Grades v. Sonics 04/29


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Peja ( D+ ) -- came out in the first half and was again invisible. Really invisible. No scoring, no rebounding, no assists. Stayed in front of Lewis, but he was just a another guy, or even worse. Resumed his passive play in the third, but finally woke up late in the quarter and went on a mini-offensive run and grabbed his first rebound. Did nothing of real note therafter, but picked up a couple of more loose boards, and hit a couple of free throws. I'm taking a bit of a speculative leap with Peja's grade here -- basically to all appearances he sucked and was irrelevant for any starter, let along a theoretical star. But on the other end of the floor Rashard Lewis was very quiet as well. Now Peja did nothing obvious to cause those difficulties (no steals, no blocks, few altered shots). But he was solid and stayed in front of Lewis throughout, and so tonight Peja's grade is being saved somewhat by a) us winning; and b) a theoretical connection between Lewis' struggles and Peja's defense.
Thomas ( A- ) -- has played better at home ever since we got him, and continued the trend in a big way in the first half tonight. Didn't grow any taller in the last few days, but played a smart first half and beat the Sonics bigs with quickness and the jumper rather than trying to fight a losing battle of muscle with them. Also came out and played a very aggressive third driving the ball hard at the Sonics and taking advantage of James being drawn away from the hoop by Miller's presence. Got into foul trouble late in the third and was rarely on the floor therafter, and a nonfactor late. In general played a strong game on his terms, and made Evans ineffective by making the game about quickness and shooting rather than power, size and hustle. Boardwork was middling, but was easily the best of our bigs.
Miller ( B- ) -- made a difference with his outside presence against the limited Sonics big men. Still was doing the stupid "I-don't want-to-shoot" thing early, even while being left WIDE open, but after he was finally coaxed into taking one and hitting it, took another, then another, then a drive etc. Again gave us nothing on the glass, and was having major trouble with scrub-turned-star James once more. But was at least hurting the Sonics back the other way and his unique skillset posed problems for the Sonics and hleped open up things for the rest of the team.
Mobley ( B+ ) -- modest first half, but started out nicely aggressive on Allen on defense. After returning in the second quarter defense was not as intense, but did hit a big three to stem a big charge by the Sonics late in the half. Second half was more on than off -- hit some confident shots, but also forced a few OVER-confident shots. Never went through an extended cold streak though, and generally played within the structure of the offense rather than breaking us down with freelancing. Obviously did not slow down Allen much -- guy is having a true star series for them. But Cat competed and mitigated the damage somewhat by scoring on his own as well. Picked up a late technical for arguing for no apparent reason at all. I would suggest duct tape as the obvious solution, but I'm sure there's some charity somewhere who appreciates the constant stream of donations from Cat's mouth.
Bibby ( A ) -- we finally figured out who was going to step up and give us a star playoff performance in this series, and it was Mike Bibby. Was great for the first 18 minutes of the game, scoring aggressively, grabbing big rebounds, being pesky on defense -- huge energy effort. Got quiet late in the half though as his energy may have waned, and he was fairly quiet in the third. Stepped back up late though and finsihed with a big game in a big game. Only real complaint was that it was more about his own offense than creating for teammates tonight, but we badly needed somebody to selfishly step forward and say "I'm a star and I'm going to make sure we win this", and tonight it was Mike.
Songaila ( C- ) -- didn't do much in his stints except play physically and pick up fouls in record time. Well not quite record time. Danny Fortson was even outfouling Darius. But 5 fouls in 12 minutes meant another wasted night regardless. Can't help from the bench.
Jackson ( B ) -- energetic first half stint while we were rolling. Played strong defense on Allen. Got stuck in the middle of the much mocked three midget assualt that I will talk about in Rick's grade. Bobby was the OG. Cat the SF! Sigh. Few real impact moments until the last minute of the game when it was already decided. Grabbed a big board and hit a three to send the crowd home happy. But overall game was good but not great.
Evans ( C+ ) -- had the requisite energy in his first half stint, and grabbed a couple of boards. Nothing else though and did not return in the second half despite Peja's struggles (we decided to go with Cat as a SF instead :eek: ).
Skinner ( D ) -- his entry into the game late in the first half (back ahead of Tag in the rotation) with Brad in foul trouble coincided with our late fade in that half. Again not big enough to deal with James, and turned the ball over a couple of times on a travel and a 3 second call. Came back in for a couple of minutes as a PF in place of the foul-a-minute Darius, but was quickly replaced by Corliss and did not return. In 6 minutes only statistical contribution was 2 TOs.
Williamson ( B- ) -- came in for the first time with a few minutes to go at the end of the third quarter, even at one point teaming with Peja and three guards for the ultimate ridiculous flea lineup. Think he was intially in there just as a *bleep* you move to Danny Fortson (see grade below), but with Darius out and Rick in love with midget ball, we stuck with him as our new PF. Was active and got to the line. Was also still a stubby 6'5" who could probably pick lint out of Jerome James' belly button with his tongue. Rick tired of mite-ball reasonably quick and reinserted a semi-normal lineup for the stretch run.

