Grades v. Pistons 03/06

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I also must admit I was wrong when I said that Skinner is a "slight upgrade" from Michael Bradley. My reasoning was that Skinner would play about the same minutes Bradley was... but Adelman is giving Brian a chance, and he's delivering big time. For me he's really the big surprise of the trade. Brick will have to start grading him on a tougher curve.
Peja and Bibby ran the offense

and did a great job.

Peja also played solid defense. His shot was off and he wimped out at the rim. Give him a B- at least. Without Peja, Darius would not have seen those open shots.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
patrick204 said:
and did a great job.

Peja also played solid defense. His shot was off and he wimped out at the rim. Give him a B- at least. Without Peja, Darius would not have seen those open shots.
If a 4-15FG 14pt 5reb 4ast 3TO game is a B- for Peja then a) he's a role player, b) there is no way he can ever get worse than a C; and c) roughly half his games will be solid "A"s (basically anything where he shoots 50% and scores 20+).
Great Analysis Brick ....

But, you sure tuff on my bruddah Peja.

Gotta admit, he just couldn't finish a few of those POINT BLANK LAY-UPS. That would'a made a HUGE dfference in his grade:

Memo to Peja - WATCH MIKEY !!!
I would like to see thomas/evans come in regularly with 4-5 mins left in the first quarter for darius/cat and share the minutes. They played great tonight, and always give their best effort.
I wasn't surprised at Peja, it's kind of hard to score on someone with a 7'1" wingspan like Prince. He was trying to much this game. I think I saw him airball a left handed layup too. But he did alright on defense. I think he deserves a C-.
sloter said:
Too low of a grade for Pedja, as usual...

PS. Out of curiosity, does anyone else think Evans should start instead of Mobley ?
I think so... Mobley needs to take more care of the ball and avoids rush shoots.
quick dog said:
I would give Peja a "C+" because he defended well and drew a lot of defenders away from Darius and others. I would have given Peja a solid "B" had he not fairyed-up those non-lay-ups. Darius and the other guys would have been far less effective without Peja and Bibby drawing crowds on offense.

I would give Bibby a solid "A" for his leadership and sustained effort. He did not fold under immense pressure. The Pistons keyed on Bibby and Peja. Peja and Bibby were being grabbed and smacked by defenders throughout the game. Fortunately, the officials called some of those fouls, at least with Bibby. Overall, I thought the games was officiated very well.

Adelman was marvelous, although players can make a coach look like a genius when they make shots and good defensive plays.

Hubie Brown gets an "A" for being astute, knowledgable, and fair to the Kings throughout the broadcast. Michaels was just an empty suit looking for something clever to say. He gets a "C-". Bill Walton and the fat loud-mouth next to him get solid "F"s for insisting that the Pistons would win. Without their dumb remarks, I would have given them "DNP"s.

I was sorely dissappointed that there was post-game commentary on ABC.
I agre re: Hubie Brown. I thought he was excellent!
Fillmoe said:
Hubie Brown is awesome!
one of the best network commentators in recent memory, imo. he doesnt have a particularly attractive voice, but i love that a network opted for a smart, unbiased, basketball-intelligent commentator over some kind of smooth talking idiot. (ie: marv albert)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Padrino said:
one of the best network commentators in recent memory, imo. he doesnt have a particularly attractive voice, but i love that a network opted for a smart, unbiased, basketball-intelligent commentator over some kind of smooth talking idiot. (ie: marv albert)
Marv's actually pretty good, or at least once was (the whole czar of the telestrator period was not his best.

Hubie actually used to annoy me before he returned to coaching -- the fact of the matter was he just simply didn't know what the hell he was talking about half the time. Oh sure, he knew the game of basketball, but he didn't have a clue what the hell was going on with the teams around the league, acted like he didn't even know half the players (I always loved the way he would talk about how Kevin Willis "gives you the strong rebounding and shot blocking that you need" (Willis of course being notoriously short armed and incapable of blocking Mugsy Bogues) , and in general acted like a semi-retired dilitante living on rep.

Have really noticed a change since his return after leaving Memphis though -- seriously think that what happened is that he was ther coaching in the league, having to watch film, gameplan etc. etc. and it really got him back in touch with the league and its players. Give him another 10 years adn he'll be hopelessly out of date again, but for right now he joins Tolbert and Collins as analysts who actualyl know what the hell they are talking about.
Great game by the Kings. Hopefully more practices with the new boys and the Kings should be fine. Crossing fingers.

I don't know if this make sense but Hubie Brown has such a young voice; he doesn't sound like a 70 year old man.

Plus I really enjoy listening to him.
Good grades Brick!!

Micheals/Browns name pronunciation : F

It's (Son-guy-LA) & (Stoy-aka- vicH)

They must be getting their pronunciations from Coach T!
slugking50 said:
Good grades Brick!!

