[Game] Game Forty-Something+1: Sacramento Kings @ Indiana Pacers. 1/31/15, 4:00PST, 7:00EST

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I'm worried about how this game is going. In the first quarter, the defense was strong, and now that's gone away. At this point, it's just both teams hitting all their shots, and I don't think that's going to work out well for us, in the long run.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sure this game will be competitive like the overtime thriller at the Sleep Train. Lot of folks here tonight rooting for Cousins as UK is just down the road. Sitting next to a guy in Kings gear as we speak.
Gnome! Good to see you. :)

I didn't get to see the first part of the game, I turned it on and the Kings started to blow their lead so I had no choice but to put myself into self-imposed exile from watching any more of the game.
I'm about 5% confident we will win this game.

Why has Boogie turned into a jump shooter? That's a very poor development lately.
This is the style the FO wants.

Can you see anything about this first half that is not what the FO has been preaching? This is their picture perfect basketball, it would seem. Oh and look at the results they say!

Yet the lead is so tentative, our defense so shaky, that we all know the Pacers have a good shot at winning.

Being up by 14 at half on the road when Malone was coach? You feel we'd essentially win it, barring a major breakdown, which were becoming fewer and farther between.


Hall of Famer
I'm beginning to really like Collison AND the way he fits on a team that has shooters. Granted Collison can shoot but he doesn't seem to need to. He seems satisfied simply running the offense.

To address a note above. I think Cousins was getting very selfish and it was right at the time Gay and Collison couldn't miss. He was the only starter shooting under 50% and at one point he was 2-15.