Crowd ( A ) -- arguably won the game for the Kings tonight. We won this one almost purely on that intial big burst of energy to start our first home playoff game. First quarter Kings +12, last three quarters dead even.
Forston ( A+ ) -- knucklehead. Just about says it all. And we really need to get him on the payroll. Actually he already plays like he is. I'm thinking maybe just a nice targeted payment to the Spurs to sign him in the offseason or something. He can be our Trojan horse. ;)

Adelman ( B ) -- I of course briefly had dark thoughts of flat out flunking him for his Peja/Corliss/Mobley/Bobby/Bibby experiment, which he not only used once at the end of the third quarter, but INTENTIONALLY went back to some 5 or 6 minutes later in the 4th. But overall performance was generally solid and so I will attemtp to overlook the Nelliesque-never-won-a-damn-thing-in-the-playoffs-because-small-ball-is-weak lunacy for the minute. This game was about our starters, and about our start, as in the start to the game. The opening quarter provided the margin of victory, and after that it was just one long struggle to maintain a 7-14 point lead for three quarters. Never let them really get close. Were never able to truly put them away. Were scoring enough that our defensive issues did not kill us (the Sonics scored 105 in Game 2 and beat us easily, scored 104 tonight and lose by 12). Rick did experiment with some wacky bench combinations, but at least partially because the bench didn't give us much tonight and Rick was looking for answers. Called a few good timeouts to break up Sonics runs. And tonight I think we executed the gameplan that I think Rick wanted to use in Game 2 -- concede that the Sonics are the bigger + tougher team and try to as somebody said "expose" their big men by attacking them with quickness and finesse. Strength on strength, we lose. So Rick tried to turn it into strength (Sonics) on finesse (us) and tonight finesse got the upper hand (James excepted -- we still have no answer there). If we're going to pull this series out, probably has to be the hope from here on out. Play to our strengths rather than theirs. And of course does not hurt to get a star level performance out of one of your main guys (Mike).
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Hall of Famer
The starters get good grades. How about that Kenny Thomas though!? Man he had one hell of a game. It was about time that he woke up, used his quickness and took it to James.

This was Bibbys night for sure. Cat did very well. Peja was off but did a good job on D, and Brad was Brad. Sans the rebounds.
I found it incredible that Brad Miller got no assists tonight!

Mo Evans got two rebounds and no points.

Peja played great defense, picked up chicken fouls, and made very few baskets. Peja deserves a B- for defense and effort.

Jerome James appears to be legitimate.

Mike Bibby was an Allstar.

