Fire Paul Westphal

I don't think for a second it'll be by Jan 1. However, 5-21, and the schedule has been relatively kind so far... They keep losing to teams that are on the second night of a back-to-back. Keeps happening. They've played more home games than road games. They haven't had any epic 5-game Eastern trips yet.

5-21, and the worst is yet to come.
The sad part is we have had the second easiest schedule in the NBA, after the Lakers:

Quite frankly I think this record is in play:
Don't underestimate the '72 Sixers prowess at losing.

This is an aberration. We should be better. Much better.
Maybe better in theory, but that they find ways to lose in spite of that is why their losing prowess is so impressive. Plus, have you taken a look at the schedule in January and February? It's brutal. I wouldn't be surprised if The Kings have 7 or less wins at the all star break. I actually think they'll finish with around 12 wins but if they finish with 8 or 9, I really won't be shocked.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We have played most of our winnable games already. I wouldn't rule out a new record. Although I would be more optimistic if a coaching change happened.
All games are winnable in the NBA. There is a reason that record hasn't been touched in 40 years. We were predicted to be a 30-35ish win team. That sort of team is beating even the good teams 1 night in 3. Let alone the bad teams. Two types fo people think that record is in play -- 1) those who just don't have the NBA history to realize just how much worse some of the teams have been over the years than us and stil missed it; and 2) people panicking, cheerfully so, and racing off to extremes because extremes are convenient. Its almost untouchable.
All games are winnable in the NBA. There is a reason that record hasn't been touched in 40 years. We were predicted to be a 30-35ish win team. That sort of team is beating even the good teams 1 night in 3. Let alone the bad teams. Two types fo people think that record is in play -- 1) those who just don't have the NBA history to realize just how much worse some of the teams have been over the years than us and stil missed it; and 2) people panicking, cheerfully so, and racing off to extremes because extremes are convenient. Its almost untouchable.
There is a 3rd type, which is the category I'd fall into. And that's the type that sees a team with no set lineup, no set rotations, no offensive identity, a roster of mostly bench caliber players, a brutal second half schedule, a clueless coach, and a star player that may miss the last two months of the season. If they hadn't gotten lucky and won those two early road games they'd be setting on 3 wins right now which would put them on pace for 9. I really think this team is just worse than you're giving them credit for.
All games are winnable in the NBA. There is a reason that record hasn't been touched in 40 years. We were predicted to be a 30-35ish win team. That sort of team is beating even the good teams 1 night in 3. Let alone the bad teams. Two types fo people think that record is in play -- 1) those who just don't have the NBA history to realize just how much worse some of the teams have been over the years than us and stil missed it; and 2) people panicking, cheerfully so, and racing off to extremes because extremes are convenient. Its almost untouchable.
Exacty right. Naive people, ignorant people, panicking people, bent on extremes, neverending conspiracy theories, nonsense abounding endlessly. Reminds me of all the "dumb people" predicting end of the world based on Maya long count calendar calling for cataclysmic doom two years from now at time of winter solstice 2012. The Mayans never predicted end of the world on that date or any date, only a reordering, rollover, or dawn of a new time at end of 5,000+ year cycle. So, they see it that way. Sounds rather refreshing with some apprehension into the unknown - if it all lines up celestially for "something." Besides, their mysterious calendar is based on cycles of time not a linear concept which is the Gregorian and Western concept of "time." Meanwhile, the Kings need a new arena or it will surely be doom in Sac by that time if not before!
All games are winnable in the NBA. There is a reason that record hasn't been touched in 40 years. We were predicted to be a 30-35ish win team. That sort of team is beating even the good teams 1 night in 3. Let alone the bad teams. Two types fo people think that record is in play -- 1) those who just don't have the NBA history to realize just how much worse some of the teams have been over the years than us and stil missed it; and 2) people panicking, cheerfully so, and racing off to extremes because extremes are convenient. Its almost untouchable.
I would agree with you, except our coach seems to have sucked the life out of most of our players to the point where they don't look like NBA players on the court anymore.

