to end up with more of them sitting on the bench.
VF21 said:
Great synopsis as usual, piksi...

Those looks backward are bittersweet. "You don't know what you've got til it's gone..." I am just very thankful that I was around to live through all of that, even though I had no way of knowing how special things would get and then how quickly they would all be gone again...

Good memories... and a reminder to thank Rick Adelman for making them possible. If those guys hadn't bought in to what Adelman was telling them, none of those special moments would have happened.
Yikes... reminiscing and quoting Joni Mitchell. :) Ya never know what you'll see on Kingsfans!!
SK23 said:
As much as I would like the Kings to win this game, I have a feeling that the Kings will lose this one. If Brad and Bonzi are back then they will mess up our defense that won us our last game. Memphis will dominate the boards as usual and Pau Gasol will be so excited to play against Brad again. Remember the last game. (dunk after dunk after dunk after dunk...) :(
SK23 – You have got to be the most negative person on this board. Are you sure you like this team? You’re a smart person, with good, informative posts, but man, show some love, its, not Really.
DavisAggie said:
SK23 – You have got to be the most negative person on this board. Are you sure you like this team? You’re a smart person, with good, informative posts, but man, show some love, its, not Really.
on the board? even more so than piksi? i don't think soo.. but SK23 may be closing the gap.. better watch out piksi :p
Game time, folks!!!

Let's go Kings!!!

Welcome back Bobby!!! Still miss him! Hope he has a great game, but not enough for the Grizz to win (as always.)

alright Kings fans, lets get ready for another exciting game! one prediction, though...Miller returns= Skinner 'DNPCD'. LETS GO KINGS!!

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I wish they'd start Bobby, so he could really enjoy the ovation (he deserves). Hard to do in the middle of the game, if you're subbing in.
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kennadog said:
I wish they'd start Bobby, so he could really enjoy the ovation (he deserves). Hard to do in the middle of the game, if you're subbing in.
Great interview w/ Bobby Jackson prior to tonight's game that i trust many of you saw. Just basically left his heart in Sacramento but understands the business. Great guy. Love him. Remember talking to him briefly during shootups prior to a Sunday night game. Got to tell him how i felt about his game and contributions. He loves it. Hope they shower him tonight at Arco!
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