That was fun.
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quick dog said:
I found it incredible that Brad Miller got no assists tonight!
That's because the Sonics continued to leave Brad all alone on the high post, covering (and doubling) the other 4 Kings on the floor, so Brad had to "settle" for wide open jump shots.:D
Bibby and Thomas get an A from me. The team still only had 14 assists though, which is rather troubling. Mobley didn't seem to get the share the ball memo, but he was hot shooting the ball. The biggest adjustment and change was that they were getting to the hoop and being sent to the line, which wasn't happening in Seattle. Also found it kind of odd that Ostertag wasn't used when the Kings were in foul trouble.


fan with trash bag: A+++ that was a riot.... the way that they showed him waving the bag.......
I will go ahead and say that Peja's D did contribute to Lewis playing poorly. Peja's only talent on defense is face-guarding. He cannot help. He cannot rebound. But, you can tell him to follow a guy and he will. Kudos to Adelman for simplifying things for Peja and making him effective on defense in some form or fashion.
The trash bag was hysterical. I busted up like a lunatic when I saw that. But Arco was BUMPIN tonight! My goodness...I was so caught up in the madness. Awesome crowd tonight. And the glow-stick axe seemed stupid to do at first, but seeing the entire arena get into it made everything amazing. If that doesn't get you pumped up for a game of basketball, you're hopeless! Great grades, Brick.
Come on now, Peja must have had some impact on keeping Lewis quiet. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt - a C for tonight. We won, so maybe I am feeling a little gracious.
Bricklayer said:
...First quarter Kings +12, last three quarters dead even.
I find it extremely annoying to look at the game that way. The way I look at it is that we had the control of the game the whole time ...
Kings Team play: C

I'm very worried about the Kings. The home crowd/good shooting got us a win, but I can't see the Kings winning the series if they keep playing selfish ball.

Same as last game... I barely saw any ball movement. The main culprits are Mobley and Jackson. It seems like every time they touch the ball, their only agenda is to jack up a shot. But it's not only them. No one really seems to be looking for the open guys.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
sloter said:
I find it extremely annoying to look at the game that way. The way I look at it is that we had the control of the game the whole time ...
That's true too. Never relinquished it. But if the game had started 12 minutes later we wouldn't have had control -- it would have been a dead even dogfight leading to OT. Just thought we hit them with our best punch (and Arco's) early, preyed upon their inexperience in that sort of environment, got the nice lead and made it stick rather than pouring it on and outclassing them the whole game. Did what we had to do in professional manner, but I don't think its the sort of demoralizing pounding that could shake their confidence.

Hopefully we can bring that one on Sunday. :)
Vlad said:
Kings Team play: C

I'm very worried about the Kings. The home crowd/good shooting got us a win, but I can't see the Kings winning the series if they keep playing selfish ball.

Same as last game... I barely saw any ball movement. The main culprits are Mobley and Jackson. It seems like every time they touch the ball, they have one agenda--to jack up a shot. But it's not only them. No one really seems to be looking for the open guys.
Actually I thought that the ball movement was pretty good. There were a lot of questionable shots but I think over all they moved the ball well. But 14 assists won't get it done most nights.
I agree with the grades except for Peja. Just got back from the game and I have to say that although Peja was a nonfactor for many parts of the game offensively, he played well defensively, hustled, and seemed to want to shoot. Where there have been nights in the past where I felt he was shying away from the shot, tonight I felt like he wanted to shoot but was completely covered. And, the hard rebound where he took it all the way down the court and scored it should be good for at least a C-.

Brad falls into a very,very slim group of NBA players where you wish he would be MORE selfish. Don't know if you could hear it on the TV, but at two points in the first quarter you could clearly hear the crowd saying "SHOOT IT!" when Brad had the ball!
SacTownKid said:
Actually I thought that the ball movement was pretty good. There were a lot of questionable shots but I think over all they moved the ball well. But 14 assists won't get it done most nights.
i don't know... I remember Magic saying he never remembered the Kings playing such selfish basketball during game 2. I hope this is not a trend.