Micheals/Browns name pronunciation : F

It's (Son-guy-LA) & (Stoy-aka- vicH)

They must be getting their pronunciations from Coach T!
Nah...Don't be silly my dear Slug friend, didn't hear one "Paje-r" reference all day!
Can anyone imagine how well the Kings will play if, and when, Peja starts diving to the floor for loose balls and rebounding on a consistent basis?

Excuse me, I need to take an aspirin and go back to bed. I must be losing it.


Hall of Famer
quick dog said:
Can anyone imagine how well the Kings will play if, and when, Peja starts diving to the floor for loose balls and rebounding on a consistent basis?

Excuse me, I need to take an aspirin and go back to bed. I must be losing it.
Miracles have been known to happen
Man, that was a sweet game, we got a lead and held on to it. We outscored them all four quarters. Good Defence, Good Offence. Mike had 8 assist in the first half, that was awesome.

Weird game for Peja, it seemed like he was shooting really well, 2-3 3pointers and he made some crazy looking midrange fadeaway type stuff, but he couldn't make a layup for the life of him. It was crazy. Hopefully next game the team will play together just as good and Peja will remember how to dunk and we can blowout a team by 20-25
Gregorius said:
Man, that was a sweet game, we got a lead and held on to it. We outscored them all four quarters. Good Defence, Good Offence. Mike had 8 assist in the first half, that was awesome.

Weird game for Peja, it seemed like he was shooting really well, 2-3 3pointers and he made some crazy looking midrange fadeaway type stuff, but he couldn't make a layup for the life of him. It was crazy. Hopefully next game the team will play together just as good and Peja will remember how to dunk and we can blowout a team by 20-25
Are you joking? Peja was 4-15 from the field. He shot worse than ANYONE on the kings last night. Sure he made two 3 pointers but I thought he generally played awfully last night.
slugking50 said:
Good grades Brick!!

Micheals/Browns name pronunciation : F

It's (Son-guy-LA) & (Stoy-aka- vicH)

They must be getting their pronunciations from Coach T!

Or Michaels saying the "Maloof Guys" :/ He should stick to football. I like Kevin Harlan much better
EmKingsFan4 said:
Are you joking? Peja was 4-15 from the field. He shot worse than ANYONE on the kings last night. Sure he made two 3 pointers but I thought he generally played awfully last night.
Well it wouldn't have been nearly that bad if he hadn't missed so many layups. There was that one time where he tried to lay it up and missed and got the rebound and missed and got the rebound over and over again, so that probably contributed to the 4-15 stat a lot. But it seemed like he had around 50% shooting night other than layups.... yeah, looking at the shot chart, he shot 9 shots outside of the paint and made 4 of them. So about 44% excluding shots in the paint.
Gregorius said:
Well it wouldn't have been nearly that bad if he hadn't missed so many layups. There was that one time where he tried to lay it up and missed and got the rebound and missed and got the rebound over and over again, so that probably contributed to the 4-15 stat a lot. But it seemed like he had around 50% shooting night other than layups.... yeah, looking at the shot chart, he shot 9 shots outside of the paint and made 4 of them. So about 44% excluding shots in the paint.
0-6 inside the paint! That's pathetic for a 6'10" forward.
Yeah.... But I'm glad its his layups that are struggling now, because I would imagine its a lot easier to fix your layups than to fix your shooting.
Gregorius said:
Yeah.... But I'm glad its his layups that are struggling now, because I would imagine its a lot easier to fix your layups than to fix your shooting.
What is disturbing is that this is not a new problem. He did the same thing in the playoffs last year. Fans and the media twits went nuts watching peja fairy-up non-layups. I just don't get it. Why?
good grades, but mike deserved an "A" because of his solid defense and GREAT passing... it was really fun to see them win, the way they played yesterday they really deserved it. Great game kings.


Did you watch the same game I did..?...two of Songaila's baskets were clearly drawn by Peja being double teamed and passing the ball to him...he was double teamed constantly....Prince goes 5/15, when did you see that lat time...?..When Detroit got into momentum in the third quarter "tha man" hit clearly (2) great (3)'s to stop the momentum...He did mess up those layups in the third quarter, was a bit soft as usuall, but D- is way, way to low......Team Sacramento clearly grade A, Peja was a big part of that team....I wish he would never score more than 15 points as long as the Kings win, and that's what they did last night...One problem moderators on this forum have, they play fantasy b-ball, and look up individual stats, wrong, so is a team game....How about you grade the team from now on....That's the difference between siteX & Webber had great individual stats, but didn't help us at all.....As long as Bibby is able to make some of those assists as he did yesterday(less TO's, 2 really stupid once in the 3rd) Kings have a great chance of saving this opinion.....and If those 3 new additions continue working like this, the Kings have a bright future....think of Bobby comming back, we will have a great bench, maybe even a "mob 2" ...
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