Let's put it this way, if someone told you on the night of November 1st (after we beat Toronto to get a 3-1 record) that our record just before the end of the year would be 5-23, I'm pretty sure you would've said that's impossible and that the person who is telling you this is probably on really hard drugs. You would probably have the same reaction if, when our record was 13-14 last season, someone told you that we would end up 25-57. These things always seem unrealistic and out of the realm of possibility, until they become a reality. Save for the 3-1 start, our record in the past 24 games is 2-22. That's a pace of less than 8 wins in an 82-game season. The only reason we were able to get that 3-1 cusion at the beginning was because we played bad teams with new lineups, but while the other teams stuck with their lineups and developed chemistry, we remained a bad team with no chemistry. PW doesn't seem like he's going to stop tinkering with the lineups any time soon. He has alienated Cousins and forced Tyreke into a role that he is not ready for yet. All the other players just seem emotionally worn out. The only ones who are showing some kind of life are Beno and Pooh, but as much as I like these two, they are not the ones who will save us from making history. If Westphal goes, I will be optimistic and hope that the players will pull together and get us some wins. If he stays, I certainly won't be shocked if we break the record.

BTW, we are almost done playing bad teams. We played NJ twice, Minnesota twice, the Clippers 3 times, Cleveland and Washington once. This leaves us with 3 games left in our entire schedule against teams that are not overwhelmingly superior to us. And the Washington game will be on the road, and they will have John Wall this time. Every other team in the league is clearly superior to us, and I'm not saying we can't win any games against superior teams, but the way we look this season we will get very few wins against those teams, and no one is guaranteeing that we will win the 3 games against the bad teams either.

TBH, from looking at the body language of the players, it's almost as if they are not motivated enough to win. A lot of them want Westphal gone - I am not saying they are losing on purpose, but they seem not motivated enough to win because they also see some benefit in losing, hoping that it would hurry the coach's departure. Perhaps it's their own variation on the Lins concept.

PS: Take a look at the first quote in your own signature. Perhaps it will inspire you to rethink what is possible and what isn't...
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Hall of Famer
Exacty right. Naive people, ignorant people, panicking people, bent on extremes, neverending conspiracy theories, nonsense abounding endlessly. Reminds me of all the "dumb people" predicting end of the world based on Maya long count calendar calling for cataclysmic doom two years from now at time of winter solstice 2012. The Mayans never predicted end of the world on that date or any date, only a reordering, rollover, or dawn of a new time at end of 5,000+ year cycle. So, they see it that way. Sounds rather refreshing with some apprehension into the unknown - if it all lines up celestially for "something." Besides, their mysterious calendar is based on cycles of time not a linear concept which is the Gregorian and Western concept of "time." Meanwhile, the Kings need a new arena or it will surely be doom in Sac by that time if not before!
Does this mean that I can actually plan for something beyond the year 2012. Whew! Thats a relief! Seriously, I agree with you about the majority of the posts. Panic, confusion, ignorance, and the occasional trolls, who can hide much more easily in the current climate. The problem is that there are posts with legitimate concerns and criticisms that are getting lost amongst all the debris. Simple things like Tyreke's foot, get turned into conspiracies. In many cases, it seems being right is more important than the truth, or the real facts. Its not a fun time. For the Kings, or the fourm.
Whats the greater need as we stand now.

A coaching change, or a trade?

or is it just a case of persevering with the current set up to the bitter bitter (very bitter) end.
Whats the greater need as we stand now.

A coaching change, or a trade?

or is it just a case of persevering with the current set up to the bitter bitter (very bitter) end.
What good would a trade do? Westfail would just play the new guy inconsistent minutes and he would get pissed off and want out as well.


I dont he's going to be fired this season or next. I feel like this team will grow up alot this season and pull off 25 wins, they can do it.


Hall of Famer
You know, I was actually thinking of bumping this at the half. We were beasting it (first half of this game), and have been playing a bit better these last ten games or so. I wanted to see if opinions have changed.

The youngsters are showing a bit of progress, there isnt that scary regression we were witnessing during the first couple months of the season. The team as a whole is showing progress with more frequency.

However, Westphal's rotations are still head scratchingly bad. I want to give credit where credit is due: Detroit played some great second half defense. However, Westphal coached a terrible second half. We were getting hammered and he stuck with the same crew for way too long.

Personally, because of the last ten games or so, I'm off the fire Westphal bandwagon. I'm still firmly in the dont resign Westphal bandwagon though. I'm starting to think he isnt as bad a coach as we thought, but that he's still a bad coach.